2022-03-05 10:41:17
Implementation of a violent substring lookup algorithm
pat: pattern string
txt: text
match successfully, return i which is the location of pat in txt
failed, return the length of txt
def search1(pat, txt):
M = len(pat) # the length of pattern
N = len(
txt) # the length of text
for i in range(N-M+1): # i is following txt
m = 0 # the value of j
for j in range(M): # j is following pat
if txt[i+j] != pat[j]:
m += 1
if m == M:
return i # we find the match
return N # not found
def search2(pat, txt):
M = len(pat) # the length of pattern
N = len(txt) # the length of text
i = 0 # i is following txt
j = 0 # j is following pat
if txt[i] == pat[j]:
j += 1
i += 1
i -= j-1
j = 0
if j == M:
return i-M # we find the match
return N # not found
图中显示的是和模式字符串 A B A B A C 对应的确定有限自动机,它是由状态和转换的方向组成。每个字符对应着一个状态,每个状态能够转换为字母表中的任意字符(我在这里采用ascii码值表示所有的字符,一共有256个)。字符对应的每个状态,只有一条转换是匹配成功的转换,其他都是非匹配转换。状态与字符的比较相对应,每个状态都表示一个模式字符的索引值。
- i = 0, j = 0, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'A', dfa[ord('A')][j] = 1,则 next[j] = 1, i++;
- i = 1, j = 1, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'B', dfa[ord('B')][j] = 2, 则 next[j] = 2, i++;
- i = 2, j = 2, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'A', dfa[ord('A')][j] = 3, 则 next[j] = 3, i++;
- i = 3, j = 3, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'B', dfa[ord('B')][j] = 4, 则 next[j] = 4, i++;
- i = 4, j = 4, txt[i] = 'C', pat[j] = 'A', dfa[ord('C')][j] = 0, 则 next[j] = 0, i++;
- i = 5, j = 0, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'A', dfa[ord('A')][j] = 1, 则 next[j] = 1, i++;
- i = 6, j = 1, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'B', dfa[ord('B')][j] = 2, 则 next[j] = 2, i++;
- i = 7, j = 2, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'A', dfa[ord('A')][j] = 3, 则 next[j] = 3, i++;
- i = 8, j = 3, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'B', dfa[ord('B')][j] = 4, 则 next[j] = 4, i++;
- i = 9, j = 4, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'A', dfa[ord('A')][j] = 5, 则 next[j] = 5, i++;
- i = 10, j = 5, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'C', dfa[ord('C')][j] = 6, 则 next[j] = 6, i++;
- i = 11, j = 6, j == len(pat), 匹配转换,到达停止状态, 则返回查找匹配成功的位置 i - j = 5(从0开始)。
- 对于匹配失败的情况,我们将 dfa[][X] 复制 dfa[][j]。
- 对于匹配成功的情况,我们将 dfa[ord(pat[j])][j] 设为 j+1,也就是模式字符的下一个位置。
- 更新X的状态,X为匹配后的重启状态。
Implementation of a Knuth-Morris-Pratt substring lookup algorithm
ord() : Converts ASCII characters to corresponding values
class KMP:
def __init__(self, pat, txt, R = 256):
self.__pat = pat
self.__txt = txt
self.R = R # ASCII num
self.dfa = [[0 for i in range(len(self.__pat))] for j in range(self.R)] # DFA
pat: pattern
def __initdfa(self):
self.dfa[ord(self.__pat[0])][0] = 1
X = 0 # restarting index
for j in range(1,len(self.__pat)): # count dfa[][j]
for c in range(self.R):
self.dfa[c][j] = self.dfa[c][X]
self.dfa[ord(self.__pat[j])][j] = j+1
X = self.dfa[ord(self.__pat[j])][X] # update restarting index
txt: text
match successfully, return i-M which is the location of pat in txt
failed, return the length of txt N
def search(self):
M = len(self.__pat) # the length of pattern
N = len(self.__txt) # the length of text
i = 0 # i is following txt
j = 0 # j is following pat
j = self.dfa[ord(self.__txt[i])][j]
i += 1
if j == M:
return i-M # we find the match
return N # not found
在接下来的学习之后突然发现上面的基于确定有限状态自动机的KMP算法还不算是KMP算法,只是利用有限自动机进行字符串匹配。真正的KMP算法不用提前预先计算变迁函数(用以表示自动机),只需要用到辅助函数s[1,m], 这个前缀函数包含有模式与其自身的位移进行匹配的信息。这些信息可用于避免在朴素的字符串匹配算法中,对无用位移进行测试,也可以避免在字符串匹配自动机中对变迁函数的预先计算过程(也就是dfa[][]数组)。
而这个数组s我们就叫做关于模式的前缀函数,它包含有模式与其自身的位移进行匹配的信息。我们还是按照之前的例子来进行解释。 txt 为“ABABCABABACA”, pat 为“ABABA”。N = 12 , M = 5。i 是 txt 的索引, j 是 pat 的索引,d 是 当前模式字符串处于文本中的位置, dd 是下次匹配不成功时模式字符串应当在文本中的有效位置。
- i = 0, j = 0, d = 0, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'A', 则 next[j] = 1, i++, dd = 0 + (1-s[0]) = 1;
- i = 1, j = 1, d = 0, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'B', 则 next[j] = 2, i++, dd = 0 + (2-s[1]) = 2;
- i = 2, j = 2, d = 0, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'A', 则 next[j] = 3, i++, dd = 0 + (3-s[2]) = 2;
- i = 3, j = 3, d = 0, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'B', 则 next[j] = 4, i++, dd = 0 + (4-s[3]) = 2;
- i = 4, j = 4, d = 0, txt[i] = 'C', pat[j] = 'A', txt[i] != pat[j] ,则 next->d = 2, next[j] = 2;
- i = 4, j = 2, d = 2, txt[i] = 'C', pat[j] = 'A, txt[i] != pat[j], 则 next[j] = 0, i++, next->d = 5-0 = 5;
- i = 5, j = 0, d = 5, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'A', 则 next[j] = 1, i++, dd = 6;
- i = 6, j = 1, d = 5, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'B', 则 next[j] = 2, i++, dd = 7;
- i = 7, j = 2, d = 5, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'A', 则 next[j] = 3, i++, dd = 7;
- i = 8, j = 3, d = 5, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'B', 则 next[j] = 4, i++, dd = 7;
- i = 9, j = 4, d = 5, txt[i] = pat[j] = 'A', 则 next[j] = M = 5, 达到终止状态, 匹配成功。返回d=5(从0开始)。
我们来解释一下 i = 3 的时候的dd值大小,其他的类似(解释第三个无他,幸运数字是3)。此时我们设已匹配到的模式字符串为“ABAB”, 长度为4,我们对其求真后缀的最长前缀为“AB”,长度为2。那么 s[4] = 2(这里的s[]数组索引从1开始容易对其定义)。于是我们可以得出一个结论:在模式字符串开始的位移d(=1)处有q(=4)个字符成功匹配,则下一个模式字符如果匹配不成功时模式字符串的有效位置为 dd = d + (q - s[q]) = 1+(4-2) = 3 。
前缀是除了最后一个字符之外此字符串的全部头部组合,比如“ABCD”,其前缀有A, AB, ABC。
后缀是除了第一个字符之外此字符串的全部尾部结合,比如“ABCD”,其后缀有BCD, CD, D。
这样我们就得到了关于模式的前缀函数 s 的值,我在下面表格里有写出来。
j |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
pat[j] |
A |
B |
A |
B |
A |
s[j] |
0 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Implementation of a Knuth-Morris-Pratt substring lookup algorithm
class KMP:
def __init__(self, pat, txt):
self.__pat = pat
self.__txt = txt
self.s = [0 for j in range(len(self.__pat))] # s
Find the maximum same prefix length for a string
pat: pattern
def __inits(self):
self.s[0] = 0 # Maximum prefix length of the first character of a template string is 0
X = 0 # restarting index
for j in range(1,len(self.__pat)): # count s[j]
while (X > 0 and self.__pat[j] != self.__pat[X]):
X = self.s[X-1] # update restarting index
if self.__pat[j] == self.__pat[X]:
X += 1
self.s[j] = X
txt: text
pat: pattern
match successfully, return d which is the location of pat in txt
failed, return the length of txt N
j 0 1 2 3 4
pat[j] A B A B A
s[j] 0 0 1 2 3
def search(self):
#s = [0,0,1,2,3]
M = len(self.__pat) # the length of pattern
N = len(self.__txt) # the length of text
i = 0 # i is following txt
j = 0 # j is following pat
d = 0 # current distance
dd = 0 # willing distance
while(i < N):
if self.__txt[i] == self.__pat[j]:
dd = d + (j + 1 - self.s[j])
print i,j,d,dd
i += 1
j += 1
d = dd
j = i - d
if j < 0:
i += 1
j = 0
dd = d + (j + 1 - self.s[j])
print i,j,d,dd
if j == M:
return d # we find the match
return N # not found