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记一次oracle 11g数据导入

程序员文章站 2022-05-16 08:07:47
1.ORACLE数据库数据导入到测试库环境 root kic@test root 一般先将数据导入52的环境(配置比较低),再将数据导入51的环境(本文档使用的环境) 2. 测试环境建立oracle数据库用户,并且赋予nc表空间权限 3.使用数据泵im ......

1.oracle数据库数据导入到测试库环境 root  kic@test root 


[root@nc-test ~]# df -h

filesystem                     size  used avail use% mounted on

/dev/mapper/vg_nctest-lv_root  196g  142g   45g  76% /

tmpfs                           16g  8.5g  7.2g  55% /dev/shm

/dev/sda1                      485m   39m  421m   9% /boot

/dev/mapper/vg_nctest-lv_home   51g   34g   14g  72% /home

//          8.1t  3.9t  4.3t  48% /mnt/win

[root@nc-test ~]# cd /home/nc_data_backup/

[root@nc-test nc_data_backup]# ll

total 19623748

-rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall      444667 sep 19  2017 export.log

-rwxr-x--x. 1 oracle oinstall      450379 nov  9 10:45 import.log

-rwxr-xr-x. 1 oracle oinstall 20093812736 nov  9 10:00 nc63demo_v633_80_version_11_2_0_4_0_20181108.dmp


[root@nc-test nc_data_backup]# rm -rf nc63demo_v633_80_version_11_2_0_4_0_20181108.dmp # 将上次导入的".dmp"文件删除

[root@nc-test nc_data_backup]# cp /mnt/win/database/nc63demo_v633_80_version_11_2_0_4_0_20190411.* /home/nc_data_backup/ # 将备份文件从远程服务器上(oracle数据文件保存在windows server 2008上)拉取到本地目录

[root@nc-test nc_data_backup]# ll

total 22829376

-rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall      444667 sep 19  2017 export.log

-rwxr-x--x. 1 oracle oinstall      450379 nov  9 10:45 import.log

-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root   root     23375937536 apr 15 12:18 nc63demo_v633_80_version_11_2_0_4_0_20190411.dmp

-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root   root          435563 apr 15 12:18 nc63demo_v633_80_version_11_2_0_4_0_20190411.log


2. 测试环境建立oracle数据库用户,并且赋予nc表空间权限

[root@nc-test nc_data_backup]# su - oracle # 切换到oracle用户

[oracle@nc-test ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba  # 登录数据库以最高权限

sql>  select username, default_tablespace, temporary_tablespace from dba_users;   # 查看用户名,默认表空间,临时表空间,

sql> set linesize 200;

sql> /

username        default_tablespace       temporary_tablespace

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

sys        system       temp

dbsnmp        sysaux       temp

sysman        sysaux       temp

nc63_b2b        users       temp

test        users       temp

nc633kic102        nnc_data01       temp

nc633kic006        nnc_data01       temp

nc633kic202        nnc_data01       temp

nc633kic001        nnc_data01       temp

system        system       temp

outln        system       temp

sql> create user nc0412 identified by nc0412 default tablespace nnc_data01 temporary tablespace temp; # 创建用户nc0412,表空间为nnc_data01,临时表空间一般都是temp

user created. sql> select username, default_tablespace, temporary_tablespace from dba_users; username default_tablespace temporary_tablespace ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ sys system temp dbsnmp sysaux temp sysman sysaux temp nc63_b2b users temp test users temp nc0412 nnc_data01 temp         # 用户创建完成 system system temp sql> grant connect,dba to nc0412;          # 给用户连接及dba权限 grant succeeded. sql> select * from dba_role_privs where grantee='nc0412'; grantee granted_role adm def ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- --- nc0412 dba no yes nc0412 connect no yes



sql> select total.tablespace_name,

       round(total.mb, 2)           as total_mb,

       round(total.mb - free.mb, 2) as used_mb,

       round(( 1 - free.mb / total.mb ) * 100, 2)

       || '%'                       as used_pct

from   (select tablespace_name,

               sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024 as mb

        from   dba_free_space

        group  by tablespace_name) free,

       (select tablespace_name,

               sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024 as mb

        from   dba_data_files

        group  by tablespace_name) total

where  free.tablespace_name = total.tablespace_name;         #  查看表空间使用率

  2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14  

tablespace_name  total_mb    used_mb used_pct

------------------------------ ---------- ---------- -----------------------------------------

sysaux      4990    4745.94 95.11%

undotbs1  32767.98   31693.05 96.72%

users       7.5    6 80%

system      1800     1793.5 99.64%

nnc_index01     10108    9517.31 94.16%

nnc_data01     52474   39853.13 75.95%

sql> quit

disconnected from oracle database 11g enterprise edition release - 64bit production

with the partitioning, olap, data mining and real application testing options


[oracle@nc-test ~]$ impdp nc0412/nc0412(用户/密码)  dumpfile=nc63demo_v633_80_version_11_2_0_4_0_20190411.dmp(导入文件名称) directory=dump_dir remap_schema=nc63demo:nc0412 



[root@nc-test ~]# tail -f /home/nc_data_backup/import.log

import: release - production on mon apr 15 13:11:47 2019               # 备份开始时间

copyright (c) 1982, 2011, oracle and/or its affiliates.  all rights reserved.

connected to: oracle database 11g enterprise edition release - 64bit production

with the partitioning, olap, data mining and real application testing options

master table "nc0412"."sys_import_full_01" successfully loaded/unloaded

starting "nc0412"."sys_import_full_01":  nc0412/******** dumpfile=nc63demo_v633_80_version_11_2_0_4_0_20190411.dmp directory=dump_dir remap_schema=nc63demo:nc0412

processing object type schema_export/user

ora-31684: object type user:"nc0412" already exists                     # 因为提前创建了用户,所以会有个报错,可以忽略

processing object type schema_export/system_grant

processing object type schema_export/role_grant

processing object type schema_export/default_role

processing object type schema_export/pre_schema/procact_schema

processing object type schema_export/table/table                     # 日志中这个位置会停留一段时间,正在加载表,属于正常现象。

processing object type schema_export/table/table_data                  # 之后会在这个位置停留一段时间

. . imported "nc0412"."sm_filestoreview"                 11.88 gb   17912 rows

. . imported "nc0412"."iufo_task_data_instance"          2.417 gb   20093 rows

. . imported "nc0412"."sm_busilog_default"               741.5 mb  272905 rows

. . imported "nc0412"."pub_workingtasklog"               132.7 mb   28595 rows

. . imported "nc0412"."ia_detailledger"                  256.0 mb  214877 rows

. . imported "nc0412"."cof_planexecdoc"                  234.9 mb  597579 rows     #后面会出现很多类似的显示,中间省略

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

ora-01653: unable to extend table nc0412.ia_i5bill_b by 128 in tablespace nnc_data01 #ora-01653报错,发现表空间已经满了,但是无法进行扩容


# 解决办法

sql> alter tablespace nnc_data01 add datafile '/opt/oracle/oradata/ncerpd/nnc_data03.dbf' size 500m autoextend on;   # 表空间扩容命令

tablespace altered.

. . imported "nc0412"."xx_exsystemdoc"                       0 kb       0 rows

. . imported "nc0412"."xx_xsysregister"                      0 kb       0 rows

processing object type schema_export/table/comment

processing object type schema_export/function/function

processing object type schema_export/function/alter_function

processing object type schema_export/table/index/index                # 因为此位置要加载索引,会停留较久的时间,耐心等候

processing object type schema_export/table/constraint/constraint

processing object type schema_export/table/index/statistics/index_statistics

                                              # 可以df -h 看下磁盘空间在不断减少,或者使用top命令和iostat,查看信息

processing object type schema_export/view/view

processing object type schema_export/view/grant/owner_grant/object_grant

ora-39082: object type view:"nc0412"."kic_tt_2" created with compilation warnings

processing object type schema_export/table/constraint/ref_constraint

processing object type schema_export/table/trigger

processing object type schema_export/table/statistics/table_statistics     # 至此还需要加载很长时间,不过已经接近尾声,此时我们可以着手配置erp数据了

job "nc0412"."sys_import_full_01" completed with 20 error(s) at mon apr 15 16:05:50 2019 elapsed 0 02:53:46  

# 至此数据导入完成,历时02:53:46,主要是中间解决错误花费的时间,以往记录是在30-40分钟左右


5. 使用可视化程序配置sysconfig.sh文件,启动用友程序


[root@nc-test desktop]# vim /etc/profile           # 查看末尾处java的环境变量

[root@nc-test desktop]# ulimit -n               # 设置文件最大打开数


[root@nc-test desktop]# ulimit -n 65535

[root@nc-test desktop]# ulimit -n


[root@nc-test desktop]# cd /nc633/

[root@nc-test nc633]# vim ./startup.sh

[root@nc-test nc633]# vim ./stop.sh

[root@nc-test nc633]# vim bin/sysconfig.sh

# 查看以上三个脚本文件中java定义的环境变量

[root@nc-test nc633]# cd bin/

[root@nc-test bin]# ./sysconfig.sh               # 启动用友软件的脚本,此处必须在可视化界面操作

java_home environment variable is undefined.please set it.

example: export java_home=/opt/jdk1608

         export path=$java_home/bin:$path           # 报错,没有加载环境变量

[root@nc-test bin]# source /etc/profile            #  重新加载环境变量

[root@nc-test bin]# ./sysconfig.sh               # 启动脚本

platform=linux x86_64 .

java_home=/data/javaibm/java .

nc_home=/nc633 .





buildfile: /nc633/bin/buildmisc.xml



     [java] log4j:warn no appenders could be found for logger (org.java.plugin.boot.defaultapplicationinitializer).

     [java] log4j:warn please initialize the log4j system properly.