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come and get it php设计模式 Command命令模式

程序员文章站 2022-05-15 17:17:50
* 命令模式
* 将一个请求封装为一个对象从而使你可用不同的请求对客户进行参数化,对请求排除或记录请求日志,以及支持可取消的操作
interface Command
public function execute();
class Invoker
private $_command = array();
public function setCommand($command) {
$this->_command[] = $command;
public function executeCommand()
foreach($this->_command as $command)
public function removeCommand($command)
$key = array_search($command, $this->_command);
if($key !== false)
class Receiver
private $_name = null;
public function __construct($name) {
$this->_name = $name;
public function action()
echo $this->_name." action
public function action1()
echo $this->_name." action1
class ConcreteCommand implements Command
private $_receiver;
public function __construct($receiver)
$this->_receiver = $receiver;
public function execute()
class ConcreteCommand1 implements Command
private $_receiver;
public function __construct($receiver)
$this->_receiver = $receiver;
public function execute()
class ConcreteCommand2 implements Command
private $_receiver;
public function __construct($receiver)
$this->_receiver = $receiver;
public function execute()
$objRecevier = new Receiver("No.1");
$objRecevier1 = new Receiver("No.2");
$objRecevier2 = new Receiver("No.3");
$objCommand = new ConcreteCommand($objRecevier);
$objCommand1 = new ConcreteCommand1($objRecevier);
$objCommand2 = new ConcreteCommand($objRecevier1);
$objCommand3 = new ConcreteCommand1($objRecevier1);
$objCommand4 = new ConcreteCommand2($objRecevier2); // 使用 Recevier的两个方法
$objInvoker = new Invoker();

以上就介绍了come and get it php设计模式 Command命令模式,包括了come and get it方面的内容,希望对PHP教程有兴趣的朋友有所帮助。