2022-05-11 08:30:50
var arr=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
var arr=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; console.log(math.max.apply(null,arr))
var arr=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],arrfunc = []; for(var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++){ arrfunc.push((function(i) { return function() { console.log(arr[i]); } })(i)) }题目三:给object数组进行排序(排序条件是每个元素对象的属性个数)
object.prototype.mylength = function(){ var length = 0; for(var i in this){ length ++; } return length; } var objarr = [ {a:1, b:2, c:5, d:7, e:8, g:0, h:12, i:5, v:9, w:9, x:9, y:9, z: 15}, {a:2, b:2, c:5, d:7, e:8, g:0, h:12, i:5, j:7, k:5, l:9, m:9, n:0, o:1, p:9, x:9, y:9, z:9 }, {a:3, b:2, c:5, d:7, e:8, g:0, h:12, i:5, j:7, k:5, l:9, m:9, n:0, o:1, p:9, q:0 }, {a:4, b:2, c:5, d:7, e:8, g:0, h:12, i:5, j:7, k:5, w:9, x:9, y:9, z:9 }, {a:5, b:2, c:5, d:7, e:8, g:0, h:12, i:5, j:7, k:5, v:9, w:9, x:9, y:9, z:9 }, {a:6, b:2, c:5, d:7, e:8, g:0, h:12, i:5, j:7, k:5, l:9, m:9, n:0, o:1, p:9, q:0, r:8, s:9, t:9, z:9 }, {a:7, b:2, c:5, d:7, e:8, x:9, y:9, z:9 } ]; // arr before sort var numarr1 = [] for(var i = 0, l = objarr.length; i < l; i++ ){ numarr1.push( objarr[i].mylength() ) } console.log(numarr1.join(" ")) //result // arr after sort objarr.sort(function(a,b){ // stable sort // return (a.mylength() > b.mylength()) === true? 1:-1; // unstable sort return (a.mylength() >= b.mylength()) === true? 1:-1; // return a.mylength() - b.mylength(); }) var numarr2 = [] for(var i = 0, l = objarr.length; i < l; i++ ){ // console.log(i,l,objarr[i].mylength()); numarr2.push( objarr[i].mylength() ) } console.log(numarr2.join(" ")) //result
var fibonacci = (function(){ var s = []; var fun = function(x) { if(s[x]){ return s[x]; } if(x < 0) { throw "can‘t be negative"; return ; } else if(x === 0 || x === 1) { s[x] = s[x] || x; return s[x]; } else{ s[x] = ( fun(x - 1) + fun(x - 2) ); return s[x]; } }; fun.print = function() { console.log(s.join(" ")); } fun.printlast = function() { // console.log(s.length); return(s[s.length-1]); } window.s = s; return fun; })() console.time(200); console.log(fibonacci(200)); console.log(fibonacci.printlast()); console.log(fibonacci.print()); console.timeend(200);
var fibonacci2 = function(x){ if(x < 0) { throw "can‘t be negative"; return ; } if(x === 0 || x === 1) { return x; } var num = ( fibonacci2(x - 1) + fibonacci2(x - 2) ) return num; } console.time(32); console.log(fibonacci2(32)); console.timeend(32);
题目五:实现如下语法的功能:var a = (5).plus(3).minus(6);
number.prototype.plus = function(x) { var num = this.valueof() + x; return number(num); } number.prototype.minus = function(x) { var num = this.valueof() - x; return number(num); } var a = (5).plus(3).minus(6); console.log(a); alert(a);题目六:实现如下语法的功能:var a = add(2)(3)(4);
function add(x) { var mid; mid = x || 0; function addobj(x) { x = x || 0; mid = mid + x; return addobj; } addobj.valueof = function() { return mid; } addobj.tostring = function() { return mid; } return addobj; } //call the obj.valueof function console.log(add(2)); console.log(add(2)(3)); console.log(add(2)(3)(4)); console.log(add(2)(3)(4)(5)); //call the obj.tostring function alert(add(2)); alert(add(2)(3)); alert(add(2)(3)(4)); alert(add(2)(3)(4)(5));
下一篇: 这里是淡水鱼大全,名贵的淡水鱼有哪些