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程序员文章站 2022-05-09 22:33:09

随着互联网企业的发展,现在越来越多的企业选择用Mybatis而不是Hibernate,那是因为Mybatis能够通过自定义sql来优化查询,而全映射的Hibernate的性能在高并发,高关联的数据库查询中堪忧,但是用Mybatis最大的烦恼就是写一些非常基础的查询更新语句以及创建xml 了,这里说一下心得‘




这个工具使Mybatis的一个插件就是为了解决频繁写文件和Mapper的问题,他有一个配置文件,配置文件的详细讲解   这里提供一个通过java来生成的文件的代码


public class PaginationPlugin extends PluginAdapter {

	 * Validate boolean.
	 * @param warnings the warnings
	 * @return the boolean
	public boolean validate(List<String> warnings) {
		return true;

	private static void generate() {
		String config = PaginationPlugin.class.getClassLoader().getResource("generator/generatorConfig-B.xml").getFile();
		String[] arg = {"-configfile", config, "-overwrite"};

	 * The entry point of application.
	 * @param args the input arguments
	public static void main(String[] args) {




Mybatis有一个泛型接口Mapper<T> ,跟踪它的源码可以发现,它继承了BaseSelectMapper<T> , BaseInsertMapper<T>,BaseUpdateMapper<T>,BaseDeleteMapper<T>,他们都有各自的实现,这里提供一个解决方案



public interface IService<T> {
	 * 根据实体中的属性值进行查询, 查询条件使用等号  @param record the record
	 * @param record the record
	 * @return the list
	List<T> select(T record);

	 * 根据主键字段进行查询, 方法参数必须包含完整的主键属性, 查询条件使用等号  @param key the key
	 * @param key the key
	 * @return the t
	T selectByKey(Object key);

	 * 查询全部结果, select(null)方法能达到同样的效果  @return the list
	 * @return the list
	List<T> selectAll();

	 * 根据实体中的属性进行查询, 只能有一个返回值, 有多个结果是抛出异常, 查询条件使用等号  @param record the record
	 * @param record the record
	 * @return the t
	T selectOne(T record);

	 * 根据实体中的属性查询总数, 查询条件使用等号  @param record the record
	 * @param record the record
	 * @return the int
	int selectCount(T record);

	 * 保存一个实体, null的属性不会保存, 会使用数据库默认值  @param record the record
	 * @param record the record
	 * @return the int
	int save(T record);

	 * 批量保存  @param list the list
	 * @param list the list
	 * @return the int
	@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
	int batchSave(List<T> list);

	 * 根据主键更新属性不为null的值  @param entity the entity
	 * @param entity the entity
	 * @return the int
	int update(T entity);

	 * 根据实体属性作为条件进行删除, 查询条件使用等号  @param record the record
	 * @param record the record
	 * @return the int
	int delete(T record);

	 * 批量删除  @param list the list
	 * @param list the list
	 * @return the int
	@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
	int batchDelete(List<T> list);

	 * 根据主键字段进行删除, 方法参数必须包含完整的主键属性  @param key the key
	 * @param key the key
	 * @return the int
	int deleteByKey(Object key);

	 * 这个查询支持通过Example类指定查询列, 通过selectProperties方法指定查询列  @param example the example
	 * @param example the example
	 * @return the list
	List<T> selectByExample(Object example);

	 * 根据Example条件进行查询总数  @param example the example
	 * @param example the example
	 * @return the int
	int selectCountByExample(Object example);

	 * 根据Example条件更新实体record包含的不是null的属性值  @param record the record
	 * @param record  the record
	 * @param example the example
	 * @return the int
	int updateByExample(@Param("record") T record, @Param("example") Object example);

	 * 根据Example条件删除数据  @param example the example
	 * @param example the example
	 * @return the int
	int deleteByExample(Object example);

	 * 根据实体属性和RowBounds进行分页查询  @param record the record
	 * @param record    the record
	 * @param rowBounds the row bounds
	 * @return the list
	List<T> selectByRowBounds(T record, RowBounds rowBounds);

	 * 根据example条件和RowBounds进行分页查询  @param example the example
	 * @param example   the example
	 * @param rowBounds the row bounds
	 * @return the list
	List<T> selectByExampleAndRowBounds(Object example, RowBounds rowBounds);



public abstract class BaseService<T> implements IService<T> {

	 * The Logger.
	protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

	 * The Mapper.
	protected Mapper<T> mapper;

	 * Gets mapper.
	 * @return the mapper
	public Mapper<T> getMapper() {
		return mapper;

	 * Select list.
	 * @param record the record
	 * @return the list
	public List<T> select(T record) {
		return mapper.select(record);

	 * Select by key t.
	 * @param key the key
	 * @return the t
	public T selectByKey(Object key) {
		return mapper.selectByPrimaryKey(key);

	 * Select all list.
	 * @return the list
	public List<T> selectAll() {
		return mapper.selectAll();

	 * Select one t.
	 * @param record the record
	 * @return the t
	public T selectOne(T record) {
		return mapper.selectOne(record);

	 * Select count int.
	 * @param record the record
	 * @return the int
	public int selectCount(T record) {
		return mapper.selectCount(record);

	 * Select by example list.
	 * @param example the example
	 * @return the list
	public List<T> selectByExample(Object example) {
		return mapper.selectByExample(example);

	 * Save int.
	 * @param record the record
	 * @return the int
	public int save(T record) {
		return mapper.insertSelective(record);

	 * Batch save int.
	 * @param list the list
	 * @return the int
	public int batchSave(List<T> list) {
		int result = 0;
		for (T record : list) {
			int count = mapper.insertSelective(record);
			result += count;
		return result;

	 * Update int.
	 * @param entity the entity
	 * @return the int
	public int update(T entity) {
		return mapper.updateByPrimaryKeySelective(entity);

	 * Delete int.
	 * @param record the record
	 * @return the int
	public int delete(T record) {
		return mapper.delete(record);

	 * Delete by key int.
	 * @param key the key
	 * @return the int
	public int deleteByKey(Object key) {
		return mapper.deleteByPrimaryKey(key);

	 * Batch delete int.
	 * @param list the list
	 * @return the int
	public int batchDelete(List<T> list) {
		int result = 0;
		for (T record : list) {
			int count = mapper.delete(record);
			if (count < 1) {
				throw new BusinessException("删除数据失败!");
			result += count;
		return result;

	 * Select count by example int.
	 * @param example the example
	 * @return the int
	public int selectCountByExample(Object example) {
		return mapper.selectCountByExample(example);

	 * Update by example int.
	 * @param record  the record
	 * @param example the example
	 * @return the int
	public int updateByExample(T record, Object example) {
		return mapper.updateByExampleSelective(record, example);

	 * Delete by example int.
	 * @param example the example
	 * @return the int
	public int deleteByExample(Object example) {
		return mapper.deleteByPrimaryKey(example);

	 * Select by row bounds list.
	 * @param record    the record
	 * @param rowBounds the row bounds
	 * @return the list
	public List<T> selectByRowBounds(T record, RowBounds rowBounds) {
		return mapper.selectByRowBounds(record, rowBounds);

	 * Select by example and row bounds list.
	 * @param example   the example
	 * @param rowBounds the row bounds
	 * @return the list
	public List<T> selectByExampleAndRowBounds(Object example, RowBounds rowBounds) {
		return mapper.selectByExampleAndRowBounds(example, rowBounds);

	protected long generateId() {
		return UniqueIdGenerator.getInstance(IncrementIdGenerator.getServiceId()).nextId();

 这里有个@Autowired修饰的Mapper<T> ,在继承该抽象类的bean初始化后,它会把Mybatis的Mapper注入进来,这样就可以不用在Mapper的xml中写一些基本的sql语句而可以使用这些基本的查询更新修改以及删除的操作。








	public SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory() throws Exception {
		SqlSessionFactoryBean sessionFactory = new SqlSessionFactoryBean();

		// 分页插件,插件无非是设置mybatis的拦截器
		PageHelper pageHelper = new PageHelper();
		Properties properties = new Properties();
		properties.setProperty("reasonable", "true");
		properties.setProperty("supportMethodsArguments", "true");
		properties.setProperty("returnPageInfo", "check");
		properties.setProperty("params", "count=countSql");
		sessionFactory.setPlugins(new Interceptor[] { pageHelper });
		// sessionFactory.setMapperLocations(new
		// PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver().getResources("classpath*:com/wufumall/**/*Mapper.xml"));
				.setMapperLocations(new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver().getResources("classpath:mapping/*.xml"));
		sessionFactory.setConfigLocation(new ClassPathResource("mybatis-config.xml"));
		return sessionFactory.getObject();





相关标签: Mybatis Mapper