格式:sp_rename tablename,newtablename
sp_rename tablename,newtablename
格式:sp_rename 'tablename.colname',newcolname,'column'
sp_rename 'tablename.colname',newcolname,'column'
格式:alter table table_name add new_column data_type [interality_codition]
alter table student add nationality varchar(20)
--示例2 添加int类型的列,默认值为 0
alter table student add studentname int default 0 --示例3 添加int类型的列,默认值为0,主键 alter table student add studentid int primary key default 0 --示例4 判断student中是否存在name字段且删除字段 if exists(select * from syscolumns where id=object_id('student') and name='name') begin alter table student drop column name end
格式:alter table table_name alter column column_name
alter table student alter column name varchar(200)
格式:alter table table_name drop column column_name
alter table student drop column nationality;
格式: select * from information_schema.constraint_column_usage where table_name = table_name
select table_name,column_name,constraint_name from information_schema.constraint_column_usage where table_name = 'student'
7.查看字段缺省约束表达式 (即默认值等)
格式:select * from information_schema.columns where table_name = table_name
select table_name, column_name, column_default from information_schema.columns where table_name='student'
格式:select name from sysobjects where object_id(table_name)=parent_obj and xtype='d'
select name from sysobjects where object_id('表?名?')=parent_obj and xtype='d'
格式:alter table tablename drop constraint constraintname
alter table student drop constraint pk__student__2f36bc5b772b9a0b
格式:alter table tablename add constraint constraintname primary key (column_name)
alter table stuinfo add constraint pk_stuno primary key (stuno) --示例2 添加主键约束(primary key) -- 存在主键约束pk_stuno,则删除 if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='pk_stuno' and xtype='pk') alter table stuinfo drop constraint pk_stuno go -- 重新添加主键约束pk_stuno alter table stuinfo add constraint pk_stuno primary key (stuno) go --示例3 添加 唯一uq约束(unique constraint) -- 存在唯一约束uq_stuno,则删除 if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='uq_stuid' and xtype='uq') alter table stuinfo drop constraint uq_stuid go -- 重新添加唯一约束uq_stuid alter table stuinfo add constraint uq_stuid unique (stuid) --示例4 添加默认df约束(default constraint) -- 存在默认约束uq_stuno,则删除 if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='df_stuaddress' and xtype='d') alter table stuinfo drop constraint df_stuaddress go -- 重新添加默认约束df_stuaddress alter table stuinfo add constraint df_stuaddress default ('地址不详') for stuaddress --示例5 检查ck约束(check constraint) -- 存在检查约束uq_stuno,则删除 if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='ck_stuage' and xtype='c') alter table stuinfo drop cons
上一篇: .net4.0中tuple元组的使用方法
下一篇: 解决Mysql服务器启动时报错问题的方法