2022-05-06 12:59:48
今天又看了一遍boyan的《Nip trick and trip》,又有一些新的收获。比以前看地更深刻了。其中有一处写到Nio的写优化,当Nio的channel设置为nonblocking时,写操作不再阻塞,而是直接返回0,表示当时socket的写缓冲区已满不可写。通常的处理办法是返回本次loop并继续注册op_read或者op_write。这样会带来线程切换的开销,使当前select阻塞,直到有可写发生再次唤醒。Netty是怎么解决的?以前虽然看过Netty的代码但并没有深入到细节中去,看了boyanNetty采用writeSpinCount的介绍才深有感悟。好多知识都在细节里,就看我们对这个领域掌握地深不深,如果蜻蜓点水肯定发现了这些看似简单的代码的玄妙之处。话归正题,writeSpinCount如何解决这个问题的呢?类似自旋锁,还是看看Netty的代码吧,比较形象。
for (;;) { MessageEvent evt = channel.currentWriteEvent; SendBuffer buf; if (evt == null) { if ((channel.currentWriteEvent = evt = writeBuffer.poll()) == null) { //写事件队列为空,此时应该去除op_write removeOpWrite = true; channel.writeSuspended = false; break; } channel.currentWriteBuffer = buf = sendBufferPool.acquire(evt.getMessage()); } else { buf = channel.currentWriteBuffer; } ChannelFuture future = evt.getFuture(); try { long localWrittenBytes = 0; for (int i = writeSpinCount; i > 0; i --) {//此处为writeSpinCount的解决方式 //向channel写数据,为了使其fileChannel的transferTo接口一致。这样从file写向socket时避免四次copy,sendfile的功能 localWrittenBytes = buf.transferTo(ch); //写入的数据大于0,跳出本次循环,如为零则循环writeSpinCount,如再次期间localWrittenBytes>0,说明再次可写。 if (localWrittenBytes != 0) { writtenBytes += localWrittenBytes; break; } if (buf.finished()) { break; } } if (buf.finished()) { // Successful write - proceed to the next message. //完整地写完,则继续处理下一个消息 buf.release(); channel.currentWriteEvent = null; channel.currentWriteBuffer = null; evt = null; buf = null; future.setSuccess(); } else { // Not written fully - perhaps the kernel buffer is full. //没能完整地写完当前的message,则继续设置op_write,并跳出外层循环 addOpWrite = true; channel.writeSuspended = true; if (localWrittenBytes > 0) { // Notify progress listeners if necessary. future.setProgress( localWrittenBytes, buf.writtenBytes(), buf.totalBytes()); } break; } } catch (AsynchronousCloseException e) { // Doesn't need a user attention - ignore. } catch (Throwable t) { if (buf != null) { buf.release(); } channel.currentWriteEvent = null; channel.currentWriteBuffer = null; buf = null; evt = null; future.setFailure(t); if (iothread) { fireExceptionCaught(channel, t); } else { fireExceptionCaughtLater(channel, t); } if (t instanceof IOException) { open = false; close(channel, succeededFuture(channel)); } } } channel.inWriteNowLoop = false; // Initially, the following block was executed after releasing // the writeLock, but there was a race condition, and it has to be // executed before releasing the writeLock: // // // if (open) { if (addOpWrite) { setOpWrite(channel); } else if (removeOpWrite) { clearOpWrite(channel); } } }