The POST and GET of Mochiweb
%% The request of POST
113 Form = mochiweb_request:parse_post(Req),
%% The request of GET
113 Form = mochiweb_request:parse_qs(Req),
%% The file upload
79 Form = mochiweb_multipart:parse_form(Req),
80 ?DEBUG("~p:~p sss length(Form)=~p", [?MODULE, ?LINE, length(Form)]),
81 Jid = proplists:get_value("jid", Form, ""),
%% download file
218 parse_request_get(Req, "file/get_small_avatar/"++Path, DocRoot) ->
219 NewPath="avatar/small/"++Path++".jpg",
220 Req:serve_file(NewPath, DocRoot);
113 Form = mochiweb_request:parse_post(Req),
114 ?DEBUG("~p:~p sss Form=~p", [?MODULE, ?LINE, Form]),
115 Username = proplists:get_value("username", Form, ""),
116 Password = proplists:get_value("password", Form, ""),
117 Type = proplists:get_value("type", Form, ""),
184 Req:ok({"text/html", [], <<"<html>
185 <head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />
186 </head><body><h1>APK上传</h1>
187 <form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"/upload/save_apk\" method=\"post\">
188 <label for=\"file\">版本号</label>
189 <input type=\"input\" name=\"version\" id=\"version\"/>
190 <label for=\"file\">描述</label>
191 <input type=\"input\" name=\"desc\" id=\"desc\"/>
192 <label for=\"file\">server</label>
193 <input type=\"input\" value='' name=\"server\" id=\"version\"/>
194 <input type=\"file\" name=\"file\" id=\"file\"/>
195 <input type=\"submit\" name=\"upload\" value=\"Upload\" />
196 </form>
197 </body></html>">>});