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程序员文章站 2022-05-15 21:14:31
死锁杂谈 当数据库死锁时,SqlServer会释放一个优先级较低的锁,让另一个事务运行;所以,即时去捕捉数据库死锁,是挺不容易的。 如果,数据库死锁比较长时间,那么死锁是可以被捕捉的。 可以用SqlServer活动监视器来查看,哪些进程锁了数据库。 首先打开SqlServer活动监视器,然后可以看到 ......












declare @spid int set @spid = 518 --锁表进程会话id 
declare @sql varchar(1000) 
set @sql='kill '+cast(@spid as varchar) 


select  request_session_id spid,  object_name(resource_associated_entity_id) tablename    
from  sys.dm_tran_locks where  resource_type='object' 




select top 10 total_worker_time / 1000 as [自编译以来执行所用的cpu时间总量(ms-毫秒)],
total_elapsed_time/1000 as [完成执行此计划所用的总时间],
total_elapsed_time / execution_count/1000 as [平均完成执行此计划所用时间],
execution_count  as [上次编译以来所执行的次数],    
creation_time as [编译计划的时间],
deqs.total_worker_time / deqs.execution_count / 1000 as [平均使用cpu时间(ms)],
last_execution_time as [上次开始执行计划的时间],
total_physical_reads [编译后在执行期间所执行的物理读取总次数],
total_logical_reads/execution_count [平均逻辑读次数],
min_worker_time /1000 as [单次执行期间所用的最小cpu时间(ms)],
max_worker_time / 1000 as [单次执行期间所用的最大 cpu 时间(ms)],
substring(dest.text, deqs.statement_start_offset / 2 + 1,          
(case when deqs.statement_end_offset = -1 then datalength(dest.text) else deqs.statement_end_offset end - deqs.statement_start_offset) / 2 + 1) as [执行sql], 
dest.text as [完整sql],
db_name(dest.dbid) as [数据库名称],
object_name(dest.objectid, dest.dbid) as [对象名称]
,deqs.plan_handle [查询所属的已编译计划]
from sys.dm_exec_query_stats deqs with(nolock)
cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(deqs.sql_handle) as dest --平均使用cpu时间降序 
order by (deqs.total_worker_time / deqs.execution_count / 1000) desc




latch 【闩锁】虽然是一种轻量级的锁,但等待的锁越多,肯定越影响数据库性能。


select * from sys.dm_os_latch_stats








latch class description
alloc_create_ringbuf used internally by sql server to initialize the synchronization of the creation of an allocation ring buffer.
alloc_create_freespace_cache used to initialize the synchronization of internal freespace caches for heaps.
alloc_cache_manager used to synchronize internal coherency tests.
alloc_freespace_cache used to synchronize the access to a cache of pages with available space for heaps and binary large objects (blobs). contention on latches of this class can occur when multiple connections try to insert rows into a heap or blob at the same time. you can reduce this contention by partitioning the object. each partition has its own latch. partitioning will distribute the inserts across multiple latches.
alloc_extent_cache used to synchronize the access to a cache of extents that contains pages that are not allocated. contention on latches of this class can occur when multiple connections try to allocate data pages in the same allocation unit at the same time. this contention can be reduced by partitioning the object of which this allocation unit is a part.
access_methods_dataset_parent used to synchronize child dataset access to the parent dataset during parallel operations.
access_methods_hobt_factory used to synchronize access to an internal hash table.
access_methods_hobt used to synchronize access to the in-memory representation of a hobt.
access_methods_hobt_count used to synchronize access to a hobt page and row counters.
access_methods_hobt_virtual_root used to synchronize access to the root page abstraction of an internal b-tree.
access_methods_cache_only_hobt_alloc used to synchronize worktable access.
access_methods_bulk_alloc used to synchronize access within bulk allocators.
access_methods_scan_range_generator used to synchronize access to a range generator during parallel scans.
access_methods_key_range_generator used to synchronize access to read-ahead operations during key range parallel scans.
append_only_storage_insert_point used to synchronize inserts in fast append-only storage units.
append_only_storage_first_alloc used to synchronize the first allocation for an append-only storage unit.
append_only_storage_unit_manager used for internal data structure access synchronization within the fast append-only storage unit manager.
append_only_storage_manager used to synchronize shrink operations in the fast append-only storage unit manager.
backup_result_set used to synchronize parallel backup result sets.
backup_tape_pool used to synchronize backup tape pools.
backup_log_redo used to synchronize backup log redo operations.
backup_instance_id used to synchronize the generation of instance ids for backup performance monitor counters.
backup_manager used to synchronize the internal backup manager.
backup_manager_differential used to synchronize differential backup operations with dbcc.
backup_operation used for internal data structure synchronization within a backup operation, such as database, log, or file backup.
backup_file_handle used to synchronize file open operations during a restore operation.
buffer used to synchronize short term access to database pages. a buffer latch is required before reading or modifying any database page. buffer latch contention can indicate several issues, including hot pages and slow i/os.

this latch class covers all possible uses of page latches. sys.dm_os_wait_stats makes a difference between page latch waits that are caused by i/o operations and read and write operations on the page.
buffer_pool_grow used for internal buffer manager synchronization during buffer pool grow operations.
database_checkpoint used to serialize checkpoints within a database.
clr_procedure_hashtable internal use only.
clr_udx_store internal use only.
clr_datat_access internal use only.
clr_xvar_proxy_list internal use only.
dbcc_check_aggregate internal use only.
dbcc_check_resultset internal use only.
dbcc_check_table internal use only.
dbcc_check_table_init internal use only.
dbcc_check_trace_list internal use only.
dbcc_file_check_object internal use only.
dbcc_perf used to synchronize internal performance monitor counters.
dbcc_pfs_status internal use only.
dbcc_object_metadata internal use only.
dbcc_hash_dll internal use only.
eventing_cache internal use only.
fcb used to synchronize access to the file control block.
fcb_replica internal use only.
fgcb_alloc use to synchronize access to round robin allocation information within a filegroup.
fgcb_add_remove use to synchronize access to filegroups for add, drop, grow, and shrink file operations.
filegroup_manager internal use only.
file_manager internal use only.
filestream_fcb internal use only.
filestream_file_manager internal use only.
filestream_ghost_files internal use only.
filestream_dfs_root internal use only.
log_manager internal use only.
fulltext_document_id internal use only.
fulltext_document_id_transaction internal use only.
fulltext_document_id_notify internal use only.
fulltext_logs internal use only.
fulltext_crawl_log internal use only.
fulltext_admin internal use only.
fulltext_amdin_command_cache internal use only.
fulltext_language_table internal use only.
fulltext_crawl_dm_list internal use only.
fulltext_crawl_catalog internal use only.
fulltext_file_manager internal use only.
database_mirroring_redo internal use only.
database_mirroring_server internal use only.
database_mirroring_connection internal use only.
database_mirroring_stream internal use only.
query_optimizer_vd_manager internal use only.
query_optimizer_id_manager internal use only.
query_optimizer_view_rep internal use only.
recovery_bad_page_table internal use only.
recovery_manager internal use only.
security_operation_rule_table internal use only.
security_objperm_cache internal use only.
security_crypto internal use only.
security_key_ring internal use only.
security_key_list internal use only.
service_broker_connection_receive internal use only.
service_broker_transmission internal use only.
service_broker_transmission_update internal use only.
service_broker_transmission_state internal use only.
service_broker_transmission_errors internal use only.
ssbxmitwork internal use only.
service_broker_message_transmission internal use only.
service_broker_map_manager internal use only.
service_broker_host_name internal use only.
service_broker_read_cache internal use only.
service_broker_waitfor_manager used to synchronize an instance level map of waiter queues. one queue exists per database id, database version, and queue id tuple. contention on latches of this class can occur when many connections are: in a waitfor(receive) wait state; calling waitfor(receive); exceeding the waitfor timeout; receiving a message; committing or rolling back the transaction that contains the waitfor(receive); you can reduce the contention by reducing the number of threads in a waitfor(receive) wait state.
service_broker_waitfor_transaction_data internal use only.
service_broker_transmission_transaction_data internal use only.
service_broker_transport internal use only.
service_broker_mirror_route internal use only.
trace_id internal use only.
trace_audit_id internal use only.
trace internal use only.
trace_controller internal use only.
trace_event_queue internal use only.
transaction_distributed_mark internal use only.
transaction_outcome internal use only.
nesting_transaction_readonly internal use only.
nesting_transaction_full internal use only.
msql_transaction_manager internal use only.
database_autoname_manager internal use only.
utility_dynamic_vector internal use only.
utility_sparse_bitmap internal use only.
utility_database_drop internal use only.
utility_dynamic_manager_view internal use only.
utility_debug_filestream internal use only.
utility_lock_information internal use only.
versioning_transaction internal use only.
versioning_transaction_list internal use only.
versioning_transaction_chain internal use only.
versioning_state internal use only.
versioning_state_change internal use only.
ktm_virtual_clock internal use only.


dbcc 语句是sql server 的数据库控制台命令,共有以下四种类型。


杂项:杂项任务,如启用跟踪标志或从内存中删除 dll。



dbcc shrinkdatabase

dbcc shrinkdatabase用于收缩数据库,sql语句如下:

dbcc shrinkdatabase (n'库名' , 1) 






currentsize:文件当前占用的 8 kb 页数。

minimumsize:文件最低可以占用的 8 kb 页数。 这与文件的最小大小或最初创建时的大小相对应。

usedpages:文件当前使用的 8 kb 页数。

estimatedpages:数据库引擎估计文件能够收缩到的 8 kb 页数。



select name ,size/128.0 - cast(fileproperty(name, 'spaceused') as int)/128.0 as availablespaceinmb
from sys.database_files;








select * from [sys].[fn_dblog](null,null)









设置位图,资料: 差异(differential)备份:只备份上次完整备份后,做修改的部分。备份单位是区(extent)。意味着某个区内即使只有一页做了变动,则在差异备份里会被体现.差异备份依靠一个bitmap进行维护,一个bit对应一个区,自上次完整备份后,被修改的区会被置为1,而bitmap中被置为1对应的区会被差异备份所备份。而到下一次完整备份后,bitmap中所有的bit都会被重置为0


dcm页 差异变更(differential changed map,dcm)页面他跟踪一个文件中的哪一个区在最新一次完整数据库备份之后被修改过。sqlserver用在增量备份时只对已发生数据变更的分区进行增量备份即可

lop_begin_xact   事务开始
lop_modify_row lcx_heap 修改堆表中的某一行记录
lop_prep_xact   准备启动数据库
lop_commit_xact   提交事务
lop_modify_row lcx_boot_page 修改数据库启动页
lop_modify_header lcx_pfs 修改pfs页的页头部信息
lop_insert_rows lcx_clustered 插入数据到聚集索引的索引页
lop_insert_rows lcx_index_leaf 插入数据到索引的叶子节点即数据页
lop_format_page lcx_clustered 重新组织聚集索引
lop_delete_split lcx_clustered 删除聚集索引表的一行记录引起页拆分
lop_modify_header lcx_heap 修改堆表的某页的页头信息
lop_begin_ckpt lcx_null 检查点开始
lop_end_ckpt lcx_null 检查点结束
lop_set_free_space lcx_pfs 修改pfs页设置那个数据页是空闲的
lop_root_change lcx_clustered 聚集索引的根节点改变
lop_insert_rows lcx_heap 插入数据到堆表
lop_format_page lcx_heap 格式化堆里的数据页
lop_lock_xact   在事务里获取锁
lop_format_page lcx_heap 格式化堆里的数据页

