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Introduction to Data Science in Python 第 2 周 Assignment

程序员文章站 2024-01-04 20:58:10

Introduction to Data Science in Python
第 2 周 Assignment


Part 1

The following code loads the olympics dataset (olympics.csv), which was derrived from the Wikipedia entry on All Time Olympic Games Medals, and does some basic data cleaning.

The columns are organized as # of Summer games, Summer medals, # of Winter games, Winter medals, total # number of games, total # of medals. Use this dataset to answer the questions below.

Question 1

Which country has won the most gold medals in summer games?

This function should return a single string value.

def answer_one():
    return df[df['Gold'] == df['Gold'].max()].index[0]

'United States'

Question 2

Which country had the biggest difference between their summer and winter gold medal counts?

This function should return a single string value.

def answer_two():
    df['diff'] = abs(df['Gold'] - df['Gold.1'])
    max = df['diff'].max()
    return df[df['diff'] == max].index[0]

'United States'

Question 3

Which country has the biggest difference between their summer gold medal counts and winter gold medal counts relative to their total gold medal count?

Summer GoldWinter GoldTotal Gold\frac{Summer~Gold - Winter~Gold}{Total~Gold}

Only include countries that have won at least 1 gold in both summer and winter.

This function should return a single string value.

def answer_three():
    result = df[(df['Gold'] > 0) & (df['Gold.1'] > 0)]
    result['diff'] = (result['Gold'] - result['Gold.1']) / result['Gold.2']
    max = result['diff'].max()
    return result[result['diff'] == max].index[0]


Question 4

Write a function that creates a Series called “Points” which is a weighted value where each gold medal (Gold.2) counts for 3 points, silver medals (Silver.2) for 2 points, and bronze medals (Bronze.2) for 1 point. The function should return only the column (a Series object) which you created, with the country names as indices.

This function should return a Series named Points of length 146

def answer_four():
    result = df['Gold.2'] * 3 + df['Silver.2'] * 2 + df['Bronze.2']
    return pd.Series(result, name="Points")

Afghanistan                            2
Algeria                               27
Argentina                            130
Armenia                               16
Australasia                           22
Australia                            923
Austria                              569
Azerbaijan                            43
Bahamas                               24
Bahrain                                1
Barbados                               1
Belarus                              154
Belgium                              276
Bermuda                                1
Bohemia                                5
Botswana                               2
Brazil                               184
British West Indies                    2
Bulgaria                             411
Burundi                                3
Cameroon                              12
Canada                               846
Chile                                 24
China                               1120
Colombia                              29
Costa Rica                             7
Ivory Coast                            2
Croatia                               67
Cuba                                 420
Cyprus                                 2
Spain                                268
Sri Lanka                              4
Sudan                                  2
Suriname                               4
Sweden                              1217
Switzerland                          630
Syria                                  6
Chinese Taipei                        32
Tajikistan                             4
Tanzania                               4
Thailand                              44
Togo                                   1
Tonga                                  2
Trinidad and Tobago                   27
Tunisia                               19
Turkey                               191
Uganda                                14
Ukraine                              220
United Arab Emirates                   3
United States                       5684
Uruguay                               16
Uzbekistan                            38
Venezuela                             18
Vietnam                                4
Virgin Islands                         2
Yugoslavia                           171
Independent Olympic Participants       4
Zambia                                 3
Zimbabwe                              18
Mixed team                            38
Name: Points, dtype: int64

Part 2

For the next set of questions, we will be using census data from the United States Census Bureau. Counties are political and geographic subdivisions of states in the United States. This dataset contains population data for counties and states in the US from 2010 to 2015. See this document for a description of the variable names.

The census dataset (census.csv) should be loaded as census_df. Answer questions using this as appropriate.

Question 5

Which state has the most counties in it? (hint: consider the sumlevel key carefully! You’ll need this for future questions too…)

This function should return a single string value.

def answer_five():
    city_level = census_df[census_df['SUMLEV'] == 50]
    st_list = pd.DataFrame(city_level.groupby("STNAME").size(), columns=["size"])
    max = st_list['size'].max()
    return st_list[st_list['size'] == max].index[0]


Question 6

Only looking at the three most populous counties for each state, what are the three most populous states (in order of highest population to lowest population)? Use CENSUS2010POP.

This function should return a list of string values.

def answer_six():
    state_list = census_df[census_df['SUMLEV'] == 50].groupby('STNAME').apply(lambda x: x.sort_values('CENSUS2010POP', ascending=False).head(3).sum())
    result = state_list.sort_values('CENSUS2010POP', ascending=False)
    return result.index[0:3].tolist()

['California', 'Texas', 'Illinois']


def answer_six():
    cty_list = census_df[census_df['SUMLEV'] == 50].sort_values('CENSUS2010POP', ascending=False)    
    return cty_list['CTYNAME'].tolist()[0:3]

# 漏了关键:Only looking at the three most populous counties for each state
# 题目要求只计算每个STATE里population前三的COUNTRY,而不是所有

Question 7

Which county has had the largest absolute change in population within the period 2010-2015? (Hint: population values are stored in columns POPESTIMATE2010 through POPESTIMATE2015, you need to consider all six columns.)

e.g. If County Population in the 5 year period is 100, 120, 80, 105, 100, 130, then its largest change in the period would be |130-80| = 50.

This function should return a single string value.

def answer_seven():
    cty_list = census_df[census_df['SUMLEV'] == 50]
    population = cty_list[['POPESTIMATE2010', 'POPESTIMATE2011','POPESTIMATE2012','POPESTIMATE2013','POPESTIMATE2014','POPESTIMATE2015']]
    pop_max = population.max(axis=1)
    pop_min = population.min(axis=1)
    diff = pop_max - pop_min
    cty_list['diff'] = diff
    return cty_list.loc[diff.argmax()]['CTYNAME']

'Harris County'


def answer_seven():
    population = census_df[['POPESTIMATE2010', 'POPESTIMATE2011','POPESTIMATE2012','POPESTIMATE2013','POPESTIMATE2014','POPESTIMATE2015']]
    diff = abs(population.max(axis=1) - population.min(axis=1))
    census_df['diff'] = diff
    return census_df.iloc[census_df['diff'].argmax()]['CTYNAME']


# 忘记去掉 “洲”!!这里得到的答案 Texas 是STATE,而不是COUNTRY
# 需要先过滤掉 SUMLEV == 40 的(即 STATE)

以下第二次提交的答案还是错了,纠结了很久错误的位置。。最后发现是 iloc 和 loc 使用混淆。。

def answer_seven():
    cty_list = census_df[census_df['SUMLEV'] == 50]
    population = cty_list[['POPESTIMATE2010', 'POPESTIMATE2011','POPESTIMATE2012','POPESTIMATE2013','POPESTIMATE2014','POPESTIMATE2015']]
    pop_max = population.max(axis=1)
    pop_min = population.min(axis=1)
    population['max'] = pop_max
    population['min'] = pop_min
    diff = pop_max - pop_min
    cty_list['diff'] = diff
    return cty_list.iloc[diff.argmax()]['CTYNAME']
#     return census_df[census_df['diff'] == diff.max()]['CTYNAME']
#     return census_df[census_df['CTYNAME'] == 'Texas'][['POPESTIMATE2010', 'POPESTIMATE2011','POPESTIMATE2012','POPESTIMATE2013','POPESTIMATE2014','POPESTIMATE2015', 'diff']]


# 不能用 iloc,这里要用 loc。 需要搞清楚区别和使用

Question 8

In this datafile, the United States is broken up into four regions using the “REGION” column.

Create a query that finds the counties that belong to regions 1 or 2, whose name starts with ‘Washington’, and whose POPESTIMATE2015 was greater than their POPESTIMATE 2014.

This function should return a 5x2 DataFrame with the columns = [‘STNAME’, ‘CTYNAME’] and the same index ID as the census_df (sorted ascending by index).

def answer_eight():
    region_1 = census_df['REGION'] == 1
    region_2 = census_df['REGION'] == 2
    cty_washington = census_df['CTYNAME'].str.startswith('Washington')
    pop_2015_greater_2014 = census_df['POPESTIMATE2015'] > census_df['POPESTIMATE2014']
    region_list = census_df[(region_1 | region_2) & cty_washington & pop_2015_greater_2014]
    return region_list[['STNAME', 'CTYNAME']]

896		Iowa			Washington County
1419	Minnesota		Washington County
2345	Pennsylvania	Washington County
2355	Rhode Island	Washington County
3163	Wisconsin		Washington County
相关标签: ---- Pandas

