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程序员文章站 2023-11-03 12:36:04
开始 Feign在Spring Cloud体系中被整合进来作为web service客户端,使用HTTP请求远程服务时能就像调用本地方法,可见在未来一段时间内,大多数Spring Cloud架构的微服务之间调用都会使用Feign来完成。 所以准备完整解读一遍Feign的源码,读源码,我个人觉得一方面 ......


feign在spring cloud体系中被整合进来作为web service客户端,使用http请求远程服务时能就像调用本地方法,可见在未来一段时间内,大多数spring cloud架构的微服务之间调用都会使用feign来完成。


因为是spring cloud体系下使用feign,必然会涉及到:服务注册(euraka),负载均衡(rinbon),熔断器(hystrix)等方面的整合知识。





  • enablefeignclients这个注解可以配置扫描feignclient注解的路径。可以通过value属性或basepackages属性来制定扫描的包路径。
  • basepackageclasses属性并不是精准扫描哪几个class,而是指定这些指定的class在的package会被扫描。所以注释中推荐写一个空接口来标记这个package要被扫描的方式来关联。
  • defaultconfiguration属性是可以定义全局feign配置的类,默认使用feignclientsconfiguration类。想要自定义需要好好确认下feignclientsconfiguration定义了那一些bean。当然如果只是想覆盖部分bean,完全不用这个,直接在configuration定义对应bean即可。
  • clients属性才是精准指定class扫描,与package扫描互斥。
public @interface enablefeignclients {
    * alias for the {@link #basepackages()} attribute. allows for more concise annotation
    * declarations e.g.: {@code @componentscan("org.my.pkg")} instead of
    * {@code @componentscan(basepackages="org.my.pkg")}.
    * @return the array of 'basepackages'.
   string[] value() default {};
    * base packages to scan for annotated components.
    * <p>
    * {@link #value()} is an alias for (and mutually exclusive with) this attribute.
    * <p>
    * use {@link #basepackageclasses()} for a type-safe alternative to string-based
    * package names.
    * @return the array of 'basepackages'.
   string[] basepackages() default {};
    * type-safe alternative to {@link #basepackages()} for specifying the packages to
    * scan for annotated components. the package of each class specified will be scanned.
    * <p>
    * consider creating a special no-op marker class or interface in each package that
    * serves no purpose other than being referenced by this attribute.
    * @return the array of 'basepackageclasses'.
   class<?>[] basepackageclasses() default {};
    * a custom <code>@configuration</code> for all feign clients. can contain override
    * <code>@bean</code> definition for the pieces that make up the client, for instance
    * {@link feign.codec.decoder}, {@link feign.codec.encoder}, {@link feign.contract}.
    * @see feignclientsconfiguration for the defaults
   class<?>[] defaultconfiguration() default {};
    * list of classes annotated with @feignclient. if not empty, disables classpath scanning.
    * @return
   class<?>[] clients() default {};




@import注解导入的类 feignclientsregistrar 是继承 importbeandefinitionregistrar 的,importbeandefinitionregistrar的方法一般实现动态注册bean使用,在由@import注解导入后,spring容器启动时会执行registerbeandefinitions方法。





  • value和name用于定义http客户端服务的名称,在spring cloud为服务之间调用服务总要有负载均衡的,比如rinbon。所以这里定义的会是服务提供方的应用名(serviceid)。
  • qualifier属性在spring容器中定义feignclient的bean时,配置名称,在装配bean的时候可以用这个名称装配。使用spring的注解:qualifier。
  • url属性用来定义请求的绝对url。
  • decode404属性,在客户端返回404时是进行decode操作还是抛出异常的标记。
  • configuration属性,自定义配置类,可以定义decoder, encoder,contract来覆盖默认的配置,可以参考默认的配置类:feignautoconfiguration
  • fallback属性 使用fallback机制时可以配置的类属性,继承客户端接口,实现fallback逻辑。如果要使用fallback机制需要配合hystrix一起,所以需要开启hystrix。
  • fallbackfactory属性 生产fallback实例,生产的自然是继承客户端接口的实例。
  • path属性 每个接口url的统一前缀
  • primary属性 标记在spring容器中为primary bean
 * annotation for interfaces declaring that a rest client with that interface should be
 * created (e.g. for autowiring into another component). if ribbon is available it will be
 * used to load balance the backend requests, and the load balancer can be configured
 * using a <code>@ribbonclient</code> with the same name (i.e. value) as the feign client.
 * @author spencer gibb
 * @author venil noronha
public @interface feignclient {
    * the name of the service with optional protocol prefix. synonym for {@link #name()
    * name}. a name must be specified for all clients, whether or not a url is provided.
    * can be specified as property key, eg: ${propertykey}.
   string value() default "";
    * the service id with optional protocol prefix. synonym for {@link #value() value}.
    * @deprecated use {@link #name() name} instead
   string serviceid() default "";
    * the service id with optional protocol prefix. synonym for {@link #value() value}.
   string name() default "";
    * sets the <code>@qualifier</code> value for the feign client.
   string qualifier() default "";
    * an absolute url or resolvable hostname (the protocol is optional).
   string url() default "";
    * whether 404s should be decoded instead of throwing feignexceptions
   boolean decode404() default false;
    * a custom <code>@configuration</code> for the feign client. can contain override
    * <code>@bean</code> definition for the pieces that make up the client, for instance
    * {@link feign.codec.decoder}, {@link feign.codec.encoder}, {@link feign.contract}.
    * @see feignclientsconfiguration for the defaults
   class<?>[] configuration() default {};
    * fallback class for the specified feign client interface. the fallback class must
    * implement the interface annotated by this annotation and be a valid spring bean.
   class<?> fallback() default void.class;
    * define a fallback factory for the specified feign client interface. the fallback
    * factory must produce instances of fallback classes that implement the interface
    * annotated by {@link feignclient}. the fallback factory must be a valid spring
    * bean.
    * @see feign.hystrix.fallbackfactory for details.
   class<?> fallbackfactory() default void.class;
    * path prefix to be used by all method-level mappings. can be used with or without
    * <code>@ribbonclient</code>.
   string path() default "";
    * whether to mark the feign proxy as a primary bean. defaults to true.
   boolean primary() default true;




但是因为这里默认将feign和spring cloud体系中使用,而提供了springmvccontract类来解析使用的注解,而这个注解就是requestmapping。这个注解使用过spring mvc的同学必然非常熟悉,这里就是利用了这个注解的定义进行解析,只是功能上并不是和spring保持完全一致,毕竟它这里只需要考虑将接口信息定义出来即可。


  • value属性和path属性定义接口路径
  • method属性配置http请求方法
  • params属性在feign中不支持
  • headers属性配置http头信息
  • consumes属性配置http头信息,只解析使用配置了 content-type 属性的值
  • produces属性配置http头信息,只解析使用配置了 accept 属性的值
@target({elementtype.method, elementtype.type})
public @interface requestmapping {
    * assign a name to this mapping.
    * <p><b>supported at the type level as well as at the method level!</b>
    * when used on both levels, a combined name is derived by concatenation
    * with "#" as separator.
    * @see org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.mvcuricomponentsbuilder
    * @see org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.handlermethodmappingnamingstrategy
   string name() default "";
    * the primary mapping expressed by this annotation.
    * <p>in a servlet environment this is an alias for {@link #path}.
    * for example {@code @requestmapping("/foo")} is equivalent to
    * {@code @requestmapping(path="/foo")}.
    * <p>in a portlet environment this is the mapped portlet modes
    * (i.e. "edit", "view", "help" or any custom modes).
    * <p><b>supported at the type level as well as at the method level!</b>
    * when used at the type level, all method-level mappings inherit
    * this primary mapping, narrowing it for a specific handler method.
   string[] value() default {};
    * in a servlet environment only: the path mapping uris (e.g. "/mypath.do").
    * ant-style path patterns are also supported (e.g. "/mypath/*.do").
    * at the method level, relative paths (e.g. "edit.do") are supported within
    * the primary mapping expressed at the type level. path mapping uris may
    * contain placeholders (e.g. "/${connect}")
    * <p><b>supported at the type level as well as at the method level!</b>
    * when used at the type level, all method-level mappings inherit
    * this primary mapping, narrowing it for a specific handler method.
    * @see org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.valueconstants#default_none
    * @since 4.2
   string[] path() default {};
    * the http request methods to map to, narrowing the primary mapping:
    * get, post, head, options, put, patch, delete, trace.
    * <p><b>supported at the type level as well as at the method level!</b>
    * when used at the type level, all method-level mappings inherit
    * this http method restriction (i.e. the type-level restriction
    * gets checked before the handler method is even resolved).
    * <p>supported for servlet environments as well as portlet 2.0 environments.
   requestmethod[] method() default {};
    * the parameters of the mapped request, narrowing the primary mapping.
    * <p>same format for any environment: a sequence of "myparam=myvalue" style
    * expressions, with a request only mapped if each such parameter is found
    * to have the given value. expressions can be negated by using the "!=" operator,
    * as in "myparam!=myvalue". "myparam" style expressions are also supported,
    * with such parameters having to be present in the request (allowed to have
    * any value). finally, "!myparam" style expressions indicate that the
    * specified parameter is <i>not</i> supposed to be present in the request.
    * <p><b>supported at the type level as well as at the method level!</b>
    * when used at the type level, all method-level mappings inherit
    * this parameter restriction (i.e. the type-level restriction
    * gets checked before the handler method is even resolved).
    * <p>in a servlet environment, parameter mappings are considered as restrictions
    * that are enforced at the type level. the primary path mapping (i.e. the
    * specified uri value) still has to uniquely identify the target handler, with
    * parameter mappings simply expressing preconditions for invoking the handler.
    * <p>in a portlet environment, parameters are taken into account as mapping
    * differentiators, i.e. the primary portlet mode mapping plus the parameter
    * conditions uniquely identify the target handler. different handlers may be
    * mapped onto the same portlet mode, as long as their parameter mappings differ.
   string[] params() default {};
    * the headers of the mapped request, narrowing the primary mapping.
    * <p>same format for any environment: a sequence of "my-header=myvalue" style
    * expressions, with a request only mapped if each such header is found
    * to have the given value. expressions can be negated by using the "!=" operator,
    * as in "my-header!=myvalue". "my-header" style expressions are also supported,
    * with such headers having to be present in the request (allowed to have
    * any value). finally, "!my-header" style expressions indicate that the
    * specified header is <i>not</i> supposed to be present in the request.
    * <p>also supports media type wildcards (*), for headers such as accept
    * and content-type. for instance,
    * <pre class="code">
    * &#064;requestmapping(value = "/something", headers = "content-type=text/*")
    * </pre>
    * will match requests with a content-type of "text/html", "text/plain", etc.
    * <p><b>supported at the type level as well as at the method level!</b>
    * when used at the type level, all method-level mappings inherit
    * this header restriction (i.e. the type-level restriction
    * gets checked before the handler method is even resolved).
    * <p>maps against httpservletrequest headers in a servlet environment,
    * and against portletrequest properties in a portlet 2.0 environment.
    * @see org.springframework.http.mediatype
   string[] headers() default {};
    * the consumable media types of the mapped request, narrowing the primary mapping.
    * <p>the format is a single media type or a sequence of media types,
    * with a request only mapped if the {@code content-type} matches one of these media types.
    * examples:
    * <pre class="code">
    * consumes = "text/plain"
    * consumes = {"text/plain", "application/*"}
    * </pre>
    * expressions can be negated by using the "!" operator, as in "!text/plain", which matches
    * all requests with a {@code content-type} other than "text/plain".
    * <p><b>supported at the type level as well as at the method level!</b>
    * when used at the type level, all method-level mappings override
    * this consumes restriction.
    * @see org.springframework.http.mediatype
    * @see javax.servlet.http.httpservletrequest#getcontenttype()
   string[] consumes() default {};
    * the producible media types of the mapped request, narrowing the primary mapping.
    * <p>the format is a single media type or a sequence of media types,
    * with a request only mapped if the {@code accept} matches one of these media types.
    * examples:
    * <pre class="code">
    * produces = "text/plain"
    * produces = {"text/plain", "application/*"}
    * produces = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
    * </pre>
    * <p>it affects the actual content type written, for example to produce a json response
    * with utf-8 encoding, {@code "application/json; charset=utf-8"} should be used.
    * <p>expressions can be negated by using the "!" operator, as in "!text/plain", which matches
    * all requests with a {@code accept} other than "text/plain".
    * <p><b>supported at the type level as well as at the method level!</b>
    * when used at the type level, all method-level mappings override
    * this produces restriction.
    * @see org.springframework.http.mediatype
   string[] produces() default {};




