Influxdb 分组查询 bug
查询时 用日期查
select first(0x00060001) as 0x00060001 from update_gadget_attr group by time(12h) fill(null) where time >'2015-05-21 00:00:01' and time < '2015-05-21 23:00:00' and gadget_id='e346d10a10bdc186b62cdd4f3e2298c8df254204'
郎知 17:09:35
如果用 秒查询
select first(0x00060001) as 0x00060001 from update_gadget_attr group by time(12h) fill(null) where time >1432137600s and time < 1432220400s and gadget_id='e346d10a10bdc186b62cdd4f3e2298c8df254204'
select first(0x00060001) as 0x00060001 from update_gadget_attr group by time(3h) fill(null) where time >1432051200s and time < 1432134000s and gadget_id='e346d10a10bdc186b62cdd4f3e2298c8df254204'
上一篇: 对象、数组传递赋值之引用传递
下一篇: 【C语言】一维数组和二维数组