2022-07-14 16:21:12
<!-- html代码 -->
<div class="show_content">
<div class="img_content_one">
<img src="图片路径" alt="">
<span class="del_btn">删除</span>
<div class="img_content_one">
<img src="图片路径" alt="">
<span class="del_btn">删除</span>
<!-- js代码示例 -->
<script src="/js/td_sort.js"></script>
target: '.img_content_one', //要拖动的元素
floatStyle: {
'background-color': '#fff'
up: function(){
var arr = new Array();
$('.show_content .img_content_one').each(function(i){
;(function( $ ){
* Author: https://github.com/Barrior
* DDSort: drag and drop sorting.
* @param {Object} options
* target[string]: 可选,jQuery事件委托选择器字符串,默认'li'
* cloneStyle[object]: 可选,设置占位符元素的样式
* floatStyle[object]: 可选,设置拖动元素的样式
* down[function]: 可选,鼠标按下时执行的函数
* move[function]: 可选,鼠标移动时执行的函数
* up[function]: 可选,鼠标抬起时执行的函数
$.fn.DDSort = function( options ){
var $doc = $( document ),
fnEmpty = function(){},
settings = $.extend( true, {
down: fnEmpty,
move: fnEmpty,
up: fnEmpty,
target: 'li',
cloneStyle: {
'background-color': '#eee'
floatStyle: {
'position': 'fixed',
'box-shadow': '10px 10px 20px 0 #eee',
'webkitTransform': 'rotate(0deg)',
'mozTransform': 'rotate(0deg)',
'msTransform': 'rotate(0deg)',
'transform': 'rotate(0deg)'
}, options );
return this.each(function(){
var that = $( this ),
height = 'height',
width = 'width';
if( that.css( 'box-sizing' ) == 'border-box' ){
height = 'outerHeight';
width = 'outerWidth';
that.on( 'mousedown.DDSort', settings.target, function( e ){
if( e.which != 1 ){
var tagName = e.target.tagName.toLowerCase();
if( tagName == 'input' || tagName == 'textarea' || tagName == 'select' || tagName == 'a' || tagName == 'span' || tagName == 'dt' ){
var THIS = this,
$this = $( THIS ),
offset = $this.offset(),
disX = e.pageX - offset.left,
disY = e.pageY - offset.top,
clone = $this.clone()
.css( settings.cloneStyle )
.css( 'height', $this[ height ]() )
hasClone = 1,
thisOuterHeight = $this.outerHeight(),
thatOuterHeight = that.outerHeight(),
upSpeed = thisOuterHeight,
downSpeed = thisOuterHeight,
maxSpeed = thisOuterHeight * 3;
settings.down.call( THIS );
$doc.on( 'mousemove.DDSort', function( e ){
if( hasClone ){
$this.before( clone )
.css( 'width', $this[ width ]() )
.css( settings.floatStyle )
.appendTo( $this.parent() );
hasClone = 0;
var left = e.pageX - disX,
top = e.pageY - disY,
prev = clone.prev(),
next = clone.next().not( $this );
left: left,
top: top
if( prev.length && top < prev.offset().top + prev.outerHeight()/2 ){
clone.after( prev );
}else if( next.length && top + thisOuterHeight > next.offset().top + next.outerHeight()/2 ){
clone.before( next );
* 处理滚动条
* that是带着滚动条的元素,这里默认以为that元素是这样的元素(正常情况就是这样),如果使用者事件委托的元素不是这样的元素,那么需要提供接口出来
var thatScrollTop = that.scrollTop(),
thatOffsetTop = that.offset().top,
if( top < thatOffsetTop ){
downSpeed = thisOuterHeight;
upSpeed = ++upSpeed > maxSpeed ? maxSpeed : upSpeed;
scrollVal = thatScrollTop - upSpeed;
}else if( top + thisOuterHeight - thatOffsetTop > thatOuterHeight ){
upSpeed = thisOuterHeight;
downSpeed = ++downSpeed > maxSpeed ? maxSpeed : downSpeed;
scrollVal = thatScrollTop + downSpeed;
that.scrollTop( scrollVal );
settings.move.call( THIS );
.on( 'mouseup.DDSort', function(){
$doc.off( 'mousemove.DDSort mouseup.DDSort' );
if( !hasClone ){
clone.before( $this.removeAttr( 'style' ) ).remove();
settings.up.call( THIS );
return false;
})( jQuery );
上一篇: vue 拖拽互换位置
下一篇: 《python源码剖析》读书笔记二