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MyBatis 的关联映射

程序员文章站 2022-04-03 08:53:04




create table tb_idcard( id int  primary key auto_increment, code varchar(18)); 

create table tb_person( id int  primary key auto_increment, name varchar(32),age int,sex varchar(8),card_id int unique,foreign key(card_id) references tb_idcard(id)); 

insert into tb_idcard(code) values("110238733008844444");     
insert into tb_idcard(code) values("110238733008855555");    

insert into tb_person(name,age,sex,card_id) values("kangxg",29,"男",1);
insert into tb_person(name,age,sex,card_id) values("kangxy",27,"女",2);

2.在com.kangxg.po包下创建持久化类 IdCard 和 Person

package com.kangxg.po;

public class IdCard {
  private Integer id;
  private String code;
  public Integer getId()
      return this.id;
  public void setId(Integer id)
      this.id = id;
  public String getCode()
      return this.code;
  public void setCode(String code)
      this.code = code;
  public String toString()
      return "Customer [id =" + id +"," +"code =" +code  +"]";

package com.kangxg.po;

public class Person {
      private Integer id;
      private String  name;
      private Integer age;
      private String  sex;
      private IdCard card;
      public Integer getId()
          return this.id;
      public void setId(Integer id)
          this.id = id;
      public Integer getAge()
          return this.age;
      public void setAge(Integer age)
          this.age = age;
      public String getName()
          return this.name;
      public void setName(String name)
          this.name = name;
      public String getSex()
          return this.sex;
      public void setSex(String sex)
          this.sex = sex;
      public IdCard getCard()
          return this.card;
      public void setCard(IdCard card)
          this.card = card;
      public String toString()
          return "Customer [id =" + id +"," +"name =" +name +", age =" +age +", sex =" +sex +", card =" +card +"]";

3.在com.kangxg.mapper包中创建映射文件IdCardMapper.xml 和PersonMapper.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
  PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<!-- namespace 表示命名空间  -->
<mapper namespace="com.kangxg.mapper.IdCardMapper">

  <!-- 根据id 查询证件信息 -->
  <select id="findCodeById" parameterType = "Integer" resultType="IdCard">
     select * from tb_idcard where id = #{id}

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
  PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<!-- namespace 表示命名空间  -->
<mapper namespace="com.kangxg.mapper.PersonMapper">

  <!-- 根据id 查询证件信息 -->
  <select id="findPersonById" parameterType = "Integer" resultMap="IdCardWithPersonResult">
     select * from tb_person where id = #{id}
  <resultMap type="Person" id="IdCardWithPersonResult">
    <id property = "id" column = "id"/>
    <result property = "name" column = "name"/>
    <result property = "age" column = "age"/>
    <result property = "sex" column = "sex"/>
    <association property = "card" column = "card_id" javaType = "IdCard"
       select = "com.kangxg.mapper.IdCardMapper.findCodeById"/>



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE configuration
  PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Config 3.0//EN"
  <properties resource = "db.properties"/>
  <!-- 使用扫描的形式定义别名 -->
     <package name = "com.kangxg.po"/>
  <!-- 1.配置环境,默认环境id 为 mysql -->
  <environments default="mysql">
    <!-- 1.2.配置id 为 mysql 的数据库环境-->
    <environment id="mysql">
      <!-- JDBC 事务管理-->
      <transactionManager type="JDBC"/>
       <!-- 数据库连接池-->
      <dataSource type="POOLED">
         <!-- 数据库驱动 -->
         <property name = "driver" value = "${jdbc.driver}" />
         <!-- 连接数据库URL-->
         <property name = "url" value = "${jdbc.url}" />
         <!-- 连接数据库的用户名-->
         <property name = "username" value = "${jdbc.username}" />
         <!-- 连接数据库的密码-->
         <property name = "password" value = "${jdbc.password}" />
  <!-- 2.配置Mapper的位置-->
    <mapper resource="com/kangxg/mapper/IdCardMapper.xml"/>
    <mapper resource="com/kangxg/mapper/PersonMapper.xml"/>


    public void findPersonByIdTest()throws Exception
        SqlSession sqlSession =  MybatisUtils.getSession();
        Person person = sqlSession.selectOne("com.kangxg.mapper"+".PersonMapper.findPersonById",1 );


6.debug 运行程序

MyBatis 的关联映射


  <select id="findPersonById2" parameterType = "Integer" resultMap="IdCardWithPersonResult2">
     select p.*,idcard.code
     from tb_person p,tb_idcard idcard
     where p.card_id = idcard.id and p.id = #{id}
  <resultMap type="Person" id="IdCardWithPersonResult2">
    <id property = "id" column = "id"/>
    <result property = "name" column = "name"/>
    <result property = "age" column = "age"/>
    <result property = "sex" column = "sex"/>
    <association property = "card"  javaType = "IdCard">
       <id property ="id" column ="card_id"/>
       <result property ="code" column = "code"/>
    public void findPersonByIdTest2()throws Exception
        SqlSession sqlSession =  MybatisUtils.getSession();
        Person person = sqlSession.selectOne("com.kangxg.mapper"+".PersonMapper.findPersonById2",1 );


MyBatis 的关联映射



  <properties resource = "db.properties"/>
     <!-- 打开延迟加载开关 -->
     <setting name="lazyLoadingEnabled" value="True"/>
     <!--将积极加载改为消息加载,即按需加载 -->
     <setting name="aggressiveLazyLoading" value="false"/>
  <!-- 使用扫描的形式定义别名 -->
     <package name = "com.kangxg.po"/>
在映射文件中,MyBatis关联映射的<association>元素和<collection>元素中都已经默认配置了延迟加载属性,即默认属性 fetch ="lazy"(fetch="eager"表示立即加载),所以配置文件中开启延迟加载后,无须在映射文件中再进行配置。



create table tb_user( id int(32)  primary key auto_increment, username varchar(32),address varchar(256));

create table tb_orders( id int(32)  primary key auto_increment, number varchar(32) NOT NULL,user_id int(32) NOT NULL,foreign key(user_id) references tb_user(id));

insert into tb_user values('1','蔡英文','台北');   
insert into tb_user values('2','马英九','*');
insert into tb_user values('3','陈水扁','*');

insert into tb_orders values('1','1000011','1');
insert into tb_orders values('2','1000012','1');
insert into tb_orders values('3','1000013','2');

2.在com.kangxg.po包中创建持久化类Orders 和 User

package com.kangxg.po;

public class Orders {
      private Integer id;
      private String  number;
      public Integer getId()
          return this.id;
      public void setId(Integer id)
          this.id = id;
      public String getNumber()
          return this.number;
      public void setNumber(String number)
          this.number = number;
      public String toString()
          return "Orders [id =" + id +"," +"number =" +number  +"]";

package com.kangxg.po;

import java.util.List;

public class User {
      private Integer id;
      private String  username;
      private String  address;
      private List<Orders> ordersList;
      public Integer getId()
          return this.id;
      public void setId(Integer id)
          this.id = id;
      public String getUsername()
          return this.username;
      public void setUsername(String username)
          this.username = username;
      public String getAddress()
          return this.address;
      public void setAddress(String address)
          this.address = address;
      public List<Orders> getOrders()
          return this.ordersList;
      public void setOrders(List<Orders> ordersList)
          this.ordersList=  ordersList;
      public String toString()
          return "User [id =" + id +"," +"username =" +username +", address =" +address +", ordersList =" +ordersList +"]";

3.在 com.kangxg.mapper 包中创建UserMapper.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
  PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<!-- namespace 表示命名空间  -->
<mapper namespace="com.kangxg.mapper.UserMapper">

  <!-- 根据id 查询证件信息 -->
  <select id="findUserWithOrders" parameterType = "Integer" resultMap="UserWithOrdersResult">
     select u.*,o.id as orders_id,o.number
     from tb_user u,tb_orders o
     where u.id = o.user_id
     and u.id = #{id}
  <resultMap type="User" id="UserWithOrdersResult">
    <id property = "id" column = "id"/>
    <result property = "username" column = "username"/>
    <result property = "address" column = "address"/>
    <collection property = "ordersList"  ofType = "Orders">
       <id property ="id" column ="orders_id"/>
       <result property ="number" column = "number"/>


4.测试类中创建 测试方法

    public void findUserTest()throws Exception
        SqlSession sqlSession =  MybatisUtils.getSession();
        User user = sqlSession.selectOne("com.kangxg.mapper"+".UserMapper.findUserWithOrders",1 );


5. debug 运行程序

MyBatis 的关联映射




create table tb_product( id int  primary key auto_increment, name varchar(32),price double); 

create table tb_ordersitem( id int (32) primary key auto_increment, orders_id  int(32),product_id int(32),foreign key(orders_id) references tb_orders(id),foreign key(product_id) references tb_product(id)); 

insert into tb_product values('1','java基础教程','44.5');   
insert into tb_product values('2','iOS开发秘籍','78');
insert into tb_product values('3','C现代编程','48');
insert into tb_product values('4','Android开发实战','50');

insert into tb_ordersitem values('1','1','1');
insert into tb_ordersitem values('2','2','2');
insert into tb_ordersitem values('3','3','3');


package com.kangxg.po;

import java.util.List;

public class Product {
      private Integer id;
      private String  name;
      private Double  price;
      private List<Orders> orders;
      public Integer getId()
          return this.id;
      public void setId(Integer id)
          this.id = id;
      public String getName()
          return this.name;
      public void setName(String name)
          this.name = name;
      public Double getPrice()
          return this.price;
      public void setPrice(Double price)
          this.price = price;
      public List<Orders> getOrders()
          return this.orders;
      public void setOrders(List<Orders> orders)
          this.orders=  orders;
      public String toString()
          return "Product [id =" + id +"," +"name =" +name +", price =" +price +"]";


      private List<Product> productList;

      public List<Product> getProducList()
          return this.productList;
      public void setProductList(List<Product> productList)
          this.productList =  productList;
      public String toString()
          return "Orders [id =" + id +"," +"number =" +number+"," +"productList =" +productList+"]";


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
  PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<!-- namespace 表示命名空间  -->
<mapper namespace="com.kangxg.mapper.OrdersMapper">

  <select id="findOrdersWithProduct" parameterType = "Integer" resultMap="OrdersWithProductResult">
     select o.*,p.id as pid,p.name,p.price
     from tb_orders o,tb_product p,tb_ordersitem oi
     where oi.orders_id = o.id
     and oi.product_id=p.id
     and o.id = #{id}
  <resultMap type="Orders" id="OrdersWithProductResult">
    <id property = "id" column = "id"/>
    <result property = "number" column = "number"/>
    <collection property = "productList"    ofType = "Product">
             <id property = "id" column = "pid"/>
             <result property = "name" column = "name"/>
             <result property = "price" column = "price"/>



 <mapper resource="com/kangxg/mapper/OrdersMapper.xml"/>


    public void findOrdersTest()throws Exception
        SqlSession sqlSession =  MybatisUtils.getSession();
        Orders orders = sqlSession.selectOne("com.kangxg.mapper."+"OrdersMapper.findOrdersWithProduct",1 );



DEBUG [main] - ==>  Preparing: select o.*,p.id as pid,p.name,p.price from tb_orders o,tb_product p,tb_ordersitem oi where oi.orders_id = o.id and oi.product_id=p.id and o.id = ? 
DEBUG [main] - ==> Parameters: 1(Integer)
DEBUG [main] - <==      Total: 1
Orders [id =1,number =1000011,productList =[Product [id =1,name =java基础教程, price =44.5]]]
相关标签: MyBatis关联映射