oracle 绑定变量的用法
2022-04-01 23:37:36
让Oracle自己绑定变量 set serverout on; set timing on; declare l_sql varchar(); l_count number; l_param varchar(); l_param varchar(); begin l_param:=a; l_param:=b; select count(*) into l_count from table where col_=l_param and col_=l_param; dbms_outputput_line(l_count); end; / 在上面的情况Oracle会自己绑定变量即如果参数保存在一个数组中select语句放在一个循环中 select 语句只会编译一次 像这样 for i in loop select count(*) into l_count from table where col_=l_param and col_=l_param and col_=i; dbms_outputput_line(l_count); end loop 不绑定变量 set serverout on; set timing on; declare l_sql varchar(); l_count number; l_param varchar(); l_param varchar(); begin l_param:=a; l_param:=b; l_sql:=select count(*) into :x from table where col_=||l_param|| and col_=||l_param; Execute Immediate l_sql into l_count; dbms_outputput_line(l_count); end; / 动态绑定变量 set serverout on; set timing on; declare l_sql varchar(); l_count number; l_param varchar(); l_param varchar(); begin l_param:=a; l_param:=b; l_sql:=select count(*) into :x from table where col_=:y and col_=:z ; Execute Immediate l_sql into l_count using l_paraml_param; dbms_outputput_line(l_count); end; / :x:y:z相当于占位符即 用:p:p:p是一样的 用:x:x:x也是一样的 需要的绑定变量按顺序排在执行语句后面就可以了into的除外 不过还是用pp好些至少可以看出绑定了多少个变量
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