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singleton pattern(单例模式)

程序员文章站 2022-07-14 07:56:53





         In JAVA applications, the application of SINGLETON PATTERN can ensure that only one instance exists in one JVM. There are several advantages, listed as below.

1, It is frequent to create instances of some classes, so to some large objects, it may be a big overhead for system.

2,It can discard NEW operator, reduce the system momery usage frequency and the pressure of GC.



The followings are several common manners to create singleton objects, listed below:


方式一:(manner one)


package com.zhuweiwei.usage.singleton; 
public final class SingletonOne { 

    private static SingletonOne instance = null; 

    private SingletonOne() {} 

    public static synchronized SingletonOne newInstance() 
        return instance == null ? instance = new SingletonOne() : instance; 





package com.zhuweiwei.usage.singleton; 

public final class SingletonTwo { 

    private static final SingletonTwo instance = new SingletonTwo(); 

    private SingletonTwo() {} 

    public static SingletonTwo newInstance() 
        return instance; 





package com.zhuweiwei.usage.singleton; 

public final class SingletonThree { 

    private static SingletonThree instance = null; 

    private SingletonThree() {} 

    public static SingletonThree newInstance() 
         return instance == null ? createInstance() : instance; 

    private static synchronized SingletonThree createInstance() 
         return instance = new SingletonThree(); 




package com.zhuweiwei.usage.singleton; 

public final class SingletonFour { 

    private SingletonFour() {} 

    public static SingletonFour newInstance() 
        return SingletonFourFactory.instance; 

    private static class SingletonFourFactory { 
        private static final SingletonFour instance = new SingletonFour(); 



测试:(test case)

package com.zhuweiwei.usage.singleton; 

public class SingletonTest { 

    public static void main(String[] args) 
        SingletonOne object1 = SingletonOne.newInstance();
        SingletonOne object2 = SingletonOne.newInstance();
        SingletonOne object3 = SingletonOne.newInstance();
        System.out.println((object1 == object2) && (object1 == object3) && (object2 == object3)); 
        SingletonTwo object4 = SingletonTwo.newInstance();
        SingletonTwo object5 = SingletonTwo.newInstance();
        SingletonTwo object6 = SingletonTwo.newInstance();
        System.out.println((object4 == object5) && (object5 == object6) && (object4 == object6)); 

        SingletonThree object7 = SingletonThree.newInstance();
        SingletonThree object8 = SingletonThree.newInstance();
        SingletonThree object9 = SingletonThree.newInstance();
        System.out.println((object7 == object8) && (object8 == object9) && (object7 == object9)); 

        SingletonFour object10 = SingletonFour.newInstance();
        SingletonFour object11 = SingletonFour.newInstance();
        SingletonFour object12 = SingletonFour.newInstance();
        System.out.println((object10 == object11) && (object11 == object12) && (object10 == object12));



上一篇: C

下一篇: 单例模式Singleton Pattern