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程序员文章站 2022-04-16 12:55:23

3D SLAM ->loam_velodyne论文与代码解析

一直做2D 的激光SLAM,最近终于接触到3D的了,想彻底的看透一个开源的3D 激光SLAM,选择了Loam_velodyne从论文到代码彻底看一下。论文:LOAM Lidar Odometry and Mapping in Real-time。


其中最终输出构建3D地图的点云是/laser_cloud_surround;需要更改的是最左侧输入、即订阅的/velodyne_points的topic名称。Remap成为需要订阅的主题。从图中可以看出scanRegister的工作是将源数据处理成/laser_cloud_sharp & /laser_cloud_flat等等,这些点云是具有特征信息的点云。





① 论文中存储每个点的曲率用的是数组,因此需要考虑数组的大小:

float cloudCurvature[80000];
int cloudSortInd[80000];
int cloudNeighborPicked[80000];
int cloudLabel[80000];
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  PointType point;
  std::vector<pcl::PointCloud<PointType> > laserCloudScans(N_SCANS);
  for (int i = 0; i < cloudSize; i++) {
    point.x = laserCloudIn.points[i].y;
    point.y = laserCloudIn.points[i].z;
    point.z = laserCloudIn.points[i].x;

    float angle = atan(point.y / sqrt(point.x * point.x + point.z * point.z)) * 180 / M_PI;
    int scanID;
    int roundedAngle = int(angle + (angle<0.0?-0.5:+0.5)); 
    if (roundedAngle > 0){
      scanID = roundedAngle;
    else {
      scanID = roundedAngle + (N_SCANS - 1);
    if (scanID > (N_SCANS - 1) || scanID < 0 ){
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算出scan ID后,又将intensity属性充分利用起来,整数部分:scan ID,小数部分:每个点扫描的时间(在startOri->endOri按照均匀划分)

  float relTime = (ori - startOri) / (endOri - startOri);
  point.intensity = scanID + scanPeriod * relTime;
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  cloudSize = count;

  pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr laserCloud(new pcl::PointCloud<PointType>());
  for (int i = 0; i < N_SCANS; i++) {
    *laserCloud += laserCloudScans[i];
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    float diffX = laserCloud->points[i - 5].x + laserCloud->points[i - 4].x 
                + laserCloud->points[i - 3].x + laserCloud->points[i - 2].x 
                + laserCloud->points[i - 1].x - 10 * laserCloud->points[i].x 
                + laserCloud->points[i + 1].x + laserCloud->points[i + 2].x
                + laserCloud->points[i + 3].x + laserCloud->points[i + 4].x
                + laserCloud->points[i + 5].x;
    float diffY = laserCloud->points[i - 5].y + laserCloud->points[i - 4].y 
                + laserCloud->points[i - 3].y + laserCloud->points[i - 2].y 
                + laserCloud->points[i - 1].y - 10 * laserCloud->points[i].y 
                + laserCloud->points[i + 1].y + laserCloud->points[i + 2].y
                + laserCloud->points[i + 3].y + laserCloud->points[i + 4].y
                + laserCloud->points[i + 5].y;
    float diffZ = laserCloud->points[i - 5].z + laserCloud->points[i - 4].z 
                + laserCloud->points[i - 3].z + laserCloud->points[i - 2].z 
                + laserCloud->points[i - 1].z - 10 * laserCloud->points[i].z 
                + laserCloud->points[i + 1].z + laserCloud->points[i + 2].z
                + laserCloud->points[i + 3].z + laserCloud->points[i + 4].z
                + laserCloud->points[i + 5].z;
    //jc : cloudCurvature calculate 
    cloudCurvature[i] = diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY + diffZ * diffZ;
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  if (int(laserCloud->points[i].intensity) != scanCount) {
      scanCount = int(laserCloud->points[i].intensity);
      //N_SCANS is 16
      if (scanCount > 0 && scanCount < N_SCANS) {
    //std::vector<int> scanStartInd(N_SCANS, 0);
    //std::vector<int> scanEndInd(N_SCANS, 0);
        scanStartInd[scanCount] = i + 5;
        scanEndInd[scanCount - 1] = i - 5;
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cloudSortInd是对曲率排序得到的序列:这里作者将每一线划分为等间距的6段分别处理,在每一段升序排列。 变量说明sp startPoint;ep endPoint.

for (int i = 0; i < N_SCANS; i++) {
    pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr surfPointsLessFlatScan(new pcl::PointCloud<PointType>);
    for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {

      int sp = (scanStartInd[i] * (6 - j)  + scanEndInd[i] * j) / 6;
      int ep = (scanStartInd[i] * (5 - j)  + scanEndInd[i] * (j + 1)) / 6 - 1;

      for (int k = sp + 1; k <= ep; k++) {
        for (int l = k; l >= sp + 1; l--) {
          if (cloudCurvature[cloudSortInd[l]] < cloudCurvature[cloudSortInd[l - 1]]) {
            int temp = cloudSortInd[l - 1];
            cloudSortInd[l - 1] = cloudSortInd[l];
            cloudSortInd[l] = temp;
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    int largestPickedNum = 0;
      for (int k = ep; k >= sp; k--) {
        int ind = cloudSortInd[k];
        // jc : in cloudNeighborPicked array  1 is nerighbor and 0 is alone
        // jc : if it 's  alone and the curudCurvature is bigger then 0.1, 
        if (cloudNeighborPicked[ind] == 0 &&
            cloudCurvature[ind] > 0.1) {

          if (largestPickedNum <= 2) 
            cloudLabel[ind] = 2;    // jc : what is the difference between 2 and 1
          else if (largestPickedNum <= 20) {
            cloudLabel[ind] = 1;
          else {

          cloudNeighborPicked[ind] = 1;
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② 关于scanRegistration.cpp中的imu
需要发布一个topic /imu_trans类型是sensor_msgs::PointCloud2而不是sensor_msgs::Imu
作者用4个pcl::Point XYZ类型的数组来存储IMU的信息,作者pcl用的6,坑神走起。

  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> imuTrans(4, 1);
  imuTrans.points[0].x = imuPitchStart;
  imuTrans.points[0].y = imuYawStart;
  imuTrans.points[0].z = imuRollStart;

  imuTrans.points[1].x = imuPitchCur;
  imuTrans.points[1].y = imuYawCur;
  imuTrans.points[1].z = imuRollCur;

  imuTrans.points[2].x = imuShiftFromStartXCur;
  imuTrans.points[2].y = imuShiftFromStartYCur;
  imuTrans.points[2].z = imuShiftFromStartZCur;

  imuTrans.points[3].x = imuVeloFromStartXCur;
  imuTrans.points[3].y = imuVeloFromStartYCur;
  imuTrans.points[3].z = imuVeloFromStartZCur;

  sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 imuTransMsg;
  pcl::toROSMsg(imuTrans, imuTransMsg);
  imuTransMsg.header.stamp = laserCloudMsg->header.stamp;
  imuTransMsg.header.frame_id = "/camera";
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*代码部分: laserOdometry.cpp的实现分析

void imuTransHandler(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& imuTrans2)
  timeImuTrans = imuTrans2->header.stamp.toSec();

  pcl::fromROSMsg(*imuTrans2, *imuTrans);

  imuPitchStart = imuTrans->points[0].x;
  imuYawStart = imuTrans->points[0].y;
  imuRollStart = imuTrans->points[0].z;

  imuPitchLast = imuTrans->points[1].x;
  imuYawLast = imuTrans->points[1].y;
  imuRollLast = imuTrans->points[1].z;

  imuShiftFromStartX = imuTrans->points[2].x;
  imuShiftFromStartY = imuTrans->points[2].y;
  imuShiftFromStartZ = imuTrans->points[2].z;

  imuVeloFromStartX = imuTrans->points[3].x;
  imuVeloFromStartY = imuTrans->points[3].y;
  imuVeloFromStartZ = imuTrans->points[3].z;

  newImuTrans = true;
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剩下的pointSearchCornerInd1和pointSearchCornerInd2是存储最近的两个点的索引(corner) 。 另一组自然是用来存储最近点的索引(平面Surf)



        for (int i = 0; i < cornerPointsSharpNum; i++)  {
            TransformToStart(&cornerPointsSharp->points[i], &pointSel);
            if (iterCount % 5 == 0) 
              std::vector<int> indices;
              pcl::removeNaNFromPointCloud(*laserCloudCornerLast,*laserCloudCornerLast, indices);
              kdtreeCornerLast->nearestKSearch(pointSel, 1, pointSearchInd, pointSearchSqDis);
              int closestPointInd = -1, minPointInd2 = -1;
              if (pointSearchSqDis[0] < 25) {
                closestPointInd = pointSearchInd[0];
                int closestPointScan = int(laserCloudCornerLast->points[closestPointInd].intensity);
                float pointSqDis, minPointSqDis2 = 25;
                for (int j = closestPointInd + 1; j < cornerPointsSharpNum; j++) {
                  if (int(laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].intensity) > closestPointScan + 2.5) {
                  pointSqDis = (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].x - pointSel.x) * 
                               (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].x - pointSel.x) + 
                               (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].y - pointSel.y) * 
                               (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].y - pointSel.y) + 
                               (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].z - pointSel.z) * 
                               (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].z - pointSel.z);
                  if (int(laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].intensity) > closestPointScan) {
                    if (pointSqDis < minPointSqDis2) {
                      minPointSqDis2 = pointSqDis;
                      minPointInd2 = j;
                for (int j = closestPointInd - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                  if (int(laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].intensity) < closestPointScan - 2.5) {
                  pointSqDis = (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].x - pointSel.x) * 
                               (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].x - pointSel.x) + 
                               (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].y - pointSel.y) * 
                               (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].y - pointSel.y) + 
                               (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].z - pointSel.z) * 
                               (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].z - pointSel.z);
                  if (int(laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].intensity) < closestPointScan) {
                    if (pointSqDis < minPointSqDis2) {
                      minPointSqDis2 = pointSqDis;
                      minPointInd2 = j;
              pointSearchCornerInd1[i] = closestPointInd;
              pointSearchCornerInd2[i] = minPointInd2;
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for (int i = 0; i < surfPointsFlatNum; i++) 中完成。。。Surf的思想和corner的大同小异,这里以及下面以corner的对应点计算以及误差计算来表述作者的思想。




          cv::transpose(matA, matAt);
          matAtA = matAt * matA;
          matAtB = matAt * matB;
          cv::solve(matAtA, matAtB, matX, cv::DECOMP_QR);

          if (iterCount == 0) {
            cv::Mat matE(1, 6, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
            cv::Mat matV(6, 6, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
            cv::Mat matV2(6, 6, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));

            cv::eigen(matAtA, matE, matV);

            isDegenerate = false;
            float eignThre[6] = {10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10};
            for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--) {
              if (matE.at<float>(0, i) < eignThre[i]) {
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
                  matV2.at<float>(i, j) = 0;
                isDegenerate = true;
              } else {
            matP = matV.inv() * matV2;

          if (isDegenerate) {
            cv::Mat matX2(6, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
            matX = matP * matX2;

          transform[0] += matX.at<float>(0, 0);
          transform[1] += matX.at<float>(1, 0);
          transform[2] += matX.at<float>(2, 0);
          transform[3] += matX.at<float>(3, 0);
          transform[4] += matX.at<float>(4, 0);
          transform[5] += matX.at<float>(5, 0);
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2.迭代开始for(int iterCount=0;iterCount<10;iterCount++)

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// pointOri是激光点转换到map坐标系下的表示
// coeff的四列分别是距离对(x,y,z)的导数和点到匹配直线的距离。
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从中取最近的5个点->判断点能否拟合平面(planeValid) -> surf点到面的距离小于阈值
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int laserCloudCenWidth = 10;
int laserCloudCenHeight = 5;
int laserCloudCenDepth = 10;
const int laserCloudWidth = 21;
const int laserCloudHeight = 11;
const int laserCloudDepth = 21;
const int laserCloudNum = laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * laserCloudDepth;
  for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudNum; i++) {
    laserCloudCornerArray[i].reset(new pcl::PointCloud<PointType>());
    laserCloudSurfArray[i].reset(new pcl::PointCloud<PointType>());
    laserCloudCornerArray2[i].reset(new pcl::PointCloud<PointType>());
    laserCloudSurfArray2[i].reset(new pcl::PointCloud<PointType>());
        for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudSurfStackNum; i++) {
          pointAssociateToMap(&laserCloudSurfStack->points[i], &pointSel);
          int cubeI = int((pointSel.x + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenWidth;
          int cubeJ = int((pointSel.y + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenHeight;
          int cubeK = int((pointSel.z + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenDepth;
          if (pointSel.x + 25.0 < 0) cubeI--;
          if (pointSel.y + 25.0 < 0) cubeJ--;
          if (pointSel.z + 25.0 < 0) cubeK--;
          if (cubeI >= 0 && cubeI < laserCloudWidth && 
              cubeJ >= 0 && cubeJ < laserCloudHeight && 
              cubeK >= 0 && cubeK < laserCloudDepth) {
            int cubeInd = cubeI + laserCloudWidth * cubeJ + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * cubeK;
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              // 在已经划分好的空间内搜索最近的5个点
              kdtreeCornerFromMap->nearestKSearch(pointSel, 5, pointSearchInd, pointSearchSqDis);
              // 如果5个最近点中最远的距离也小于1m,认为是潜在匹配线段
              // 构建这五个点的(x,y,z)方向的3*3的协方差矩阵,之后根据特征根来判断是否能拟合成直线。
              // 判断的方法是最大的特征根大于次大的特征根3倍。 
              // 如果使用matlab,
              // eig(cov(x,y,z)),其中的x,y,z是点云的各个分量向量。
              if (pointSearchSqDis[4] < 1.0) {
                float cx = 0;
                float cy = 0; 
                float cz = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
                  cx += laserCloudCornerFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].x;
                  cy += laserCloudCornerFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].y;
                  cz += laserCloudCornerFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].z;
                cx /= 5;
                cy /= 5; 
                cz /= 5;
                float a11 = 0;
                float a12 = 0; 
                float a13 = 0;
                float a22 = 0;
                float a23 = 0; 
                float a33 = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
                  float ax = laserCloudCornerFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].x - cx;
                  float ay = laserCloudCornerFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].y - cy;
                  float az = laserCloudCornerFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].z - cz;
                  a11 += ax * ax;
                  a12 += ax * ay;
                  a13 += ax * az;
                  a22 += ay * ay;
                  a23 += ay * az;
                  a33 += az * az;
                a11 /= 5;
                a12 /= 5; 
                a13 /= 5;
                a22 /= 5;
                a23 /= 5; 
                a33 /= 5;
                // 5个点的协方差矩阵
                matA1.at<float>(0, 0) = a11;
                matA1.at<float>(0, 1) = a12;
                matA1.at<float>(0, 2) = a13;
                matA1.at<float>(1, 0) = a12;
                matA1.at<float>(1, 1) = a22;
                matA1.at<float>(1, 2) = a23;
                matA1.at<float>(2, 0) = a13;
                matA1.at<float>(2, 1) = a23;
                matA1.at<float>(2, 2) = a33;
                // 特征根matD1,对应的特征向量matV1.
                cv::eigen(matA1, matD1, matV1);
                if (matD1.at<float>(0, 0) > 3 * matD1.at<float>(0, 1)) {
                  float x0 = pointSel.x;
                  float y0 = pointSel.y;
                  float z0 = pointSel.z;
                  float x1 = cx + 0.1 * matV1.at<float>(0, 0);
                  float y1 = cy + 0.1 * matV1.at<float>(0, 1);
                  float z1 = cz + 0.1 * matV1.at<float>(0, 2);
                  float x2 = cx - 0.1 * matV1.at<float>(0, 0);
                  float y2 = cy - 0.1 * matV1.at<float>(0, 1);
                  float z2 = cz - 0.1 * matV1.at<float>(0, 2);
                  // 计算(x0,y0,z0)到线段(x1,y1,z1)(x2,y2,z2)的距离。
                  float a012 = sqrt(((x0 - x1)*(y0 - y2) - (x0 - x2)*(y0 - y1))
                             * ((x0 - x1)*(y0 - y2) - (x0 - x2)*(y0 - y1)) 
                             + ((x0 - x1)*(z0 - z2) - (x0 - x2)*(z0 - z1))
                             * ((x0 - x1)*(z0 - z2) - (x0 - x2)*(z0 - z1)) 
                             + ((y0 - y1)*(z0 - z2) - (y0 - y2)*(z0 - z1))
                             * ((y0 - y1)*(z0 - z2) - (y0 - y2)*(z0 - z1)));
                  float l12 = sqrt((x1 - x2)*(x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2)*(y1 - y2) + (z1 - z2)*(z1 - z2));
                  // la=diff(ld2)/diff(x0),表示点point0到point1和point2直线距离对x0的偏导
                  float la = ((y1 - y2)*((x0 - x1)*(y0 - y2) - (x0 - x2)*(y0 - y1)) 
                           + (z1 - z2)*((x0 - x1)*(z0 - z2) - (x0 - x2)*(z0 - z1))) / a012 / l12;
                  float lb = -((x1 - x2)*((x0 - x1)*(y0 - y2) - (x0 - x2)*(y0 - y1)) 
                           - (z1 - z2)*((y0 - y1)*(z0 - z2) - (y0 - y2)*(z0 - z1))) / a012 / l12;
                  float lc = -((x1 - x2)*((x0 - x1)*(z0 - z2) - (x0 - x2)*(z0 - z1)) 
                           + (y1 - y2)*((y0 - y1)*(z0 - z2) - (y0 - y2)*(z0 - z1))) / a012 / l12;
                  // 点到线段距离公式
                  float ld2 = a012 / l12;
                  pointProj = pointSel;
                  pointProj.x -= la * ld2;
                  pointProj.y -= lb * ld2;
                  pointProj.z -= lc * ld2;
                  float s = 1 - 0.9 * fabs(ld2);
                  coeff.x = s * la;
                  coeff.y = s * lb;
                  coeff.z = s * lc;
                  coeff.intensity = s * ld2;
                  if (s > 0.1) {
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            float srx = sin(transformTobeMapped[0]);
            float crx = cos(transformTobeMapped[0]);
            float sry = sin(transformTobeMapped[1]);
            float cry = cos(transformTobeMapped[1]);
            float srz = sin(transformTobeMapped[2]);
            float crz = cos(transformTobeMapped[2]);
            int laserCloudSelNum = laserCloudOri->points.size();
            if (laserCloudSelNum < 50) {
            // matA 是雅克比矩阵,matAt*matA*matX = matAt*matB;
            // 其中matX是步长,(roll , ptich ,yaw,x,y,z)
            cv::Mat matA(laserCloudSelNum, 6, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
            cv::Mat matAt(6, laserCloudSelNum, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
            cv::Mat matAtA(6, 6, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
            cv::Mat matB(laserCloudSelNum, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
            cv::Mat matAtB(6, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
            cv::Mat matX(6, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
            for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudSelNum; i++) {
              pointOri = laserCloudOri->points[i];
              coeff = coeffSel->points[i];

              float arx = (crx*sry*srz*pointOri.x + crx*crz*sry*pointOri.y - srx*sry*pointOri.z) * coeff.x
                        + (-srx*srz*pointOri.x - crz*srx*pointOri.y - crx*pointOri.z) * coeff.y
                        + (crx*cry*srz*pointOri.x + crx*cry*crz*pointOri.y - cry*srx*pointOri.z) * coeff.z;

              float ary = ((cry*srx*srz - crz*sry)*pointOri.x 
                        + (sry*srz + cry*crz*srx)*pointOri.y + crx*cry*pointOri.z) * coeff.x
                        + ((-cry*crz - srx*sry*srz)*pointOri.x 
                        + (cry*srz - crz*srx*sry)*pointOri.y - crx*sry*pointOri.z) * coeff.z;

              float arz = ((crz*srx*sry - cry*srz)*pointOri.x + (-cry*crz-srx*sry*srz)*pointOri.y)*coeff.x
                        + (crx*crz*pointOri.x - crx*srz*pointOri.y) * coeff.y
                        + ((sry*srz + cry*crz*srx)*pointOri.x + (crz*sry-cry*srx*srz)*pointOri.y)*coeff.z;
              matA.at<float>(i, 0) = arx;
              matA.at<float>(i, 1) = ary;
              matA.at<float>(i, 2) = arz;
              matA.at<float>(i, 3) = coeff.x;
              matA.at<float>(i, 4) = coeff.y;
              matA.at<float>(i, 5) = coeff.z;
              matB.at<float>(i, 0) = -coeff.intensity;
            cv::transpose(matA, matAt);
            matAtA = matAt * matA;
            matAtB = matAt * matB;
            cv::solve(matAtA, matAtB, matX, cv::DECOMP_QR);
            if (iterCount == 0) {
              cv::Mat matE(1, 6, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
              cv::Mat matV(6, 6, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
              cv::Mat matV2(6, 6, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
              cv::eigen(matAtA, matE, matV);
              isDegenerate = false;
              float eignThre[6] = {100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100};
              for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (matE.at<float>(0, i) < eignThre[i]) {
                  for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
                    matV2.at<float>(i, j) = 0;
                  isDegenerate = true;
                } else {
              matP = matV.inv() * matV2;
            if (isDegenerate) {
              cv::Mat matX2(6, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
              matX = matP * matX2;
            transformTobeMapped[0] += matX.at<float>(0, 0);
            transformTobeMapped[1] += matX.at<float>(1, 0);
            transformTobeMapped[2] += matX.at<float>(2, 0);
            transformTobeMapped[3] += matX.at<float>(3, 0);
            transformTobeMapped[4] += matX.at<float>(4, 0);
            transformTobeMapped[5] += matX.at<float>(5, 0);

            float deltaR = sqrt(
                                pow(rad2deg(matX.at<float>(0, 0)), 2) +
                                pow(rad2deg(matX.at<float>(1, 0)), 2) +
                                pow(rad2deg(matX.at<float>(2, 0)), 2));
            float deltaT = sqrt(
                                pow(matX.at<float>(3, 0) * 100, 2) +
                                pow(matX.at<float>(4, 0) * 100, 2) +
                                pow(matX.at<float>(5, 0) * 100, 2));

            if (deltaR < 0.05 && deltaT < 0.05) {

      // jc : in this function ,update the transformAftMapped
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        if (mapFrameCount >= mapFrameNum) {
          mapFrameCount = 0;

          for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudSurroundNum; i++) {
            int ind = laserCloudSurroundInd[i];
            *laserCloudSurround2 += *laserCloudCornerArray[ind];
            *laserCloudSurround2 += *laserCloudSurfArray[ind];


          sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 laserCloudSurround3;
          pcl::toROSMsg(*laserCloudSurround, laserCloudSurround3);
          laserCloudSurround3.header.stamp = ros::Time().fromSec(timeLaserOdometry);
          laserCloudSurround3.header.frame_id = "/camera_init";
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cornerPoints, 彩色的是sharp,白色lessSharp