上一章没什么经验。直接写了组件机制。感觉涉及到的东西非常的多,不是很方便讲。今天看了下vue的关于事件的机制。有一些些体会。写出来。大家一起纠正,分享。源码都是基于最新的vue.js v2.3.0。下面我们来看看vue中的事件机制:
<div id="app"> <div id="test1" @click="click1">click1</div> <div id="test2" @click.stop="click2">click2</div> <my-component v-on:click.native="nativeclick" v-on:componenton="parenton"> </my-component> </div> </body> <script src="vue.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var child = { template: '<div>a custom component!</div>' } vue.component('my-component', { name: 'my-component', template: '<div>a custom component!<div @click.stop="toparent">test click</div></div>', components: { child:child }, created(){ console.log(this); }, methods: { toparent(){ this.$emit('componenton','toparent') } }, mounted(){ console.log(this); } }) new vue({ el: '#app', data: function () { return { heihei:{name:3333}, a:1 } }, components: { child:child }, methods: { click1(){ alert('click1') }, click2(){ alert('click2') }, nativeclick(){ alert('nativeclick') }, parenton(value){ alert(value) } } }) </script>
<div id="test1" @click="click1">click1</div>
1:new vue()中调用了initstate(vue):看代码
function initstate (vm) { vm._watchers = []; var opts = vm.$options; if (opts.props) { initprops(vm, opts.props); } if (opts.methods) { initmethods(vm, opts.methods); }//初始化事件 if ( { initdata(vm); } else { observe(vm._data = {}, true /* asrootdata */); } if (opts.computed) { initcomputed(vm, opts.computed); } if ( { initwatch(vm,; } } //接着看看initmethods function initmethods (vm, methods) { var props = vm.$options.props; for (var key in methods) { vm[key] = methods[key] == null ? noop : bind(methods[key], vm);//调用了bind方法,我们再看看bind { if (methods[key] == null) { warn( "method \"" + key + "\" has an undefined value in the component definition. " + "did you reference the function correctly?", vm ); } if (props && hasown(props, key)) { warn( ("method \"" + key + "\" has already been defined as a prop."), vm ); } } } } //我们接着看看bind function bind (fn, ctx) { function boundfn (a) { var l = arguments.length; return l ? l > 1 ? fn.apply(ctx, arguments)//通过返回函数修饰了事件的回调函数。绑定了事件回调函数的this。并且让参数自定义。更加的灵活 :, a) : } // record original fn length boundfn._length = fn.length; return boundfn }
function genhandler ( name, handler ) { if (!handler) { return 'function(){}' } if (array.isarray(handler)) { return ("[" + ( (handler) { return genhandler(name, handler); }).join(',')) + "]") } var ismethodpath = simplepathre.test(handler.value); var isfunctionexpression = fnexpre.test(handler.value); if (!handler.modifiers) { return ismethodpath || isfunctionexpression//假如没有修饰符。直接返回回调函数 ? handler.value : ("function($event){" + (handler.value) + "}") // inline statement } else { var code = ''; var genmodifiercode = ''; var keys = []; for (var key in handler.modifiers) { if (modifiercode[key]) { genmodifiercode += modifiercode[key];//处理修饰符数组,例如.stop就在回调函数里加入event.stoppropagation()再返回。实现修饰的目的 // left/right if (keycodes[key]) { keys.push(key); } } else { keys.push(key); } } if (keys.length) { code += genkeyfilter(keys); } // make sure modifiers like prevent and stop get executed after key filtering if (genmodifiercode) { code += genmodifiercode; } var handlercode = ismethodpath ? handler.value + '($event)' : isfunctionexpression ? ("(" + (handler.value) + ")($event)") : handler.value; return ("function($event){" + code + handlercode + "}") } }
_c('div',{attrs:{"id":"test1"},on:{"click":click1}},[_v("click1")]),_v(" "),_c('div',{attrs:{"id":"test2"},on:{"click":function($event){$event.stoppropagation();click2($event)}}}
function add$1 ( event, handler, once$$1, capture, passive ) { if (once$$1) { var oldhandler = handler; var _target = target$1; // save current target element in closure handler = function (ev) { var res = arguments.length === 1 ? oldhandler(ev) : oldhandler.apply(null, arguments); if (res !== null) { remove$2(event, handler, capture, _target); } }; } target$1.addeventlistener( event, handler, supportspassive ? { capture: capture, passive: passive }//此处绑定点击事件 : capture ); }
<my-component v-on:click.native="nativeclick" v-on:componenton="parenton"> </my-component>
function createcomponent ( ctor, data, context, children, tag ) { if (isundef(ctor)) { return } var basector = context.$options._base; // plain options object: turn it into a constructor if (isobject(ctor)) { ctor = basector.extend(ctor); } // if at this stage it's not a constructor or an async component factory, // reject. if (typeof ctor !== 'function') { { warn(("invalid component definition: " + (string(ctor))), context); } return } // async component if (isundef(ctor.cid)) { ctor = resolveasynccomponent(ctor, basector, context); if (ctor === undefined) { // return nothing if this is indeed an async component // wait for the callback to trigger parent update. return } } // resolve constructor options in case global mixins are applied after // component constructor creation resolveconstructoroptions(ctor); data = data || {}; // transform component v-model data into props & events if (isdef(data.model)) { transformmodel(ctor.options, data); } // extract props var propsdata = extractpropsfromvnodedata(data, ctor, tag); // functional component if (istrue(ctor.options.functional)) { return createfunctionalcomponent(ctor, propsdata, data, context, children) } // extract listeners, since these needs to be treated as // child component listeners instead of dom listeners var listeners = data.on;//listeners缓存data.on的函数。这里就是componenton事件 // replace with listeners with .native modifier data.on = data.nativeon;//正常的data.on会被native修饰符的事件所替换 if (istrue(ctor.options.abstract)) { // abstract components do not keep anything // other than props & listeners data = {}; } // merge component management hooks onto the placeholder node mergehooks(data); // return a placeholder vnode var name = || tag; var vnode = new vnode( ("vue-component-" + (ctor.cid) + (name ? ("-" + name) : '')), data, undefined, undefined, undefined, context, { ctor: ctor, propsdata: propsdata, listeners: listeners, tag: tag, children: children } ); return vnode }
var listeners = data.on;//listeners缓存data.on的函数。这里就是componenton事件 // replace with listeners with .native modifier data.on = data.nativeon;//正常的data.on会被native修饰符的事件所替换
function initevents (vm) { vm._events = object.create(null); vm._hashookevent = false; // init parent attached events var listeners = vm.$options._parentlisteners; if (listeners) { updatecomponentlisteners(vm, listeners); } } function updatecomponentlisteners ( vm, listeners, oldlisteners ) { target = vm; updatelisteners(listeners, oldlisteners || {}, add, remove$1, vm); } function add (event, fn, once$$1) { if (once$$1) { target.$once(event, fn); } else { target.$on(event, fn); } }
vue.prototype.$on = function (event, fn) { var this$1 = this; var vm = this; if (array.isarray(event)) { for (var i = 0, l = event.length; i < l; i++) { this$1.$on(event[i], fn); } } else { (vm._events[event] || (vm._events[event] = [])).push(fn);//存入事件 // optimize hook:event cost by using a boolean flag marked at registration // instead of a hash lookup if (hookre.test(event)) { vm._hashookevent = true; } } return vm }; vue.prototype.$emit = function (event) { var vm = this; console.log(vm); { var lowercaseevent = event.tolowercase(); if (lowercaseevent !== event && vm._events[lowercaseevent]) { tip( "event \"" + lowercaseevent + "\" is emitted in component " + (formatcomponentname(vm)) + " but the handler is registered for \"" + event + "\". " + "note that html attributes are case-insensitive and you cannot use " + "v-on to listen to camelcase events when using in-dom templates. " + "you should probably use \"" + (hyphenate(event)) + "\" instead of \"" + event + "\"." ); } } var cbs = vm._events[event]; console.log(cbs); if (cbs) { cbs = cbs.length > 1 ? toarray(cbs) : cbs; var args = toarray(arguments, 1); for (var i = 0, l = cbs.length; i < l; i++) { cbs[i].apply(vm, args);//当emit的时候调用该事件。注意上面说的vue在初始化的守候。用bind修饰了事件函数。所以组件上挂载的事件都是在父作用域中的 } } return vm };
var bus = new vue() // 触发组件 a 中的事件 bus.$emit('id-selected', 1) // 在组件 b 创建的钩子中监听事件 bus.$on('id-selected', function (id) { // ... })
1:普通html元素和在组件上挂了.native修饰符的事件。最终eventtarget.addeventlistener() 挂载事件
2:组件上的,vue实例上的事件会调用原型上的$on,$emit(包括一些其他api $off,$once等等)
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