Camel 2.8.4 发布了
2022-03-14 17:06:26
事隔两个月,Apache Camel 发布了2.8.4。如果你已经将Camel 2.8.x 应用到了生产系统的话,可以考虑一下升级因为这个版本修正大概20多个bug,其中需要重点关注的是
*CAMEL-4756 camel-test will through NPE when setting the system property of skipStartingCamelContext to be true
*CAMEL-4768 Extra request parameters sent by the camel-http4 component
*CAMEL-4795 Throttler and Delay EIP will invoke done callback twice if using async delayed
*CAMEL-4842 Remove ProducerCache from CamelContext service list when shutting down a route
*CAMEL-4901 SEDA/VM component doesn't remove the exchange from the producer BlockingQueue if the consumer timeout
其他的详细信息大家可以查看这个发布说明 。