2023-11-01 13:58:46
import os# 赵鹏 删除项目中无用文件 有风险,例如#mContext.getResources().getIdentifier("rooms_third_guard_diamond_" + bean.getGuardLevel(), "drawable", mContext.getPackageName()) 过滤掉这种情况# style.xml中的情况未处理,需手动处理rootPath = "D:\code\Shiliu_sixrooms_main"javaDirSet =....
import os # 赵鹏 删除项目中无用文件 有风险,例如 #mContext.getResources().getIdentifier("rooms_third_guard_diamond_" + bean.getGuardLevel(), "drawable", mContext.getPackageName()) 过滤掉这种情况 # style.xml中的情况未处理,需手动处理 rootPath = "D:\code\Shiliu_sixrooms_main" javaDirSet = {""}#java目录的集合 resDirSet = {""}#res目录的集合 javaFileSet = {""}#.java .kt 文件的集合 resFileSet = {""}#drawable layout 目录下文件的集合 styleFileSet = {""} def getFolderPath(rootPath): if isinstance(rootPath, str): if os.path.isdir(rootPath): dirList = os.listdir(rootPath) for path in dirList: totalPath = os.path.join(rootPath, path) if os.path.isdir(totalPath): if "build" in path: continue if "java" == path: # print("java -- folder -- " + totalPath) javaDirSet.add(totalPath) continue if "res" == path: # print("res -- folder -- " + totalPath) resDirSet.add(totalPath) continue if os.path.isdir(totalPath): getFolderPath(totalPath) def getFilePath(folderPath): if isinstance(folderPath, str): if os.path.isdir(folderPath): pathList = os.listdir(folderPath) for path in pathList: getFilePath(os.path.join(folderPath, path)) elif os.path.isfile(folderPath): # print(folderPath ) if ".java" in folderPath or ".kt" in folderPath: # print(folderPath) javaFileSet.add(folderPath) if "drawable" in folderPath or "layout" in folderPath: resFileSet.add(folderPath) if "styles.xml" in folderPath: styleFileSet.add(folderPath) getFolderPath(rootPath) print("javaDirSet -- " + str(len(javaDirSet))) for path in javaDirSet: getFilePath(path) print("resDirSet -- " + str(len(resDirSet))) for path in resDirSet: getFilePath(path) print("resFileSet -- " + str(len(resFileSet))) print("javaFileSet -- " + str(len(javaFileSet))) # for path in javaFileSet: # print(path) totalNum = len(resFileSet) curNum = 0; for resFilePath in resFileSet: curNum = curNum + 1 print("剩余条数 ------------ " + str(totalNum - curNum)) if os.path.exists(resFilePath): # print("resFilePath -- " + resFilePath) name = os.path.basename(resFilePath) name = name[:name.index(".")]#截取文件名 isFileUsed = False; # print(name) # print("javaFileSet -- " + str(len(javaFileSet))) # 查询java和kotlin文件是否使用 for path in javaFileSet: # print("path -- " + path) if len(path) > 0: # print("path -- " + path) if os.path.exists(path): try: with open(path, encoding= 'utf-8') as foo: for line in foo.readlines(): if name in line: isFileUsed = True break except FileNotFoundError as e: e.filename if isFileUsed: break # 查询drawable 和layout 中的.xml文件是否使用 if isFileUsed == False: for resPath in resFileSet: if len(resPath) > 0 and ".xml" in resPath: # print("path -- " + path) if os.path.exists(resPath): try: with open(resPath, encoding= 'utf-8') as foo: for line in foo.readlines(): if name in line: isFileUsed = True break except FileNotFoundError as e: e.filename if isFileUsed: break #查询styles.xml文件是否使用 if isFileUsed == False: for stylePath in styleFileSet: if len(stylePath) > 0 and ".xml" in stylePath: # print("path -- " + path) if os.path.exists(stylePath): try: with open(stylePath, encoding= 'utf-8') as foo: for line in foo.readlines(): if name in line: isFileUsed = True break except FileNotFoundError as e: e.filename if isFileUsed: break if isFileUsed == False: print("remove -- " + resFilePath) try: # mContext.getResources().getIdentifier("rooms_third_guard_diamond_" + bean.getGuardLevel(), "drawable", mContext.getPackageName()) 过滤掉这种情况 name = os.path.basename(resFilePath) name = name[:name.index(".")] # 截取文件名 numStr = name[name.rindex("_") + 1:] # print("numstr ------- " + numStr) if len(numStr) > 0 and numStr.isdigit(): print("------------ 不删除 ----------------") else: print("------------ 删除 ----------------") os.remove(resFilePath) except ValueError as e: e.args
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