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程序员文章站 2022-05-16 19:54:10

Somebody leaked a still from the upcoming Happy Feet Three movie, which will be released in 4K, but Warner Bros. was smart enough to encrypt it. But those idiots used a black and white bmp format, and that wasn't their biggest mistake. Show 'em who's boss and get the flag.




53 61 6c 74 65 64 5f 5f  ab 31 b5 e5 ca 3d b9 4d
f4 09 1a a5 df 88 b7 2c  0e bd 8a 73 98 15 ba 69
a2 24 3e 09 94 cb 79 1e  ea a1 ad 33 c8 17 66 63
78 98 23 0b f0 af 20 38  f1 aa 0b f4 69 1c ec cf
fc d8 8e 3d 45 2a 99 b0  53 6b 50 0d 8a 3d c4 b7
62 9c 6a 54 f0 59 20 13  22 4f b6 e2 b6 aa 0a 8b
5e 21 1a 9d cf 8c a2 f6  45 80 cb 9b b7 37 da 7f
73 50 88 cb df 63 ee 22  d4 24 b3 b9 f4 24 ad 40


424d 7648 3f00 0000 0000 7600 0000 2800
0000 000f 0000 7008 0000 0100 0400 0000
0000 0048 3f00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 8000 0080
0000 0080 8000 8000 0000 8000 8000 8080
0000 8080 8000 c0c0 c000 0000 ff00 00ff
0000 00ff ff00 ff00 0000 ff00 ff00 ffff
0000 ffff ff00 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff






相关标签: CTF # crypto