2022-05-08 12:21:59
------------Oracle分配权限 以管理员身份登录数据库------
创建用户: create user [username] identified by [password]; 赋予登录权限: grant create session to [username]; 赋予建表权限: grant create table to [username]; 赋予表空间使用权限: grant unlimited tablespace to [username]; ---------用户拥有建表权限,相应拥有增删查改权限-------------- 查看用户权限: select * from user_sys_privs; 撤销登录权限: revoke create session to [username]; 撤销建表权限: revoke create table from [username]; 撤销表空间使用权限: revoke unlimited tablespace from [username]; 赋予所有用户建表权限: grant create session to public; 赋予用户当前表查询权限: grant select on [tablename] to [username]; 赋予用户当前表所有权限: grant all on [tablename] to [username]; 撤销用户当前表查询权限: revoke select on [tablename] from [username]; 撤销用户当前表所有权限: revoke all on [tablename] from [username]; 赋予用户当前表当前列更新权限: grant update ([column]) on [tablename] to [username]; 赋予用户当前表当前列插入权限: grant insert ([column]) on [tablename] to [username]; 系统权限传递: grant alter table to [username] with admin option; 对象权限传递: grant select on [tablename] to [username] with grant option; grant create session,create table,create view,create any index to [username]; grant unlimited tablespace to [username];