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程序员文章站 2022-03-03 22:22:32

void SystemControl()

 * function describe: There are five system state(SYSTEM_READY, SYSTEM_STARTING, SYSTEM_STARTED, SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN, SYSTEM_FAULT).
 *                    SYSTEM_READY:      No fault happened and system is turned off.
 *                    SYSTEM_STARTING:   No fault happened and system is starting.
 *                    SYSTEM_STARTED:    No fault happened and system have been launched.
 *                    SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN:   No fault happened and system is turned off.
 *                    SYSTEM_FAULT:      Some fault happened and system has been turned off.
 * function exe max time: 5ms
void SystemControlProcess()

 * function describe: Calculate the multiple signals collected back.
 *                    AVI(AIN7/PB7):                     every 20ms collect.  
 *                    TEMP_SENSOR_1(AIN6/PB6):           every 10ms collect.
 *                    TEMP_SENSOR_2(AIN5/PB5):           8ms.
 *                    V_REF(AIN4/PB4):                   8ms.
 *                    I_REF(TIM1_ETR/AIN3/PB3):          8ms.
 *                    VOUT_SENSE(TIM1_CH2N/AIN1/PB1): 
 *                    VIN_SENSE(TIM1_CH1/AIN0/PB0):
 *                    IAV_SENSE(AIN8/PE7):
 *                    Those signals collect by AD interrupt function in hardware. This function only deal smoothing.
 * function exe max time: 2ms
void SignalSimplingProcess()

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