2022-03-15 15:15:07
0x01 map基本操作
// 1. 声明
var m map[string]int
// 2. 初始化,声明之后必须初始化才能使用
// 向未初始化的map赋值引起 panic: assign to entry in nil map.
m = make(map[string]int)
m = map[string]int{}
// 1&2. 声明并初始化
m := make(map[string]int)
m := map[string]int{}
// 3. 增删改查
m["route"] = 66
delete(m, "route") // 如果key不存在什么都不做
i := m["route"] // 三种查询方式,如果key不存在返回value类型的零值
i, ok := m["route"]
_, ok := m["route"]
// 4. 迭代(顺序不确定)
for k, v := range m {
use(k, v)
// 5. 有序迭代
import "sort"
var keys []string
for k, _ := range m {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, k := range keys {
use(k, m[k]
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0x02 map键类型
The key can be any type for which the equality operator is defined.
支持 == 操作符的类型有:
- boolean,
- numeric,
- string,
- pointer,
- channel,
- interface(as long as dynamic type supports equality),
- 以及只包含上述类型的array和struct
不支持 == 操作符的类型有:
- slice,
- map,
- func,
- 不像Java可以为class自定义hashcode方法,以及C++可以重载==操作符,golang map**不支持**==重载或者使用自定义的hash方法。因此,如果想要把struct用作map的key,就必须保证struct不包含slice, map, func
- golang为uint32、uint64、string提供了fast access,使用这些类型作为key可以提高map访问速度,详见hashmap_fast.go
0x03 map并发
// 声明&初始化
var counter = struct {
sync.RWMutex // gard m
m map[string]int
// 读锁
// 写锁
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0x04 map小技巧
4.1. 利用value类型的零值
visited := map[*Node]bool
if visited[node] { // bool类型0值为false,所以不需要检查ok
likes := make(map[string][]*Person)
for _, p range people {
for _, l range p.Likes {
// 向一个nil的slice增加值,会自动allocate一个slice
likes[l] = append(likes[l], p)
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4.2. map[k1]map[k2]v 对比 map[struct{k1, k2}]v
// map[k1]map[k2]v
hits := make(map[string]map[string]int)
func add(m map[string]map[string]int, path, country string) {
mm, ok := m[path]
if !ok {
mm = make(map[string]int) // 需要检查、创建子map
m[path] = mm
add(hits, "/", "cn")
n := hits["/"]["cn"]
// map[struct{k1, k2}]v
type Key struct {
Path, Country string
hits := make(map[Key]int)
hits[Key{"/", "cn"}]++
n := hits[Key{"/", "cn"}]
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0x05 map实现细节浅析
5.1. 如何计算hash值
type typeAlg struct {
// function for hashing objects of this type
// (ptr to object, seed) -> hash
hash func(unsafe.Pointer, uintptr) uintptr
// function for comparing objects of this type
// (ptr to object A, ptr to object B) -> ==?
equal func(unsafe.Pointer, unsafe.Pointer) bool
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5.2. map实现结构
- maptype用来保存map的类型信息,包括key、elem(value)的类型描述器,keysize,valuesize,bucketsize等;
- hmap - A header for a Go map. hmap保存了map的实例信息,包括count,buckets,oldbuckets等;buckets是bucket的首地址,用hash值的低h.B位
hash & (uintptr(1)<<h.B - 1)
- bmap - A bucket for a go map. bmap只有一个域
tophash [bucketCnt]uint8
,它保存了key的hash值的高8位uint8(hash >> (sys.PtrSize*8 - 8))
func makemap(t *maptype, hint int64, h *hmap, bucket unsafe.Pointer) *hmap {
// initialize Hmap
if h == nil {
h = (*hmap)(newobject(t.hmap))
h.count = 0
h.B = B
h.flags = 0
h.hash0 = fastrand()
h.buckets = buckets
h.oldbuckets = nil
h.nevacuate = 0
h.noverflow = 0
return h
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5.3. 如何访问map
, key.alg.equal
type maptype struct {
key *_type
elem *_type
func mapaccess1(t *maptype, h *hmap, key unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer {
// 并发访问检查
if h.flags&hashWriting != 0 {
throw("concurrent map read and map write")
// 计算key的hash值
alg := t.key.alg
hash := alg.hash(key, uintptr(h.hash0)) // alg.hash
// 计算key所在的bucket的index
m := uintptr(1)<<h.B - 1
b := (*bmap)(add(h.buckets, (hash&m)*uintptr(t.bucketsize)))
// 计算tophash
top := uint8(hash >> (sys.PtrSize*8 - 8))
for {
for i := uintptr(0); i < bucketCnt; i++ {
// 检查top值
if b.tophash[i] != top {
// 取key的地址
k := add(unsafe.Pointer(b), dataOffset+i*uintptr(t.keysize))
if alg.equal(key, k) { // alg.equal
// 取value得地址
v := add(unsafe.Pointer(b), dataOffset+bucketCnt*uintptr(t.keysize)+i*uintptr(t.valuesize))
if b == nil {
// 返回零值
return unsafe.Pointer(&zeroVal[0])
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5.4. map扩张
这部分留待以后有机会再续。这里暂时附上Keith Randall的slide作为参考。
0x06 map建议
- 如果知道size,预先分配资源
make(map[int]int, 1000)
- uint32, uint64, string作为键,非常快
- 清理map:
for k:= range m { delete(m, k) }
- key和value中没有指针可以使GC scanning更快
Go msps in action
hashmap.go type.go
GopherCon 2016: Keith Randall - Inside the Map Implementation