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SQL server 数据库查询语句的基本实现

程序员文章站 2022-05-09 23:50:16

 这篇博文的均是以 SQL server 数据库为基础的基本查询语句的实现。涉及到学生表选课表和课程表,基本操作都附加在查询语句后,还请读者留意

SQL server 数据库查询语句的基本实现

SQL server 数据库查询语句的基本实现


create database scs;
use SCS;
create table student
   sno char(7)  primary key,
   sname char(10)  not null,
   ssex char(2)  ,
   sage tinyint,
   sdept char(20)

create table course 
    cno char(6) primary key,
    cname char(20) not null,
    credit tinyint ,
    semster tinyint

create table sc
    sno char(7)  ,
    cno char(6)  ,
    grade smallint,
    primary key (sno,cno),      ---主键为两个的时候,不能用列级约束
    foreign key(sno) references student(sno),     ---此时约束应该为表级约束,且foreign key(sno/cno),(sno/cno)在列级约束的时候可以省略,在表级约束不行
    foreign key(cno) references course(cno)
select *from student
insert into student

select * from course
insert into course

select *from sc
insert into sc
values ('1512101','c001',90),

select sno as 学号,cno as 课程号,grade as 成绩 from sc     ---查询学生选课表的所有信息

select sname as 姓名,sage as 年龄 ,sdept as 系名  from student where sdept='计算机系'    --查询计算机系的学生的姓名和年龄

select sno as 学号,cno as 课程号, grade as 成绩 from sc where grade between 70 and 80    --查询成绩在70-80之间的学生的学号课程号和成绩

select sname as 姓名,sage as 年龄,ssex as 性别, sdept as 系名 from student where sdept='计算机系' and ssex='男' and sage between 18 and 20    ---查询计算机系年龄在18-20岁之间的且性别为男的学生的姓名和年龄

select MAX(grade) as 最高分数 from sc where cno='c001'   --查询课程号c001的课程的最高分数
select MAX(sage) as 最大年龄,MIN(sage) as 最小年龄 from student where sdept='计算机系'    ---查询计算机系学生的最大年龄和最小年龄

select sdept as 系名,count(*) as 人数 from student 
group by sdept                   --统计每个系的学生人数

select cno as 课程号, COUNT(*) as 选课人数,MAX(grade) as 考试最高分 from sc
group by cno              ---统计每门课程的选课人数和考试的最高分

select sno as 学号, COUNT(*)as 选课门数,sum(grade) as 考试总成绩 from sc 
group by sno
order by 选课门数                   ---统计每个学生的选课门数和考试的总成绩,并按选课门数的升序显示结果

select sno as 学号, grade =SUM(grade)from sc 
group by sno   having SUM(grade)>200               ---10、查询总成绩超过200分的学生,要求列出学号,总成绩

select sname as 姓名,sdept as 所在系 from student join sc  on student.sno=sc.sno where cno='c002'          --查询选修了c002号课程的学生的姓名和所在系
select sname as 姓名,cno as 课程,grade as 成绩 from student join sc on student.sno=sc.sno where grade>80
order by grade desc           ---查询成绩在80分以上的学生的姓名、课程号、成绩,并按成绩的降序排列结果
select sname as 姓名,student.sno as 学号,sdept as 所在系 from student join sc on student.sno=sc.sno join course on sc.cno=course.cno
where course.cno=null            ---查询哪些学生没有选课,要求列出其学号,姓名和所在系

select  cname as 课程名,semster as 开课学期 from course where semster =
   select semster from course where cname='java'     ---查询与java在同一学期开设的课程的课程名和开课学期

 select sname as 姓名,sdept as 所在系,sage as 年龄 from student where sage=
 (select sage from student where  sname='李勇')      ---查询和李勇年龄相同的学生的学号姓名和所在系
 select  sname as 姓名,sdept as 所在系 from student join sc on student.sno=sc.sno join course on sc.cno=course.cno
 where course.cno='c001'             ---查询选修了c001课程的学生的姓名和所在系   ,这是连接查询
 select  sname as 姓名,sdept as 所在系 from student where sno=where (select cno from sc)

select sname as 姓名,sdept as 所在系 from student  where sno in
  select sno from sc where cno='c001'      -----查询选修了“c001”号课程的学生的姓名和所在系

select sname ,sdept from student  where exists
(select *from sc
where sno=student.sno
and cno='c001'

select  student.sno ,sname ,cno,grade from student join sc on student.sno=sc.sno  where grade>80                    
 and sc.sno in (select sno from student where sdept='数学系')-----查询数学系成绩80分以上的学生的学号、姓名、课程号和成绩。

select sname from student where sno in
     select sno from sc where grade=(select MAX(grade) from sc)      ----查询计算机系考试成绩最高的学生的姓名
)and sdept='计算机系'     


select sname ,sdept from student where sno in 


 select sno from sc  join course on sc.cno=course.cno where grade=(select MAX(grade) from sc) and cname='数据结构'
                           ------查询数据结构考试成绩最高的学生的姓名和所在系。 子查询和连接查询套用

select sname ,sdept from student where sno in
   select sno from sc where cno in 
     select cno from course where cname='数据结构'              ------查询数据结构考试成绩最高的学生的姓名和所在系
   ) and grade= (select MAX(grade) from sc)

----1、建立一个存储过程proc_ student,要求该存储过程实现:查询某一位学生是否选修某门课程,
--执行存储过程proc_ student。

if exists( select * from sysobjects where name='proc_student'  and type='p' )
drop proc proc_student

create proc proc_student (@no char(7),@no1 char(6))
	if exists (select * from student join sc on sc.sno=student.sno where aaa@qq.com and aaa@qq.com)

		select * from sc where aaa@qq.com and cno aaa@qq.com

		insert into sc(sno,cno)
  exec proc_student '1512101','c004'
  select *from sc
  drop proc proc_student


