2022-05-08 21:57:28
create or replace procedure PRO_GETYFBGYZB(jgidInput in varchar2, yfsbInput in varchar2 --输入变量 ) as cursor cursorParam is select a.ypxh as YPXH,a.YPCD,a.ypsl,b.yfgg ,a.lsje from yf_kcmx a, yf_ypxx b where a.jgid = b.jgid and a.yfsb = b.yfsb and a.ypxh = b.ypxh and a.jgid = jgidInput and a.yfsb = yfsbInput; begin DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE( 1000000); for temp in cursorParam Loop dbms_output.put_line( '药品序号:' || temp.ypxh); end Loop ; end PRO_GETYFBGYZB;
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