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oracle expdp impdp

程序员文章站 2024-03-13 19:41:21

ORACLE 导入导出数据


  1. 在备份目的路径建立备份文件夹

    # mk dump dir to save dump file
    cd ~
    mkdir oracle_dump
  2. 用sys用户在oracle中创建逻辑目录

    SQL>create directory dump_path as ‘/home/oracle/oracle_dump‘;
  3. 查看数据库中的逻辑目录 并授权

    SQL>select * from dba_directories;
    SQL>grant read,write on directory dump_dir to someone;



# export
expdp user/[email protected] schemas=user(schemas) dumpfile=***.dmp directory=dump_dir;
# import 
# note if import to another user(schemas) or tablespace, REMAP_TABLESPACE, REMAP_SCHEMA needed, besides REMAP_DATAFILE, REMAP_TABLES maybe do.
impdp user/[email protected] schemas=user(schemas) dumpfile=***.dmp directory=dump_dir;


# export
expdp user/[email protected] tables=a, b, c dumpfile=***.dmp directory=dump_dir;
# import 
# note if import to another user(schemas) or tablespace, REMAP_TABLESPACE, REMAP_SCHEMA needed, besides REMAP_DATAFILE, REMAP_TABLES maybe do.
impdp user/[email protected] tables=a, b, c dumpfile=***.dmp directory=dump_dir;


# export
expdp user/[email protected] query='where a = 10' dumpfile=***.dmp directory=dump_dir;
# import 
# note if import to another user(schemas) or tablespace, REMAP_TABLESPACE, REMAP_SCHEMA needed, besides REMAP_DATAFILE, REMAP_TABLES maybe do.
impdp user/[email protected] tables=a, b, c dumpfile=***.dmp directory=dump_dir;


# export
expdp user/[email protected] tablespaces=a,b dumpfile=***.dmp directory=dump_dir;
# import 
# note if import to another user(schemas) or tablespace, REMAP_TABLESPACE, REMAP_SCHEMA needed, besides REMAP_DATAFILE, REMAP_TABLES maybe do.
impdp user/[email protected] tablespaces=a,b dumpfile=***.dmp directory=dump_dir;


# export
expdp user/[email protected] full=y dumpfile=***.dmp directory=dump_dir;
# import 
# note if import to another user(schemas) or tablespace, REMAP_TABLESPACE, REMAP_SCHEMA needed, besides REMAP_DATAFILE, REMAP_TABLES maybe do.
impdp user/[email protected] full=y dumpfile=***.dmp directory=dump_dir;

6. 向数据库追加记录

impdp user/[email protected] directory=dump_dir dumpfile=***.dmp schemas=systemtable_exists_action