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POJ3666 O(nlogn)根据数学特征使用单调队列完全代替dp o(n^2)解法

程序员文章站 2024-02-21 14:19:04



There is a very short (10 lines!) and fast O(nlgn) solution for Div1C, proposed by woqja125 :

Start by subtracting i from all A[i]. We’ll define fi(X) = Minimum operation to make A[1 … i] monotonically increasing, while keeping A[i] <= X. it’s easy to see that the recurrence is —

Min{|Ai — Y| } (Y <= X) if i == 1
Min{fi-1(Y) + |Ai — Y|} (Y<=X) otherwise.
Observation : fi is an unimodal function, which have a nonpositive integer slopes. Denote Opt(i) as a point X which makes fi(X) minimum.

We will maintain those functions and calculate the minimum. we examine two cases :

(Fi(X)的图像可以看成是Fi-1(X)和 |Ai — Y|这两个图像的叠加。 Fi(X)的图像总是斜率小于0且斜率绝对值递减的曲线,并且从Opt(i)开始变成水平)

Case 1 : Opt(i-1) <= A[i]. In this case, Opt(i) = A[i], and every point under A[i] have +1 slope.

Case 2 : Opt(i-1) > A[i]. This case is tricky. every point over A[i] have +1 slope, and every point under A[i] have -1 slope. Opt(i) is the point where slope of fi is changed into -1 -> 0. When observing the function, Fi(Opt(i)) = F(i-1)(Opt(i-1)) + Opt(i-1) — A[i].

POJ3666 O(nlogn)根据数学特征使用单调队列完全代替dp o(n^2)解法


Opt(i-1). 具体实现看代码:

///By woqja125, contest: Codeforces Round #371 (Div. 1), problem: (C) Sonya and Problem Wihtout a Legend, Accepted, #


int main()
    int n, t;
    long long ans = 0;
    std::priority_queue<int> Q;
    scanf("%d%d", &n, &t);
    for(int i=1; i<n; i++)
        scanf("%d", &t); t-=i;
        Q.push(t);   //Ai>=Opt(i-1)的时候仅仅增加了Ai这个转折点 
        if(Q.top() > t) //Ai<Opt(i-1)的时候 
            ans += Q.top() - t;
            Q.push(t);  //t push了2次,为的是使得任意相邻的两点之间斜率相差1,即使两点可能重合 
    printf("%lld", ans);
    return 0;

POJ3666 O(nlogn)根据数学特征使用单调队列完全代替dp o(n^2)解法

相关标签: 单调队列