2022-03-30 19:56:40
/** 调用数据库里的一个函数 一个函数本质上一个返回一个结果的存储过程,这个例子示范了怎么调用有in、out和in/out参数的函数 ***********************************/ CallableStatement cs; try { // 调用一个没有参数的函数; 函数返回 a VARCHAR // 预处理callable语句 cs = connection.prepareCall("{? = call myfunc}"); // 注册返回值类型 cs.registerOutParameter(1, i); // Execute and retrieve the returned value cs.execute(); String retValue = cs.getString(1); // 调用有一个in参数的函数; the function returns a VARCHAR cs = connection.prepareCall("{? = call myfuncin(?)}"); // Register the type of the return value cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR); // Set the value for the IN parameter cs.setString(2, "a string"); // Execute and retrieve the returned value cs.execute(); retValue = cs.getString(1); // 调用有一个out参数的函数; the function returns a VARCHAR cs = connection.prepareCall("{? = call myfuncout(?)}"); // Register the types of the return value and OUT parameter cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR); cs.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR); // Execute and retrieve the returned values cs.execute(); retValue = cs.getString(1); // return value String outParam = cs.getString(2); // OUT parameter // 调用有一个in/out参数的函数; the function returns a VARCHAR cs = connection.prepareCall("{? = call myfuncinout(?)}"); // Register the types of the return value and OUT parameter cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR); cs.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR); // Set the value for the IN/OUT parameter cs.setString(2, "a string"); // Execute and retrieve the returned values cs.execute(); retValue = cs.getString(1); // return value outParam = cs.getString(2); // IN/OUT parameter } catch (SQLException e) { }
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