rails gsub,regexp ,match 的应用
2022-04-22 11:27:06
1.将 电话号码的中的 '/' '+' 统一替换为 '-'
eg : "010/51248525+110" --- "010-51248525-110"
2.替换表情符号-- 将mblog 中【pinyin】替换为 【拼音】
eg : "010/51248525+110" --- "010-51248525-110"
domains = Global::Domain.all domains.each do |domain| db_name = Entos::DbConfig.get(Rails.env,domain.orgnization_id) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("USE #{db_name}") phone_regexp=/\A\d{3,4}-\d{7,8}\z|\A\d{3,4}-\d{7,8}-\d{1,3}\z|\A\d{3,15}\z|\A\d{7,8}-\d{1,3}\z/ mobile_regexp=/\A\d{11}\z/ qq_regexp=/\A\d{5,10}\z/ User.find_each do |user| unless !user.phone.present? user.phone= user.phone.gsub(/\/|\+/,'-') end if user.phone.present? and phone_regexp.match(user.phone).nil? user.phone=nil end if user.mobile_phone.present? and mobile_regexp.match(user.mobile_phone).nil? user.mobile_phone=nil end if user.qq.present? and qq_regexp.match(user.qq).nil? user.qq=nil end user.save end end
2.替换表情符号-- 将mblog 中【pinyin】替换为 【拼音】
emotions= {"hehe" => "[呵呵]", "keai" => "[可爱]", "qinqin" => "[亲亲]", "haha" => "[哈哈]", "xixi" => "[嘻嘻]", "yinxian" => "[阴险]", "haixiu" => "[害羞]", "shuijiao" =>"[睡觉]", "chanzui" => "[馋嘴]", "huaxin" => "[花心]", "ku" => "[酷]", "jinqian" => "[金钱]", "touxiao" => "[偷笑]", "bishi" => "[鄙视]", "guzhang" => "[鼓掌]", "sikao" => "[思考]", "wabishi" => "[挖鼻屎]", "baibai" => "[拜拜]", "xu" => "[嘘]", "weiqv" => "[委屈]", "haqian" => "[哈欠]", "kelian" => "[可怜]", "kaixin" => "[开心]", "zhuakuang" => "[抓狂]", "numa" => "[怒骂]", "youhengheng" => "[右哼哼]", "zuohengheng" => "[左哼哼]", "yun" => "[晕]", "aini" => "[爱你]", "liulei" => "[流泪]", "shengbing" => "[生病]", "shengqi" => "[生气]", "heixian" => "[黑线]", "heng" => "[哼]", "yiwen" => "[疑问]", "shuai" => "[衰]", "han" => "[汗]", "shiwang" => "[失望]", "kun"=> "[困]", "tu"=> "[吐]", "bulini" => "[不理你]", "beishang" => "[悲伤]", "bizui" => "[闭嘴]", "chijing" => "[吃惊]", "xin" => "[心]", "shangxin" => "[伤心]", "dangao" => "[蛋糕]", "lazhu" => "[蜡烛]", "good" => "[good]", "ok" => "[ok]", "yeah" => "[耶]", "zan" => "[赞]", "buyao" => "[不要]", "lai" => "[来]", "ruo" => "[弱]", "zhutou" => "[猪头]", "zhong" => "[钟]", "huatong" => "[话筒]", "geili" => "[给力]", "v587" => "[威武]"} domains = Global::Domain.all domains.each do |domain| db_name = Entos::DbConfig.get(Rails.env,domain.orgnization_id) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("USE #{db_name}") Mblog.find_each do |mblog| unless mblog.content.nil? mblog.content=mblog.content.gsub(/\[(\w+)\]/) do |c| emotions[$1] end mblog.save end end end
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