Apache Lucene 3.1 发布
2022-03-23 14:28:47
Apache Lucene 3.1 发布了!该版本修复了很多bug,性能得到了很大优化,包含诸多新亮点功能。
* Numerous performance improvements: faster exact PhraseQuery; merging favors segments with deletions; primary key lookup is faster; IndexWriter.addIndexes(Directory[]) uses file copy instead of merging; various Directory performance improvements; compound file is dynamically turned off for large segments; fully deleted segments are dropped on commit; faster snowball analyzers (in contrib); ConcurrentMergeScheduler is more careful about setting priority of merge threads.
* ReusableAnalyzerBase makes it easier to reuse TokenStreams correctly.
* Improved Analysis capabilities: Improved Unicode support, including Unicode 4, more friendly term handling (CharTermAttribute), easier object reuse and better support for protected words in lossy token filters (e.g. stemmers).
* ConstantScoreQuery now allows directly wrapping a Query.
* IndexWriter is now configured with a new separate builder API,
IndexWriterConfig. You can now control IndexWriter's previously
fixed internal thread limit by calling setMaxThreadStates.
* IndexWriter.getReader is replaced by IndexReader.open(IndexWriter). In addition you can now specify whether deletes should be resolved when you open an NRT reader.
* MultiSearcher is deprecated; ParallelMultiSearcher has been
absorbed directly into IndexSearcher.
* On 64bit Windows and Solaris JVMs, MMapDirectory is now the
default implementation (returned by FSDirectory.open). MMapDirectory also enables unmapping if the JVM supports it.
* New TotalHitCountCollector just counts total number of hits.
* ReaderFinishedListener API enables external caches to evict entries once a segment is finished.
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下一篇: 炒鸡爪要不要去水
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