J2SE入门(三) String深度解析
j2se入门(三) string深度解析
一. string的使用
1. string的不可变性
/** * the {@code string} class represents character strings. all * string literals in java programs, such as {@code "abc"}, are * implemented as instances of this class. * <p> * strings are constant; their values cannot be changed after they * are created. string buffers support mutable strings. * because string objects are immutable they can be shared. for example: * ... */ public final class string { private final char value[]; }
2. 定义一个字符串
/** * 定义一个字符串 */ string str1 = "helloworld"; string str2 = "helloworld"; //也可以,但基本不这样写 string str3 = new string("helloworld"); system.out.println(str1 == str2); system.out.println(str1 == str3); //运行结果 true, false
字符串常量池是一块特殊的独立内存空间,放在java heap中 { 在jdk7.0之前字符串常量池存放在permgen中,jdk7.0的时候移动到了java heap(在堆中仍然是独立的),jdk8.0的时候去掉了permgen,用metaspace进行取代 } ,java内存模型不是本章讨论的重点。
str1和str2引用的字符串字面量就在字符串常量池中,而str3引用的对象在java heap中。
我和女票就是str1和str2,我们看的都是同一个网站的《三国演义》,不仅内容一样,引用的地址也一样(字符串常量池中保留了唯一的“helloworld”),因此str1 == str2 运行结果为true
而我爸就是str3,与我和女票都不一样,虽然看的内容也是《三国演义》,但是通过实体书籍来看,引用地址不一样,同时一本书籍不支持多个人同时看(字符串对象在java heap中,且每次new都会新建一个对象),因此str1 == str3 运行结果为false。
system.out.println(str1 == str3.intern()); //运行结果为true
/** * returns a canonical representation for the string object. * <p> * a pool of strings, initially empty, is maintained privately by the * class {@code string}. * <p> * when the intern method is invoked, if the pool already contains a * string equal to this {@code string} object as determined by * the {@link #equals(object)} method, then the string from the pool is * returned. otherwise, this {@code string} object is added to the * pool and a reference to this {@code string} object is returned. * <p> * it follows that for any two strings {@code s} and {@code t}, * {@code s.intern() == t.intern()} is {@code true} * if and only if {@code s.equals(t)} is {@code true}. * <p> * all literal strings and string-valued constant expressions are * interned. string literals are defined in section 3.10.5 of the * <cite>the java™ language specification</cite>. * * @return a string that has the same contents as this string, but is * guaranteed to be from a pool of unique strings. */ public native string intern();
string str4 = new string("hellochina"); system.out.println(str4.intern() == str4);//false str4 = str4.intern(); string str5 = "hellochina"; string str6 = "hellozhonghua" system.out.println(str4 == str5);//true
3. 再次赋值给已定义的字符串
str6 = "hellohuaxia";
4. string 对 “+” 的处理
string str7 = "good good" + " study"; string str8 = "good good study"; system.out.println(str7 == str8);
string str7 = "good good study"; string str8 = "good good study";
因此我们可以发现编译器在编译期间就是进行变量合并,而不会在常量池中创建三个对象 “good good”,“ study”,"good good study"。str7 == str8 运行结果 true。
string str9 = "good good "; string str10 = str9 + "study"; system.out.println(str8 == str10);//false
这时运行结果为false,通过string变量 + 字符常量方式得到的结果会在堆中,不在常量池中,当然可以通过intern()方法放进常量池中,同时不仅“+”如此,调用substring(),touppercase(),trim()等返回的都是string在堆中的地址。
5. string常用的方法
//str1 == "hello,world "; //获取长度 str1.length()//12; //截取位置2到5之间的字符串(包括位置2,不包括位置5,从0开始) str1.substring(2,5);//"llo" //判断是否含有字符串“ello” str1.contains("ello");//true,通过indexof实现 //获取ello在str1中的开始位置 str1.indexof("ello");//1 //将字符串转化为字符串数据 str1.split(",");//["hello","world"] //去掉字符串两侧空格 str1.trim();//"hello,world"
二. 总结
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