2022-04-09 21:27:07
对于所有的需求,当你不知道怎么处理的时候,你就先用最简单的方法,或者说的明白一点,用最原始的方法,先实现业务需求再说。 一、对提现队列数据表“ims_checkout_task”进行汇总统计,按月汇总统计每个月的提现总额,提现总次数。 1、SQL操作如下: 2、数据库返回如下: 3、关键词:case ......
select id ,sum(case when from_unixtime(addtime,'%y-%m') = date_format(date_sub(curdate(), interval 11 month),'%y-%m') and `status` = 1 then money else 0 end) as '0' ,sum(case when from_unixtime(addtime,'%y-%m') = date_format(date_sub(curdate(), interval 10 month),'%y-%m') and `status` = 1 then money else 0 end) as '1' ,sum(case when from_unixtime(addtime,'%y-%m') = date_format(date_sub(curdate(), interval 9 month),'%y-%m') and `status` = 1 then money else 0 end) as '2' ,sum(case when from_unixtime(addtime,'%y-%m') = date_format(date_sub(curdate(), interval 8 month),'%y-%m') and `status` = 1 then money else 0 end) as '3' ,sum(case when from_unixtime(addtime,'%y-%m') = date_format(date_sub(curdate(), interval 7 month),'%y-%m') and `status` = 1 then money else 0 end) as '4' ,sum(case when from_unixtime(addtime,'%y-%m') = date_format(date_sub(curdate(), interval 6 month),'%y-%m') and `status` = 1 then money else 0 end) as '5' ,sum(case when from_unixtime(addtime,'%y-%m') = date_format(date_sub(curdate(), interval 5 month),'%y-%m') and `status` = 1 then money else 0 end) as '6' ,sum(case when from_unixtime(addtime,'%y-%m') = date_format(date_sub(curdate(), interval 4 month),'%y-%m') and `status` = 1 then money else 0 end) as '7' ,sum(case when from_unixtime(addtime,'%y-%m') = date_format(date_sub(curdate(), interval 3 month),'%y-%m') and `status` = 1 then money else 0 end) as '8' ,sum(case when from_unixtime(addtime,'%y-%m') = date_format(date_sub(curdate(), interval 2 month),'%y-%m') and `status` = 1 then money else 0 end) as '9' ,sum(case when from_unixtime(addtime,'%y-%m') = date_format(date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 month),'%y-%m') and `status` = 1 then money else 0 end) as '10' ,sum(case when from_unixtime(addtime,'%y-%m') = date_format(date_sub(curdate(), interval 0 month),'%y-%m') and `status` = 1 then money else 0 end) as '11' from ims_checkout_task
3、关键词:case when
//流程控制语句case语法,例如,如果sex字段值为1,则输出男;如果sex值为2,则输出女;否则输出其他 case sex when '1' then '男' when '2' then '女' else '其他' end
//对时间戳格式化成 2018-10 from_unixtime(addtime,'%y-%m') //sql获取当前时间格式 2019-08 ,根据expr值不同,依次获取前一个月1,前两个月2 ··· date_format(date_sub(curdate(), interval 0 month),'%y-%m') // 函数用于以不同的格式显示日期/时间数据。 date_format(date,format) //函数从日期减去指定的时间间隔。 date_sub(date,interval expr type) //函数返回当前的日期。 curdate()
select now(),curdate(),curtime()
select dayofweek(now()),weekday(now()),date_format(now(),"%w"),now()
select id ,sum(case when date_format(from_unixtime(pay_time,'%y-%m-%d'),'%w') = 1 and week(date_add(curdate(),interval 6 day),2) = week(date_add(from_unixtime(pay_time,'%y-%m-%d'),interval 6 day),2) and `pay_status` = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as '0' ,sum(case when date_format(from_unixtime(pay_time,'%y-%m-%d'),'%w') = 2 and week(date_add(curdate(),interval 6 day),2) = week(date_add(from_unixtime(pay_time,'%y-%m-%d'),interval 6 day),2) and `pay_status` = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as '1' ,sum(case when date_format(from_unixtime(pay_time,'%y-%m-%d'),'%w') = 3 and week(date_add(curdate(),interval 6 day),2) = week(date_add(from_unixtime(pay_time,'%y-%m-%d'),interval 6 day),2) and `pay_status` = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as '2' ,sum(case when date_format(from_unixtime(pay_time,'%y-%m-%d'),'%w') = 4 and week(date_add(curdate(),interval 6 day),2) = week(date_add(from_unixtime(pay_time,'%y-%m-%d'),interval 6 day),2) and `pay_status` = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as '3' ,sum(case when date_format(from_unixtime(pay_time,'%y-%m-%d'),'%w') = 5 and week(date_add(curdate(),interval 6 day),2) = week(date_add(from_unixtime(pay_time,'%y-%m-%d'),interval 6 day),2) and `pay_status` = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as '4' ,sum(case when date_format(from_unixtime(pay_time,'%y-%m-%d'),'%w') = 6 and week(date_add(curdate(),interval 6 day),2) = week(date_add(from_unixtime(pay_time,'%y-%m-%d'),interval 6 day),2) and `pay_status` = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as '5' ,sum(case when date_format(from_unixtime(pay_time,'%y-%m-%d'),'%w') = 0 and week(date_add(curdate(),interval 6 day),2) = week(date_add(from_unixtime(pay_time,'%y-%m-%d'),interval 6 day),2) and `pay_status` = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as '6' from ims_integral_order
//格式化时间戳,返回星期数,注意周日返回值为0 date_format(from_unixtime(pay_time,'%y-%m-%d'),'%w') //返回当前时间为一年中第几周 week(date_add(curdate(),interval 6 day),2) //获取指定日期是一年中的第几周 week(date,mode) //函数向日期添加指定的时间间隔。 date_add(date,interval expr type)
上一篇: 调整mysql数据库最大连接数