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spring boot 配置 spring.config.location

程序员文章站 2022-04-06 18:48:49

1 . 2.x版本

   spring.config.location 设置后,只读取这个文件配置内容,不再读取其他地址的配置文件


1. file:./config/
2. file:./config/*/
3. file:./
4. classpath:/config/
5. classpath:/

 在使用 spring.config.location 指定外部配置文件时,需要此份配置文件需全量满足当前工程运行时所需,因为它不会去与 resources 目录下的配置文件去做 merge 操作。

2.  spring.config.additional-location

  配置后加载顺序,属性会merge. 同名属性以优先级高的为准

1. file:./custom-config/
2. classpath:custom-config/
3. file:./config/
4. file:./config/*/
5. file:./
6. classpath:/config/
7. classpath:/

 3. spring.profiles.active

        springboot 默认是在src/main/resources文件夹中加载application.properties默认配置文件,格式为application-{profile}.properties,其中{profile}对应你的环境标识

     在application.properties中添加spring.profiles.active = dev,database

In addition to application.properties files, profile-specific properties can also be defined by using
the following naming convention: application-{profile}.properties. The Environment has a set of
default profiles (by default, [default]) that are used if no active profiles are set. In other words, if
55no profiles are explicitly activated, then properties from application-default.properties are
相关标签: 框架开发