electron shell.writeShortcutLink 示例
2022-03-03 23:06:55
shell.writeShortcutLink(shortcutPath[, operation], options) Windows
在shortcutPath位置创建或更新一个快捷连接,返回 Boolean - 快捷方式是否被成功创建。
- shortcutPath String
- operation String (optional) - Default is create, can be one of following:
- create - 创建一个新的快捷方式, 如有必要可以覆盖。
- update - 仅更新现有快捷方式上的指定属性。
- replace - 覆盖现有快捷方式, 如果快捷方式不存在将会失败。
- options ShortcutDetails
- workingDirectory String(可选) - 当前工作目录。 默认值为空。
- args String (optional) - The arguments to be applied to target when * launching from this shortcut. * 默认值为空。
- description String (optional) - The description of the shortcut. Default is empty.
- icon String (optional) - The path to the icon, can be a DLL or EXE. icon and iconIndex have to be set * together. Default is empty, which uses the target’s icon.
- iconIndex Number (optional) - The resource ID of icon when icon is a DLL or EXE. Default is 0.
- appUserModelId String (optional) - The Application User Model ID. Default is empty.
res = shell.writeShortcutLink(
'C:\\Users\\DELL\\Downloads\\aa.lnk', // 快捷方式
{ target: 'C:\\Users\\DELL\\Downloads\\PCQQ2020.exe' },