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程序员文章站 2022-03-20 13:58:27
  1. 使用glog可以帮助输出调试信息
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    string home = "./log/";  //要先创建此目录,否则运行报错.

    string info_log = home + "master_info_";
    google::SetLogDestination(google::INFO, info_log.c_str());

    string warning_log = home + "master_warning_";
    google::SetLogDestination(google::WARNING, warning_log.c_str());

    string error_log = home + "master_error_";
    google::SetLogDestination(google::ERROR, error_log.c_str());

    string fatal_log = home + "master_fatal_";
    google::SetLogDestination(google::FATAL, fatal_log.c_str());

    // You can specify one of the following severity levels (in increasing order of severity)
    LOG(INFO) << "info";
    LOG(WARNING) << "warning";
    LOG(ERROR) << "error";
    LOG(FATAL) << "fatal";   // Logging a FATAL message terminates the program (after the message is logged)!

    return 0;
相关标签: google