Contains Duplicate III
2022-05-14 13:08:18
Given an array of integers, find out whether there are two distinct indices i and j in the array such that the difference between nums[i] and nums[j] is at most t and the difference between i and j is at most k.
题目中给定一个数组,判断数组中是否存在两个数nums[i]和nums[j],它们之间的差最大为t, 两个下标i和j之间的差最大为k。我们用TreeSet来解决,我们维护一个大小为k的treeset,然后通过subSet方法来判断在区间中是否存在和当前元素差小于等于t的元素。为了防止越界,我们将TreeSet设定成长整型。代码如下:
题目中给定一个数组,判断数组中是否存在两个数nums[i]和nums[j],它们之间的差最大为t, 两个下标i和j之间的差最大为k。我们用TreeSet来解决,我们维护一个大小为k的treeset,然后通过subSet方法来判断在区间中是否存在和当前元素差小于等于t的元素。为了防止越界,我们将TreeSet设定成长整型。代码如下:
public class Solution {
public boolean containsNearbyAlmostDuplicate(int[] nums, int k, int t) {
if(nums == null || nums.length == 0 || t < 0) return false;
TreeSet<Long> set = new TreeSet<Long>();
for(int i = 1; i < nums.length; i++) {
if(i > k) set.remove((long)nums[i - k - 1]);
long left = (long)nums[i] - t;
long right = (long)nums[i] + t;
if(!set.subSet(left, right + 1).isEmpty()) return true;
return false;
上一篇: TreeSet
下一篇: TreeSet/map的去重和排序
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