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程序员文章站 2022-03-03 17:17:30
use test;
select * from students;
select * from courses;
select * from sc;
# 多表连接查询

-- 查询选修了【数据库原理】的计算机系的学生学号和姓名。 
select distinct students.Sno, Sname
	from students, courses, sc
		where Cname='数据库原理' and
			  sc.Sno=students.Sno and

select students.Sno, Sname
	from (students inner join sc on sc.Sno=students.Sno) inner join courses on courses.Cno=sc.Cno
		where Cname='数据库原理';
-- 查询每一门课的间接先行课(即先行课的先行课),显示课程编号和该门课程的间接先行课编号。
select first.Cno, second.PreCno
	from courses first, courses second
		where first.PreCno is not null and
			  second.PreCno is not null and
select cx.Cno, cy.PreCno
	from courses as cx, courses as cy
		where cx.PreCno=cy.Cno and
			  cy.PreCno is not null;
-- 查询学生的学号、姓名、选修课程的名称和成绩。
select students.Sno, Sname, Cname, Grade
	from students, courses, sc
		where students.Sno=sc.Sno and
select students.Sno, Sname, Cname, Grade
	from (students inner join sc on students.Sno=sc.Sno) inner join courses 
		on courses.Cno=sc.Cno;
-- 查询选修了课程的学生姓名。
select distinct Sname
	from students, sc
		where students.Sno=sc.Sno;
select distinct Sname
	from students inner join sc
		on students.Sno=sc.Sno;
-- 查询所有学生的信息和所选修的课程, 要求显示学生的学号、姓名、课程号及课程名, 没有选课的同学对应的选课信息为空。 
-- 左连接
select students.Sno, Sname, courses.Cno, Cname
	from (students left join sc on students.Sno=sc.Sno) left join courses
		on courses.Cno=sc.Cno;
-- 右连接
select students.Sno, Sname, courses.Cno, Cname
	from courses right join (sc right join students on students.Sno=sc.Sno)
		on courses.Cno=sc.Cno;

-- 查询所有课程的课程编号、课程名称及选课人数,没有被选的课程选课人数显示为0。
select courses.Cno, Cname, count(distinct sc.Sno) as 选课人数
	from courses left join sc
		on sc.Cno=courses.Cno
			group by courses.Cno;

-- 列出所有学生所有可能的选修情况,要求显示学生的学号、姓名、课程号及课程名。 
select students.Sno, Sname, courses.Cno, Cname
	from students, courses
		order by students.Sno;
-- 查找计算机系的学生选修课程数大于2 的学生的姓名、 平均成绩和选课门数,并按平均成绩降序排列。 
select Sname, avg(Grade) as 平均成绩, count(sc.Cno) as 选课门数
	from students, sc
		where students.Sno=sc.Sno and Sdept='计算机'
			group by Sname
				Having count(sc.Cno)
					order by avg(Grade) desc;