2022-09-02 19:56:55
sql server中的死锁是指进程之间互相永久阻塞的状态,下文就将为您介绍如何检测sql server死锁,希望对您有所帮助。
sql server中的死锁是指进程之间互相永久阻塞的状态,下文就将为您介绍如何检测sql server死锁,希望对您有所帮助。
死锁(deadlock)指进程之间互相永久阻塞的状态,sql可以检测到死锁,并选择终止其中一个事务以干预sql server死锁状态。
if exists(select name from sysobjects where name='goods_sort' and xtype='u') drop table dbo.goods_sort --创建商品分类表 create table dbo.goods_sort( isortid int not null constraint pk_isortid primary key identity(1001,1), ssortname nvarchar(20) not null ) go insert into dbo.goods_sort values('服饰') insert into dbo.goods_sort values('女包') insert into dbo.goods_sort values('鞋子') insert into dbo.goods_sort values('首饰') insert into dbo.goods_sort values('美容') go
if exists(select name from sysobjects where name='goods' and xtype='u') drop table dbo.goods; --创建商品表 create table dbo.goods( iid int not null constraint pk_iid primary key identity(1,1), igoodsid varchar(20) not null, sgoodsname nvarchar(100) not null, igoodtotal int not null constraint df_igoodtotal default(0), iprice int not null constraint df_iprice default(0), ipricetotal int not null, isortid int not null, tadddate smalldatetime not null constraint df_tadddate default getdate() ) go insert into dbo.goods (igoodsid,sgoodsname,igoodtotal,iprice,ipricetotal,isortid) values('yr6001','瘦身羽绒服',20,200,4000,1001) insert into dbo.goods (igoodsid,sgoodsname,igoodtotal,iprice,ipricetotal,isortid) values('yr6002','加厚羽绒服',20,300,6000,1001) insert into dbo.goods (igoodsid,sgoodsname,igoodtotal,iprice,ipricetotal,isortid) values('bb7001','小黄牛皮马鞍包',30,100,3000,1002) insert into dbo.goods (igoodsid,sgoodsname,igoodtotal,iprice,ipricetotal,isortid) values('bb7002','十字绣流苏包',50,150,7500,1002) go
set nocount on; set xact_abort on; go --使用try-catch,使代码发生错误也继续运行 begin try begin tran update dbo.goods_sort set ssortname='女鞋' where isortid=1003; waitfor delay '00:00:05'; update dbo.goods set sgoodsname='胖子羽绒服' where iid=2; commit tran end try begin catch if (xact_state()=-1) rollback tran; --error_number()值为1205则表示发生了死锁 if (error_number() = 1205) print '事务1发生了死锁' --写sql server日志或者返回错误给应用程序 end catch select iid,sgoodsname from dbo.goods where iid=2; select isortid,ssortname from dbo.goods_sort where isortid=1003; go
set nocount on; set xact_abort on; go --使用try-catch,使代码发生错误也继续运行 begin try begin tran update dbo.goods set sgoodsname='瘦子羽绒服' where iid=2; waitfor delay '00:00:05'; update dbo.goods_sort set ssortname='男鞋' where isortid=1003; commit tran end try begin catch if (xact_state()=-1) rollback tran; --error_number()值为1205则表示发生了死锁 if (error_number() = 1205) print '事务2发生了死锁' --写sql server日志或者返回错误给应用程序 end catch select iid,sgoodsname from dbo.goods where iid=2; select isortid,ssortname from dbo.goods_sort where isortid=1003; go
第二点:使用waitfor delay产生造成死锁的发生环境。
第四点:发生死锁,写sql server日志或者返回应用程序去写日志。便于检查日志的时候发现存在死锁并做相应的修改。
上一篇: 详解Sql基础语法