2022-05-15 14:14:20
scp -P 2222 -p aaa@qq.com:/home/random/* ./
程序输入用scanf %d 读取一个signed int和rand()异或,如果结果为0xdeadbeef进入system流程。由于rand()调用前没有调用srand(),因此产生的结果可以认为是不变的。
关于异或:A ^ B = C -> A ^ C = B -> B ^ C = A ,任意两个变量异或的值等于第三个值。
gdb本地调试,断点设置在rand()后,b *0x400606,可知rand的结果为0x6b8b4567。
>>> 0x6b8b4567^0xdeadbeef
IDA pseudocodeint __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
int v4; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-8h]
int v5; // [rsp+Ch] [rbp-4h]
v5 = rand();
v4 = 0;
__isoc99_scanf(&unk_400760, &v4);
if ( (v5 ^ v4) == 0xDEADBEEF )
system("/bin/cat flag");
puts("Wrong, maybe you should try 2^32 cases.");
return 0;
#include <stdlib.h>
int rand(void);
int rand_r(unsigned int *seedp);
void srand(unsigned int seed);
rand() returns a pseudo-random integer. Without srand(),the return value is 1804289383.
srand() can change the seed which will effect rand(). # default srand(1)
rand_r()’s seedp argument is used to store state between calls.
See more at: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/rand.3.html and glibc also.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void myrand(){
int a;
a = rand();
printf("rand() value # %d\n", a);
void mysrand(){
int a;
a = rand();
printf("srand(1) rand() value %d\n", a);
void main(){
rand() value # 1804289383
srand(1) rand() value 1804289383
aaa@qq.com:~$ ./random
Mommy, I thought libc random is unpredictable...
glibc optionalHere is the source code of rand srand and rand_r() for reference only.Yes, I haven’t read it…
// stdlib/rand.c
/* Return a random integer between 0 and RAND_MAX. */
rand (void)
return (int) __random ();
// stdlib/random.c
long int
__random (void)
int32_t retval;
__libc_lock_lock (lock);
(void) __random_r (&unsafe_state, &retval);
__libc_lock_unlock (lock);
return retval;
// stdlib/random_r.c
__random_r (struct random_data *buf, int32_t *result)
int32_t *state;
if (buf == NULL || result == NULL)
goto fail;
state = buf->state;
if (buf->rand_type == TYPE_0)
int32_t val = state[0];
val = ((state[0] * 1103515245) + 12345) & 0x7fffffff;
state[0] = val;
*result = val;
int32_t *fptr = buf->fptr;
int32_t *rptr = buf->rptr;
int32_t *end_ptr = buf->end_ptr;
int32_t val;
val = *fptr += *rptr;
/* Chucking least random bit. */
*result = (val >> 1) & 0x7fffffff;
if (fptr >= end_ptr)
fptr = state;
if (rptr >= end_ptr)
rptr = state;
buf->fptr = fptr;
buf->rptr = rptr;
return 0;
__set_errno (EINVAL);
return -1;
// stdlib/random.c
__srandom (unsigned int x)
__libc_lock_lock (lock);
(void) __srandom_r (x, &unsafe_state);
__libc_lock_unlock (lock);
// stdlib/random_r.c
/* Initialize the random number generator based on the given seed. If the
type is the trivial no-state-information type, just remember the seed.
Otherwise, initializes state[] based on the given "seed" via a linear
congruential generator. Then, the pointers are set to known locations
that are exactly rand_sep places apart. Lastly, it cycles the state
information a given number of times to get rid of any initial dependencies
introduced by the L.C.R.N.G. Note that the initialization of randtbl[]
for default usage relies on values produced by this routine. */
__srandom_r (unsigned int seed, struct random_data *buf)
int type;
int32_t *state;
long int i;
int32_t word;
int32_t *dst;
int kc;
if (buf == NULL)
goto fail;
type = buf->rand_type;
if ((unsigned int) type >= MAX_TYPES)
goto fail;
state = buf->state;
/* We must make sure the seed is not 0. Take arbitrarily 1 in this case. */
if (seed == 0)
seed = 1;
state[0] = seed;
if (type == TYPE_0)
goto done;
dst = state;
word = seed;
kc = buf->rand_deg;
for (i = 1; i < kc; ++i)
/* This does:
state[i] = (16807 * state[i - 1]) % 2147483647;
but avoids overflowing 31 bits. */
long int hi = word / 127773;
long int lo = word % 127773;
word = 16807 * lo - 2836 * hi;
if (word < 0)
word += 2147483647;
*++dst = word;
buf->fptr = &state[buf->rand_sep];
buf->rptr = &state[0];
kc *= 10;
while (--kc >= 0)
int32_t discard;
(void) __random_r (buf, &discard);
return 0;
return -1;
// stdlib/random_r.c
/* This algorithm is mentioned in the ISO C standard, here extended
for 32 bits. */
rand_r (unsigned int *seed)
unsigned int next = *seed;
int result;
next *= 1103515245;
next += 12345;
result = (unsigned int) (next / 65536) % 2048;
next *= 1103515245;
next += 12345;
result <<= 10;
result ^= (unsigned int) (next / 65536) % 1024;
next *= 1103515245;
next += 12345;
result <<= 10;
result ^= (unsigned int) (next / 65536) % 1024;
*seed = next;
return result;
上一篇: WP