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HTTP Session WebTomcatApacheSSOExchange 

程序员文章站 2022-07-13 14:41:29
HTTP Session


服务端不能主动连接客户端,只能被动等待并答复客户端请求。客户端连接服务端,发出一个HTTP Request,服务端处理请求,并且返回一个HTTP Response给客户端,本次HTTP Request-Response Cycle结束。

我们看到,HTTP协议本身并不能支持服务端保存客户端的状态信息。于是,Web Server中引入了session的概念,用来保存客户端的状态信息。

这里用一个形象的比喻来解释session的工作方式。假设Web Server是一个商场的存包处,HTTP Request是一个顾客,第一次来到存包处,管理员把顾客的物品存放在某一个柜子里面(这个柜子就相当于Session),然后把一个号码牌交给这个顾客,作为取包凭证(这个号码牌就是Session ID)。顾客(HTTP Request)下一次来的时候,就要把号码牌(Session ID)交给存包处(Web Server)的管理员。管理员根据号码牌(Session ID)找到相应的柜子(Session),根据顾客(HTTP Request)的请求,Web Server可以取出、更换、添加柜子(Session)中的物品,Web Server也可以让顾客(HTTP Request)的号码牌和号码牌对应的柜子(Session)失效。顾客(HTTP Request)的忘性很大,管理员在顾客回去的时候(HTTP Response)都要重新提醒顾客记住自己的号码牌(Session ID)。这样,顾客(HTTP Request)下次来的时候,就又带着号码牌回来了。

Session ID实际上是在客户端和服务端之间通过HTTP Request和HTTP Response传来传去的。号码牌(Session ID)必须包含在HTTP Request里面。关于HTTP Request的具体格式,请参见HTTP协议(http://www.w3.org/Protocols/)。这里只做一个简单的介绍。

在Java Web Server(即Servlet/JSP Server)中,Session ID用jsessionid表示(请参见Servlet规范)。

HTTP Request一般由3部分组成:

(1)Request Line

这一行由HTTP Method(如GET或POST)、URL、和HTTP版本号组成。

例如,GET http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/TheProject.html HTTP/1.1

GET http://www.google.com/search?q=Tomcat HTTP/1.1

POST http://www.google.com/search HTTP/1.1

GET http://www.somsite.com/menu.do;jsessionid=1001 HTTP/1.1

(2)Request Headers

这部分定义了一些重要的头部信息,如,浏览器的种类,语言,类型。Request Headers中还可以包括Cookie的定义。例如:

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)

Accept-Language: en-us

Cookie: jsessionid=1001

(3)Message Body

如果HTTP Method是GET,那么Message Body为空。

如果HTTP Method是POST,说明这个HTTP Request是submit一个HTML Form的结果,

那么Message Body为HTML Form里面定义的Input属性。例如,




主意,如果把HTML Form元素的Method属性改为GET。那么,Message Body为空,所有的Input属性都会加在URL的后面。你在浏览器的URL地址栏中会看到这些属性,类似于


从理论上来说,这3个部分(Request URL,Cookie Header, Message Body)都可以用来存放Session ID。由于Message Body方法必须需要一个包含Session ID的HTML Form,所以这种方法不通用。



Web Server在返回Response的时候,检查页面中所有的URL,包括所有的连接,和HTML Form的Action属性,在这些URL后面加上“;jsessionid=XXX”。

下一次,用户访问这个页面中的URL。jsessionid就会传回到Web Server。


如果客户端支持Cookie,Web Server在返回Response的时候,在Response的Header部分,加入一个“set-cookie: jsessionid=XXXX”header属性,把jsessionid放在Cookie里传到客户端。

客户端会把Cookie存放在本地文件里,下一次访问Web Server的时候,再把Cookie的信息放到HTTP Request的“Cookie”header属性里面,这样jsessionid就随着HTTP Request返回给Web Server。



Use of HTTP State Management (RFC 2964).


这个文件是定义“HTTP State Management”扩展协议部分。里面有这么一段,

It's important to realize that similar capabilities may also be    achieved using the "bare" HTTP protocol, and/or dynamically-generated

HTML, without the State Management extensions.  For example, state information can be transmitted from the service to the user by    embedding a session identifier in one or more URLs which appear in HTTP redirects, or dynamically generated HTML; and the state information may be returned from the user to the service when such URLs appear in a GET or POST request.  HTML forms can also be used to pass state information from the service to the user and back, without the user being aware of this happening.

这段话的意思是说,不用这个 “HTTP State Management”扩展协议部分,我们也可以用“纯粹”的HTTP协议实现Session -- 比如URL重写,HTML Form等。

这里面没有提到Cookie。因为“HTTP State Management” 扩展协议部分本身包括了关于Cookie的内容。这一点可以通过

HTTP State Management Mechanism (RFC 2965),




This document describes a way to create stateful sessions with HTTP    requests and responses.  Currently, HTTP servers respond to each    client request without relating that request to previous or    subsequent requests; the state management mechanism allows clients    and servers that wish to exchange state information to place HTTP    requests and responses within a larger context, which we term a    "session".  This context might be used to create, for example, a    "shopping cart", in which user selections can be aggregated before    purchase, or a magazine browsing system, in which a user's previous    reading affects which offerings are presented.

Neither clients nor servers are required to support cookies.  A    server MAY refuse to provide content to a client that does not return    the cookies it sends.


4.1  Example 1

Most detail of request and response headers has been omitted.  Assume

the user agent has no stored cookies.

      1. User Agent -> Server

        POST /acme/login HTTP/1.1

        [form data]

        User identifies self via a form.

      2. Server -> User Agent

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK

        Set-Cookie2: Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE"; Version="1"; Path="/acme"

        Cookie reflects user's identity.

(这里面的 Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE" 应该就是从Form Data里面来的,这时候又传回给了客户端)

      3. User Agent -> Server

        POST /acme/pickitem HTTP/1.1

        Cookie: $Version="1"; Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE"; $Path="/acme"

        [form data]

        User selects an item for "shopping basket".

      4. Server -> User Agent

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK

        Set-Cookie2: Part_Number="Rocket_Launcher_0001"; Version="1";


        Shopping basket contains an item.

(这个火箭发射器显然也是从Form Data来的。但为什么Part_Number="Rocket_Launcher_0001"也需要传回给客户端?

Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE"; 应该是在传统的”Set-Cookie”里面传回给客户端的。” Set-Cookie2” 的作用应该是向Cookie里面添加东西。)

      5. User Agent -> Server

        POST /acme/shipping HTTP/1.1

        Cookie: $Version="1";

                Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE"; $Path="/acme";

                Part_Number="Rocket_Launcher_0001"; $Path="/acme"

        [form data]

        User selects shipping method from form.


      6. Server -> User Agent

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK

        Set-Cookie2: Shipping="FedEx"; Version="1"; Path="/acme"

        New cookie reflects shipping method.

      7. User Agent -> Server

        POST /acme/process HTTP/1.1

        Cookie: $Version="1";

                Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE"; $Path="/acme";

                Part_Number="Rocket_Launcher_0001"; $Path="/acme";

                Shipping="FedEx"; $Path="/acme"

        [form data]

        User chooses to process order.

      8. Server -> User Agent

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK

        Transaction is complete.

   The user agent makes a series of requests on the origin server, after each of which it receives a new cookie.  All the cookies have the same Path attribute and (default) domain.  Because the request-URIs all path-match /acme, the Path attribute of each cookie, each request contains all the cookies received so far.

(看到这里,我才大致明白,原来那个$Path="/acme" 大致起着 JSessionID的作用)

三、Tomcat5的HTTP Session实现

下面我们来看Tomcat5的源代码如何支持HTTP 1.1 Session。

我们可以用jsessionid, Set-Cookie等关键字搜索Tomcat5源代码。




     * The name of the cookie used to pass the session identifier back

     * and forth with the client.


    public static final String SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = "JSESSIONID";


     * The name of the path parameter used to pass the session identifier

     * back and forth with the client.


public static final String SESSION_PARAMETER_NAME = "jsessionid";


Session的具体实现类是org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession。一个Tomcat Server的所有Session都由一个Manager(拥有一个Context)统一管理。我估计有一个 Session Listener 专门管理Cluster之间的Session数据复制,具体的我没有追查下去。

另外几个重要的相关类是org.apache.coyote.tomcat5包下面的CoyoteRequest , CoyoteResponse, CoyoteAdapter三个类。


String toEncoded(String url, String sessionId) {

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(path);

        if( sb.length() > 0 ) { // jsessionid can't be first.






        return (sb.toString());





     * Configures the given JSESSIONID cookie.


     * @param cookie The JSESSIONID cookie to be configured


    protected void configureSessionCookie(Cookie cookie) {



    HttpSession doGetSession(boolean create){


        // Creating a new session cookie based on that session

        if ((session != null) && (getContext() != null)

               && getContext().getCookies()) {

            Cookie cookie = new Cookie(Globals.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME,



            ((HttpServletResponse) response).addCookie(cookie);





HTTP Session的协议、规范、实现大概就是这些。


其余相关的概念有“单点登录”(Sing Sign On – SSO), Domain, Cluster, Proxy, Cache等。