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题解 | Second Large Rectangle-2019牛客暑期多校训练营第二场H题

程序员文章站 2022-04-01 12:46:35

Given a N×M binary matrix. Please output the size of second large rectangle containing all “1”.

Containing all “1” means that the entries of the rectangle are all “1”.

A rectangle can be defined as four integers x1,y1,x2,y2 where 1≤x1≤x2≤N and 1≤y1≤y2≤M. Then, the rectangle is composed of all the cell (x, y) where x1≤x≤x2 and y1≤y≤y2. If all of the cell in the rectangle is “1”, this is a valid rectangle.

Please find out the size of the second largest rectangle, two rectangles are different if exists a cell belonged to one of them but not belonged to the other.

The first line of input contains two space-separated integers N and M.
Following N lines each contains M characters cij.


Output one line containing an integer representing the answer. If there are less than 2 rectangles containning all “1”, output “0”.

1 2


1 3


• Dynamic Programming
The largest rectangle is a classic problem.
We can solve it in O(NM) by DP.
For each (i, j), we can find out the largest rectangle whose bottom contains (i, j). Suppose it’s X by Y.
Then, we can maintain a sorted list(or heap) containing first several largest rectangle. Actaully, we only need to keep 2!.

• Dynamic Programming
The largest rectangle is a classic problem.
We can solve it in O(NM) by DP.
For a rectangle with size X by Y. We only need to push XY, (X-1)Y, X(Y-1) into the sorted list. And, always resize it into 2 or less items to keep the insertion running in O(1).
Resulting an solution in O(NM).


// Author: Yen-Jen Wang
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

struct Data {
    int up, down, left, right;

    Data( int _up , int _down , int _left , int _right ) : up(_up), down(_down), left(_left), right(_right) {}

    bool operator == (const Data &rhs) const {
        return (up == rhs.up) && (down == rhs.down) && (left == rhs.left) && (right == rhs.right);

vector<Data> vs[1000000 + 7];

int solve(int n, int m, vector<vector<int> > &array) {
    int lo, ro;
    int ans = 0, tmp = 0;
    vector<int> h(m + 1, 0), l(m + 1, 1), r(m + 1, m);

    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        lo = 0;
        ro = m + 1;

        for (int j = 1; j <= m; j++) {
            if (array[i][j] == 0)
                h[j] = 0, l[j] = 1, lo = j;
                h[j]++, l[j] = max(l[j], lo + 1);

        for (int j = m; j >= 1; j--) {
            if (array[i][j] == 0)
                r[j] = m, ro = j;
            else {
                r[j] = min(r[j], ro - 1);
                int x = h[j] * (r[j] - l[j] + 1);
                if (x > tmp && x > 0) {
                    int up = i - h[j] + 1, down = i, left = l[j], right = r[j];
                    Data rect = Data(up, down, left, right);
                    ans = max(tmp, max((down - up + 1) * (right - left), (down - up) * (right - left + 1)));
                    tmp = max(tmp, x);
                else if(x > 0) {
                    int up = i - h[j] + 1, down = i, left = l[j], right = r[j];
                    Data rect = Data(up, down, left, right);
                    bool check = true;
                    for (int k = 0; k < (int)vs[x].size(); k++) {
                        if(vs[x][k] == rect) {
                            check = false;
                    if (check)
                        ans = max(ans, x);
                    ans = max(ans, max((down - up + 1) * (right - left), (down - up) * (right - left + 1)));
    return ans;

int read_char() {
    char c;
    for (c = getchar(); !(c == '0' || c == '1'); c = getchar());
    return c - '0';

int main() {
    int n , m;
    scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
	vector<vector<int> > array(n + 1, vector<int>(m + 1));
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        for (int j = 1; j <= m; j++)
            array[i][j] = read_char();
	printf("%d\n", solve(n, m, array));
    return 0;
