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并发编程陷阱系列(五)double check

程序员文章站 2022-03-02 08:49:17
public static Singleton getInstance()
  if (instance == null)
    synchronized(Singleton.class) {  //1
      if (instance == null)          //2
        instance = new Singleton();  //3
  return instance;

The theory behind double-checked locking is perfect. Unfortunately, reality is entirely different. The problem with double-checked locking is that there is no guarantee it will work on single or multi-processor machines. 



    public class Singleton {  
         * 类级的内部类,也就是静态的成员式内部类,该内部类的实例与外部类的实例  
         * 没有绑定关系,而且只有被调用到时才会装载,从而实现了延迟加载  
        private static class SingletonHolder{  
             * 静态初始化器,由JVM来保证线程安全  
            private static Singleton instance = new Singleton();  
         * 私有化构造方法  
        private Singleton(){  
        public static  Singleton getInstance(){  
            return SingletonHolder.instance;  
