Hardware_Info.vbs 获取硬件信息的VBS代码
'hardware_info.vbs v1.1 by: fastslz
on error resume next
dim wmi,ws,fso
set wmi = getobject("winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
set coss = wmi.execquery("select * from win32_operatingsystem")
for each oos in coss
osx = oos.caption &" " & oos.csdversion & vbcrlf
bbx= "————————————主板信息————————————" & vbcrlf
set board = wmi.instancesof("win32_baseboard")
set bios = wmi.instancesof("win32_bios")
for each oboard in board
bbx = bbx _
& "主板名称: " & oboard.product &vbtab & oboard.version & vbcrlf _
& "制造厂商: " & oboard.manufacturer & vbcrlf
for each obios in bios
bbx = bbx _
& "bios厂商: " & obios.manufacturer & vbcrlf _
& "bios日期: " & formatdatetime(wdate(trim(obios.releasedate)),1) & vbcrlf _
& "bios版本: " & obios.smbiosbiosversion & vbcrlf _
& "oem 版本: " & obios.version & vbcrlf
set bios = nothing:set board = nothing
cpux = "———————————处理器信息———————————" & vbcrlf
set cpus = wmi.instancesof("win32_processor")
set caches = wmi.instancesof("win32_cachememory")
for each objcpu in cpus
mcs = objcpu.maxclockspeed :ccs = objcpu.currentclockspeed
if objcpu.maxclockspeed mod 2 = 1 then mcs = ccs + 1
if objcpu.currentclockspeed mod 2 = 1 then ccs = ccs + 1
oc = qoc(ccs,mcs)
if (oc-mcs) > 10 and (oc-mcs) > 0 then oclc = " 超频比率: " & formatpercent((oc-mcs)/mcs)
if (oc-mcs) < -10 and (oc-mcs) < 0 then oclc = " 降频比率: " & formatpercent((oc-mcs)/mcs)
cpux = cpux _
& "cpu 名称: " & trim(objcpu.name) & vbcrlf _
& "cpu 构架: " & objcpu.description & vbcrlf _
& "制造厂商: " & objcpu.manufacturer & vbcrlf _
& "接口规格: " & objcpu.socketdesignation & vbcrlf _
& "cpu 数量: " & objcpu.cpustatus & vbcrlf _
& "核心数量: " & objcpu.numberofcores & vbcrlf _
& "线程数量: " & objcpu.numberoflogicalprocessors & vbcrlf _
& "地址位宽: " & objcpu.addresswidth & " bit" & vbcrlf _
& "数据位宽: " & objcpu.datawidth & " bit" & vbcrlf _
& "cpu 电压: " & objcpu.currentvoltage / 10 & "v" & vbcrlf _
& "外部频率: " & objcpu.extclock & " mhz" & vbcrlf _
& "当前频率: " & oc & " mhz" & oclc & vbcrlf _
& "原始频率: " & mcs & " mhz" & vbcrlf _
& "cpu 使用: " & objcpu.loadpercentage & "%" & vbcrlf
function qoc(ccs,mcs)
if ccs = mcs then
set wreg = getobject("winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:stdregprov")
wreg.getdwordvalue &h80000002,"hardware\description\system\centralprocessor\0","~mhz",strvalue
oc = strvalue :set wreg = nothing
oc = ccs
end if
qoc = oc :if qoc mod 2 = 1 then qoc = qoc + 1
end function
for each objcache in caches
if objcache.maxcachesize > 0 then
select case objcache.purpose
case "l1-cache"
cpux = cpux & "一级缓存: " & objcache.maxcachesize & "kb (l1数据+l1缓存)" & vbcrlf
case "l2-cache"
cpux = cpux & "二级缓存: " & objcache.maxcachesize & " kb" & vbcrlf
case "l3-cache"
cpux = cpux & "三级缓存: " & objcache.maxcachesize & " kb" & vbcrlf
end select
end if
set caches = nothing:set cpus = nothing
memx = "————————————内存信息————————————" & vbcrlf
set memorys = wmi.instancesof("win32_physicalmemory")
set memky = wmi.instancesof("win32_operatingsystem")
for each aky in memky
zl = aky.totalvisiblememorysize
ky = aky.freephysicalmemory
mems = 0:memc = 0
types = array("unknown","other","dram","synchronous dram","cache dram","edo","edram","vram","sram", "ram", _
for each mem in memorys
for i = 0 to ubound(types)
if mem.memorytype = i then memtype = types(i) :end if
for j = 0 to 6
select case mem.tag
case "physical memory " & j
mems = mems+(mem.capacity)
memx = memx &"插槽" & mem.devicelocator & ": " & round(mem.capacity/1048576) &" mb " _
& memtype & "-" & mem.speed & "mhz" & " 数据带宽" & mem.datawidth _
& "bit" & " 总带宽" & mem.totalwidth &"bit" & vbcrlf
end select
memx = memx _
& "内存安装: "& round(mems/1048576)&" mb " & vbcrlf _
& "内存总量: "& round(zl/1024)& " mb" & vbcrlf _
& "内存可用: "& round(ky/1024)& " mb" & vbcrlf _
& "内存使用率: " &formatpercent((zl-ky)/zl)& vbcrlf
set memorys = nothing:set memky = nothing
vx= "————————————显卡信息————————————" & vbcrlf
set cvid = wmi.execquery("select deviceid from win32_videocontroller")
for each ovid in cvid
set video = wmi.execquery("select * from win32_videocontroller where deviceid='"& ovid.deviceid &"'")
for each ovideo in video
vx = vx _
& "显卡名称: " & ovideo.name & vbcrlf _
& "制造厂商: " & ovideo.adaptercompatibility & vbcrlf _
& "物理显存: " & round(ovideo.adapterram/1048576)&" mb " & vbcrlf _
& "显示模式: " & ovideo.currenthorizontalresolution &" x " _
& ovideo.currentverticalresolution &" "_
& ovideo.currentbitsperpixel &"bit " _
& ovideo.currentrefreshrate &"hz" & vbcrlf
set video = nothing:set cvid = nothing
dx= "————————————硬盘信息————————————" & vbcrlf
set ide = wmi.execquery("select * from win32_diskdrive where interfacetype='ide'")
set cppp = wmi.execquery("select * from win32_perfrawdata_perfdisk_physicaldisk")
for each oide in ide
for i = 0 to ide.count
select case oide.index
case i
for each oppp in cppp
if instr(oppp.name, i) then vname = oppp.name
dx = dx & "硬盘" & i &"型号:" & oide.caption & vbcrlf _
& vbtab & "标称容量: " & round(oide.size/1000000000) &" gb" & vbcrlf _
& vbtab & "实际容量: " & round(oide.size/1073741824) &" gb" & vbcrlf _
& vbtab & "柱面数: " & oide.totalcylinders & vbcrlf _
& vbtab & "磁头数: " & oide.totalheads & vbcrlf _
& vbtab & "每道扇区数: " & oide.sectorspertrack & vbcrlf _
& vbtab & "扇区大小: " & oide.bytespersector & vbcrlf _
& vbtab & "总扇区数: " & oide.totalsectors & vbcrlf _
& vbtab & "分区状态: " & vname & vbcrlf
devid = replace(oide.deviceid, "\", "\\")
set cdp = wmi.execquery("associators of {win32_diskdrive.deviceid="""& devid &"""}" _
& "where assocclass = win32_diskdrivetodiskpartition")
for each odp in cdp
set cld = wmi.execquery("associators of {win32_diskpartition.deviceid="""& odp.deviceid &"""}" _
& "where assocclass = win32_logicaldisktopartition")
for each old in cld
dx = dx _
& vbtab & old.deviceid &" " & left(old.volumename&" " ,11) & left(old.filesystem&" " ,6) & "共:" _
& right(" "&round(old.size/1073741824,1),6) &" gb 可用:" _
& right(" "&round(old.freespace/1073741824,1),6) &" gb 已用:" _
& right(" "&round((old.size-old.freespace)/1073741824,1),6)&" gb" & vbcrlf
end select
set cld = nothing:set cdp = nothing:set ide = nothing:set cdp = nothing:set cppp = nothing
sx= "————————————声卡信息————————————" & vbcrlf
set csd = wmi.execquery("select * from win32_sounddevice")
for each osd in csd
sx = sx & "声卡名称: " & osd.productname & vbcrlf
set csd = nothing
nx= "————————————网卡信息————————————" & vbcrlf
set cnet = wmi.execquery("select * from win32_networkadapter where physicaladapter ='true'")
if cstr(cnet.count) < 0 then
set cnet = wmi.execquery("select * from win32_networkadapter where pnpdeviceid like 'pci%%' or pnpdeviceid like 'usb%%'")
for each onet in cnet
if onet.netconnectionstatus > 0 then
nx = nx & "网卡名称: "& onet.name & vbcrlf
nx = nx & "网卡名称: "& onet.name & vbcrlf
end if
for each onet in cnet
if onet.netenabled = true then
nx = nx & "网卡名称: "& onet.name & vbtab & "活跃状态" & vbcrlf
nx = nx & "网卡名称: "& onet.name & vbtab & "空闲状态" & vbcrlf
end if
end if
set cnet = nothing
if (lcase(right(wscript.fullname,11)) = "wscript.exe") then
msgbox osx & bbx & cpux & memx ,,"hardware_info.vbs v1.0 by: fastslz"
msgbox vx & sx & nx ,,"hardware_info.vbs v1.0 by: fastslz"
msgbox dx ,, "hardware_info.vbs v1.0 by: fastslz"
msgn = msgbox ("是否保存到文件?" , 32+4 , "hardware_info.vbs v1.0 by: fastslz")
if msgn = 6 then jzcsx = jzcs :winfo
wscript.echo osx & bbx & cpux & memx & vx & sx & nx & dx
end if
set wmi = nothing
sub winfo()
set ws = createobject("wscript.shell")
set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
afile = ws.currentdirectory &"\"& ws.expandenvironmentstrings("%computername%")&"_hardware_info.txt"
set hinfo = fso.createtextfile(afile , true)
hinfo.writeline "hardware_info.vbs by: fastslz"
hinfo.writeline osx & bbx & cpux & memx & vx & sx & nx & dx & jzcsx
ws.run chr(34) & afile & chr(34)
set ws = nothing:set fso = nothing:set hinfo = nothing
end sub
function wdate(nd)
if not isnull(nd) then
wdate = cdate(mid(nd,5,2)&"/"&mid(nd,7,2)&"/"&left(nd,4)&" "&mid(nd,9,2)&":"&mid(nd,11,2)&":"&mid(nd,13,2))
end if
end function
function jzcs()
nummsg = vbcrlf & "———————————简易cpu基准测试———————————" & vbcrlf
dim i,t1,t2,tempvalue,aruntime,bruntime
t1 = timer()
for i = 1 to 2000000
tempvalue= 2^0.5
t2 = timer()
aruntime = formatnumber((t2-t1)*1000,2)
nummsg = nummsg & "cpu 200万次开方计算所需时间:" &aruntime&" 毫秒" & vbcrlf
t1 = timer()
for i = 1 to 6000000
tempvalue= 1 + 1
t2 = timer()
bruntime = formatnumber((t2-t1)*1000,2)
nummsg = nummsg & "cpu 600万次加法计算所需时间:"&bruntime&" 毫秒" & vbcrlf
jzcs = nummsg
end function
@echo off
for /f "delims=*" %%a in ('cscript //nologo "hardware_info.vbs"^|find ":"') do echo %%a
for /f "tokens=2,*" %%a in ('cscript //nologo "hardware_info.vbs"^|findstr "分区状态"') do (
if %%a#==1# for /f "tokens=1" %%i in ("%%b") do md "%%i\backup")