或许有人已经注意到了笔者在介绍Broker启动类MetaMorphosisBroker的时候估计漏掉了一个方法newRemotingServer()方法,即创建Gecko Server。
- private static RemotingServer newRemotingServer(final MetaConfig metaConfig) {
- final ServerConfig serverConfig = new ServerConfig();
- serverConfig.setWireFormatType(new MetamorphosisWireFormatType()); //注册了MetamorphosisWireFormatType实例,该实例负责编码和解码Command
- serverConfig.setPort(metaConfig.getServerPort());
- final RemotingServer server = RemotingFactory.newRemotingServer(serverConfig);
- return server;
- }
private static RemotingServer newRemotingServer(final MetaConfig metaConfig) { final ServerConfig serverConfig = new ServerConfig(); serverConfig.setWireFormatType(new MetamorphosisWireFormatType()); //注册了MetamorphosisWireFormatType实例,该实例负责编码和解码Command serverConfig.setPort(metaConfig.getServerPort()); final RemotingServer server = RemotingFactory.newRemotingServer(serverConfig); return server;}
在该方法内注册了一个MetamorphosisWireFormatType实例,该实例负责Command 的编码解码工作,MetamorphosisWireFormatType实现接口WireFormatType。
- public class MetamorphosisWireFormatType extends WireFormatType {
- public static final String SCHEME = "meta";
- public String getScheme() {
- return SCHEME;
- }
- public String name() {
- return "metamorphosis";
- }
- public CodecFactory newCodecFactory() {
- return new MetaCodecFactory();
- }
- public CommandFactory newCommandFactory() {
- return new MetaCommandFactory();
- }
public class MetamorphosisWireFormatType extends WireFormatType { public static final String SCHEME = "meta"; public String getScheme() { return SCHEME; } public String name() { return "metamorphosis"; } public CodecFactory newCodecFactory() { return new MetaCodecFactory(); } public CommandFactory newCommandFactory() { return new MetaCommandFactory(); }
MetamorphosisWireFormatType本身并没有进行编码解码,而是交给了类MetaCodecFactory去实现,另外我们也看到newCommandFactory()方法,该方法主要是用于连接的心跳检测。下面让我们分别来看看这两个类: MetaCommandFactory和MetaCodecFactory,MetaCommandFactory和MetaCodecFactory均是MetamorphosisWireFormatType的内部类
- static class MetaCommandFactory implements CommandFactory {
- public BooleanAckCommand createBooleanAckCommand(final CommandHeader request, final ResponseStatus responseStatus, final String errorMsg) {
- //响应心跳请求
- int httpCode = -1;
- switch (responseStatus) {
- case NO_ERROR:
- httpCode = HttpStatus.Success;
- break;
- httpCode = HttpStatus.ServiceUnavilable;
- break;
- case TIMEOUT:
- httpCode = HttpStatus.GatewayTimeout;
- break;
- default:
- httpCode = HttpStatus.InternalServerError;
- break;
- }
- return new BooleanCommand(httpCode, errorMsg, request.getOpaque());
- }
- public HeartBeatRequestCommand createHeartBeatCommand() {
- //前面介绍过VersionCommand用于心跳检测,就是用于此处
- return new VersionCommand(OpaqueGenerator.getNextOpaque());
- }
- }
static class MetaCommandFactory implements CommandFactory { public BooleanAckCommand createBooleanAckCommand(final CommandHeader request, final ResponseStatus responseStatus, final String errorMsg) {//响应心跳请求 int httpCode = -1; switch (responseStatus) { case NO_ERROR: httpCode = HttpStatus.Success; break; case THREADPOOL_BUSY: case NO_PROCESSOR: httpCode = HttpStatus.ServiceUnavilable; break; case TIMEOUT: httpCode = HttpStatus.GatewayTimeout; break; default: httpCode = HttpStatus.InternalServerError; break; } return new BooleanCommand(httpCode, errorMsg, request.getOpaque()); } public HeartBeatRequestCommand createHeartBeatCommand() {//前面介绍过VersionCommand用于心跳检测,就是用于此处 return new VersionCommand(OpaqueGenerator.getNextOpaque()); } }
- static class MetaCodecFactory implements CodecFactory {
- //返回解码器
- @Override
- public Decoder getDecoder() {
- return new Decoder() {
- //Gecko框架会在适当的时候调用该方法,并将数据放到参数buff中,
- //用户可以根据buff的内容进行解析,包装成对应的Command类型
- public Object decode(final IoBuffer buff, final Session session) {
- if (buff == null || !buff.hasRemaining()) {
- return null;
- }
- buff.mark();
- //匹配第一个{‘\r’, ‘\n’},也就是找到命令的内容(不包括数据),目前只有PutCommand和SynCommand有数据部分,其他的命令都只有命令的内容
- final int index = LINE_MATCHER.matchFirst(buff);
- if (index >= 0) {
- //获取命令内容
- final byte[] bytes = new byte[index - buff.position()];
- buff.get(bytes);
- //跳过\r\n
- buff.position(buff.position() + 2);
- //将命令字节数组转换成字符串
- final String line = ByteUtils.getString(bytes);
- if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
- log.debug("Receive command:" + line);
- }
- //以空格为单位分离内容
- final String[] sa = SPLITER.split(line);
- if (sa == null || sa.length == 0) {
- throw new MetaCodecException("Blank command line.");
- }
- //判断内容的第一个字母
- final byte op = (byte) sa[0].charAt(0);
- switch (op) {
- case 'p':
- //如果是p的话,认为是put命令,具体见MetaEncodeCommand定义的命令的内容并解析put命令,具体格式在每个命令的实现类里的注释都有,下面的各个方法的注释也有部分
- return this.decodePut(buff, sa);
- case 'g':
- //如果是g的话,认为是get命令
- return this.decodeGet(sa);
- case 't':
- //如果是g的话,认为是事务命令
- return this.decodeTransaction(sa);
- case 'r':
- //如果是g的话,认为是结果响应
- return this.decodeBoolean(buff, sa);
- case 'v':
- //如果是v的话,则可能是心跳请求或者数据响应,所以得使用更详细的信息进行判断
- if (sa[0].equals("value")) {
- return this.decodeData(buff, sa);
- } else {
- return this.decodeVersion(sa);
- }
- case 's':
- //如果是s的话,则可能是统计请求或者同步,所以得使用更详细的信息进行判断
- if (sa[0].equals("stats")) {
- return this.decodeStats(sa);
- } else {
- return this.decodeSync(buff, sa);
- }
- case 'o':
- //如果是o的话,查询最近可用位置请求
- return this.decodeOffset(sa);
- case 'q':
- //如果是q的话,退出连接请求
- return this.decodeQuit();
- default:
- throw new MetaCodecException("Unknow command:" + line);
- }
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private Object decodeQuit() {
- return new QuitCommand();
- }
- private Object decodeVersion(final String[] sa) {
- if (sa.length >= 2) {
- return new VersionCommand(Integer.parseInt(sa[1]));
- } else {
- return new VersionCommand(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
- }
- }
- // offset topic group partition offset opaque\r\n
- private Object decodeOffset(final String[] sa) {
- this.assertCommand(sa[0], "offset");
- return new OffsetCommand(sa[1], sa[2], Integer.parseInt(sa[3]), Long.parseLong(sa[4]), Integer.parseInt(sa[5]));
- }
- // stats item opaque\r\n
- // opaque可以为空
- private Object decodeStats(final String[] sa) {
- this.assertCommand(sa[0], "stats");
- int opaque = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
- if (sa.length >= 3) {
- opaque = Integer.parseInt(sa[2]);
- }
- String item = null;
- if (sa.length >= 2) {
- item = sa[1];
- }
- return new StatsCommand(opaque, item);
- }
- // value totalLen opaque\r\n data
- private Object decodeData(final IoBuffer buff, final String[] sa) {
- this.assertCommand(sa[0], "value");
- final int valueLen = Integer.parseInt(sa[1]);
- if (buff.remaining() < valueLen) {
- buff.reset();
- return null;
- } else {
- final byte[] data = new byte[valueLen];
- buff.get(data);
- return new DataCommand(data, Integer.parseInt(sa[2]));
- }
- }
- /**
- * result code length opaque\r\n message
- *
- * @param buff
- * @param sa
- * @return
- */
- private Object decodeBoolean(final IoBuffer buff, final String[] sa) {
- this.assertCommand(sa[0], "result");
- final int valueLen = Integer.parseInt(sa[2]);
- if (valueLen == 0) {
- return new BooleanCommand(Integer.parseInt(sa[1]), null, Integer.parseInt(sa[3]));
- } else {
- if (buff.remaining() < valueLen) {
- buff.reset();
- return null;
- } else {
- final byte[] data = new byte[valueLen];
- buff.get(data);
- return new BooleanCommand(Integer.parseInt(sa[1]), ByteUtils.getString(data), Integer.parseInt(sa[3]));
- }
- }
- }
- // get topic group partition offset maxSize opaque\r\n
- private Object decodeGet(final String[] sa) {
- this.assertCommand(sa[0], "get");
- return new GetCommand(sa[1], sa[2], Integer.parseInt(sa[3]), Long.parseLong(sa[4]), Integer.parseInt(sa[5]), Integer.parseInt(sa[6]));
- }
- // transaction key sessionId type [timeout] [unique qualifier]
- // opaque\r\n
- private Object decodeTransaction(final String[] sa) {
- this.assertCommand(sa[0], "transaction");
- final TransactionId transactionId = this.getTransactionId(sa[1]);
- final TransactionType type = TransactionType.valueOf(sa[3]);
- switch (sa.length) {
- case 7:
- // Both include timeout and unique qualifier.
- int timeout = Integer.valueOf(sa[4]);
- String uniqueQualifier = sa[5];
- TransactionInfo info = new TransactionInfo(transactionId, sa[2], type, uniqueQualifier, timeout);
- return new TransactionCommand(info, Integer.parseInt(sa[6]));
- case 6:
- // Maybe timeout or unique qualifier
- if (StringUtils.isNumeric(sa[4])) {
- timeout = Integer.valueOf(sa[4]);
- info = new TransactionInfo(transactionId, sa[2], type, null, timeout);
- return new TransactionCommand(info, Integer.parseInt(sa[5]));
- } else {
- uniqueQualifier = sa[4];
- info = new TransactionInfo(transactionId, sa[2], type, uniqueQualifier, 0);
- return new TransactionCommand(info, Integer.parseInt(sa[5]));
- }
- case 5:
- // Without timeout and unique qualifier.
- info = new TransactionInfo(transactionId, sa[2], type, null);
- return new TransactionCommand(info, Integer.parseInt(sa[4]));
- default:
- throw new MetaCodecException("Invalid transaction command:" + StringUtils.join(sa));
- }
- }
- private TransactionId getTransactionId(final String s) {
- return TransactionId.valueOf(s);
- }
- // sync topic partition value-length flag msgId
- // opaque\r\n
- private Object decodeSync(final IoBuffer buff, final String[] sa) {
- this.assertCommand(sa[0], "sync");
- final int valueLen = Integer.parseInt(sa[3]);
- if (buff.remaining() < valueLen) {
- buff.reset();
- return null;
- } else {
- final byte[] data = new byte[valueLen];
- buff.get(data);
- switch (sa.length) {
- case 7:
- // old master before 1.4.4
- return new SyncCommand(sa[1], Integer.parseInt(sa[2]), data, Integer.parseInt(sa[4]), Long.valueOf(sa[5]), -1, Integer.parseInt(sa[6]));
- case 8:
- // new master since 1.4.4
- return new SyncCommand(sa[1], Integer.parseInt(sa[2]), data, Integer.parseInt(sa[4]), Long.valueOf(sa[5]), Integer.parseInt(sa[6]), Integer.parseInt(sa[7]));
- default:
- throw new MetaCodecException("Invalid Sync command:" + StringUtils.join(sa));
- }
- }
- }
- // put topic partition value-length flag checksum
- // [transactionKey]
- // opaque\r\n
- private Object decodePut(final IoBuffer buff, final String[] sa) {
- this.assertCommand(sa[0], "put");
- final int valueLen = Integer.parseInt(sa[3]);
- if (buff.remaining() < valueLen) {
- buff.reset();
- return null;
- } else {
- final byte[] data = new byte[valueLen];
- buff.get(data);
- switch (sa.length) {
- case 6:
- // old clients before 1.4.4
- return new PutCommand(sa[1], Integer.parseInt(sa[2]), data, null, Integer.parseInt(sa[4]), Integer.parseInt(sa[5]));
- case 7:
- // either transaction command or new clients since
- // 1.4.4
- String slot = sa[5];
- char firstChar = slot.charAt(0);
- if (Character.isDigit(firstChar) || '-' == firstChar) {
- // slot is checksum.
- int checkSum = Integer.parseInt(slot);
- return new PutCommand(sa[1], Integer.parseInt(sa[2]), data, Integer.parseInt(sa[4]), checkSum, null, Integer.parseInt(sa[6]));
- } else {
- // slot is transaction id.
- return new PutCommand(sa[1], Integer.parseInt(sa[2]), data, this.getTransactionId(slot), Integer.parseInt(sa[4]), Integer.parseInt(sa[6]));
- }
- case 8:
- // New clients since 1.4.4
- // A transaction command
- return new PutCommand(sa[1], Integer.parseInt(sa[2]), data, Integer.parseInt(sa[4]), Integer.parseInt(sa[5]), this.getTransactionId(sa[6]), Integer.parseInt(sa[7]));
- default:
- throw new MetaCodecException("Invalid put command:" + StringUtils.join(sa));
- }
- }
- }
- private void assertCommand(final String cmd, final String expect) {
- if (!expect.equals(cmd)) {
- throw new MetaCodecException("Expect " + expect + ",but was " + cmd);
- }
- }
- };
- }
- @Override
- public Encoder getEncoder() {
- //返回编码器
- return new Encoder() {
- @Override
- public IoBuffer encode(final Object message, final Session session) {
- //框架会在适当的时候调用编码器的encode()方法,前面说过如果响应的命令是DataCommand的时候假设不是zeroCopy的话,会出现问题。原因就在这里,因为如果不使用zeroCopy的话,返回给Gecko框架的是一个DataCommand的实例,这时候会调用到此方法,而此方法并没有按照DataCommand的格式进行编码,解码器会识别不了,所以容易出问题
- return ((MetaEncodeCommand) message).encode();
- }
- };
- }
static class MetaCodecFactory implements CodecFactory { //返回解码器 @Override public Decoder getDecoder() { return new Decoder() { //Gecko框架会在适当的时候调用该方法,并将数据放到参数buff中, //用户可以根据buff的内容进行解析,包装成对应的Command类型 public Object decode(final IoBuffer buff, final Session session) { if (buff == null || !buff.hasRemaining()) { return null; } buff.mark(); //匹配第一个{‘\r’, ‘\n’},也就是找到命令的内容(不包括数据),目前只有PutCommand和SynCommand有数据部分,其他的命令都只有命令的内容 final int index = LINE_MATCHER.matchFirst(buff); if (index >= 0) { //获取命令内容 final byte[] bytes = new byte[index - buff.position()]; buff.get(bytes); //跳过\r\n buff.position(buff.position() + 2); //将命令字节数组转换成字符串 final String line = ByteUtils.getString(bytes); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Receive command:" + line); } //以空格为单位分离内容 final String[] sa = SPLITER.split(line); if (sa == null || sa.length == 0) { throw new MetaCodecException("Blank command line."); } //判断内容的第一个字母 final byte op = (byte) sa[0].charAt(0); switch (op) { case 'p': //如果是p的话,认为是put命令,具体见MetaEncodeCommand定义的命令的内容并解析put命令,具体格式在每个命令的实现类里的注释都有,下面的各个方法的注释也有部分 return this.decodePut(buff, sa); case 'g': //如果是g的话,认为是get命令 return this.decodeGet(sa); case 't': //如果是g的话,认为是事务命令 return this.decodeTransaction(sa); case 'r': //如果是g的话,认为是结果响应 return this.decodeBoolean(buff, sa); case 'v': //如果是v的话,则可能是心跳请求或者数据响应,所以得使用更详细的信息进行判断 if (sa[0].equals("value")) { return this.decodeData(buff, sa); } else { return this.decodeVersion(sa); } case 's': //如果是s的话,则可能是统计请求或者同步,所以得使用更详细的信息进行判断if (sa[0].equals("stats")) { return this.decodeStats(sa); } else { return this.decodeSync(buff, sa); } case 'o': //如果是o的话,查询最近可用位置请求 return this.decodeOffset(sa); case 'q': //如果是q的话,退出连接请求 return this.decodeQuit(); default: throw new MetaCodecException("Unknow command:" + line); } } else { return null; } } private Object decodeQuit() { return new QuitCommand(); } private Object decodeVersion(final String[] sa) { if (sa.length >= 2) { return new VersionCommand(Integer.parseInt(sa[1])); } else { return new VersionCommand(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } } // offset topic group partition offset opaque\r\n private Object decodeOffset(final String[] sa) { this.assertCommand(sa[0], "offset"); return new OffsetCommand(sa[1], sa[2], Integer.parseInt(sa[3]), Long.parseLong(sa[4]), Integer.parseInt(sa[5])); } // stats item opaque\r\n // opaque可以为空 private Object decodeStats(final String[] sa) { this.assertCommand(sa[0], "stats"); int opaque = Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (sa.length >= 3) { opaque = Integer.parseInt(sa[2]); } String item = null; if (sa.length >= 2) { item = sa[1]; } return new StatsCommand(opaque, item); } // value totalLen opaque\r\n data private Object decodeData(final IoBuffer buff, final String[] sa) { this.assertCommand(sa[0], "value"); final int valueLen = Integer.parseInt(sa[1]); if (buff.remaining() < valueLen) { buff.reset(); return null; } else { final byte[] data = new byte[valueLen]; buff.get(data); return new DataCommand(data, Integer.parseInt(sa[2])); } } /** * result code length opaque\r\n message * * @param buff * @param sa * @return */ private Object decodeBoolean(final IoBuffer buff, final String[] sa) { this.assertCommand(sa[0], "result"); final int valueLen = Integer.parseInt(sa[2]); if (valueLen == 0) { return new BooleanCommand(Integer.parseInt(sa[1]), null, Integer.parseInt(sa[3])); } else { if (buff.remaining() < valueLen) { buff.reset(); return null; } else { final byte[] data = new byte[valueLen]; buff.get(data); return new BooleanCommand(Integer.parseInt(sa[1]), ByteUtils.getString(data), Integer.parseInt(sa[3])); } } } // get topic group partition offset maxSize opaque\r\n private Object decodeGet(final String[] sa) { this.assertCommand(sa[0], "get"); return new GetCommand(sa[1], sa[2], Integer.parseInt(sa[3]), Long.parseLong(sa[4]), Integer.parseInt(sa[5]), Integer.parseInt(sa[6])); } // transaction key sessionId type [timeout] [unique qualifier] // opaque\r\n private Object decodeTransaction(final String[] sa) { this.assertCommand(sa[0], "transaction"); final TransactionId transactionId = this.getTransactionId(sa[1]); final TransactionType type = TransactionType.valueOf(sa[3]); switch (sa.length) { case 7: // Both include timeout and unique qualifier. int timeout = Integer.valueOf(sa[4]); String uniqueQualifier = sa[5]; TransactionInfo info = new TransactionInfo(transactionId, sa[2], type, uniqueQualifier, timeout); return new TransactionCommand(info, Integer.parseInt(sa[6])); case 6: // Maybe timeout or unique qualifier if (StringUtils.isNumeric(sa[4])) { timeout = Integer.valueOf(sa[4]); info = new TransactionInfo(transactionId, sa[2], type, null, timeout); return new TransactionCommand(info, Integer.parseInt(sa[5])); } else { uniqueQualifier = sa[4]; info = new TransactionInfo(transactionId, sa[2], type, uniqueQualifier, 0); return new TransactionCommand(info, Integer.parseInt(sa[5])); } case 5: // Without timeout and unique qualifier. info = new TransactionInfo(transactionId, sa[2], type, null); return new TransactionCommand(info, Integer.parseInt(sa[4])); default: throw new MetaCodecException("Invalid transaction command:" + StringUtils.join(sa)); } } private TransactionId getTransactionId(final String s) { return TransactionId.valueOf(s); } // sync topic partition value-length flag msgId // opaque\r\n private Object decodeSync(final IoBuffer buff, final String[] sa) { this.assertCommand(sa[0], "sync"); final int valueLen = Integer.parseInt(sa[3]); if (buff.remaining() < valueLen) { buff.reset(); return null; } else { final byte[] data = new byte[valueLen]; buff.get(data); switch (sa.length) { case 7: // old master before 1.4.4 return new SyncCommand(sa[1], Integer.parseInt(sa[2]), data, Integer.parseInt(sa[4]), Long.valueOf(sa[5]), -1, Integer.parseInt(sa[6])); case 8: // new master since 1.4.4 return new SyncCommand(sa[1], Integer.parseInt(sa[2]), data, Integer.parseInt(sa[4]), Long.valueOf(sa[5]), Integer.parseInt(sa[6]), Integer.parseInt(sa[7])); default: throw new MetaCodecException("Invalid Sync command:" + StringUtils.join(sa)); } } } // put topic partition value-length flag checksum // [transactionKey] // opaque\r\n private Object decodePut(final IoBuffer buff, final String[] sa) { this.assertCommand(sa[0], "put"); final int valueLen = Integer.parseInt(sa[3]); if (buff.remaining() < valueLen) { buff.reset(); return null; } else { final byte[] data = new byte[valueLen]; buff.get(data); switch (sa.length) { case 6: // old clients before 1.4.4 return new PutCommand(sa[1], Integer.parseInt(sa[2]), data, null, Integer.parseInt(sa[4]), Integer.parseInt(sa[5])); case 7: // either transaction command or new clients since // 1.4.4 String slot = sa[5]; char firstChar = slot.charAt(0); if (Character.isDigit(firstChar) || '-' == firstChar) { // slot is checksum. int checkSum = Integer.parseInt(slot); return new PutCommand(sa[1], Integer.parseInt(sa[2]), data, Integer.parseInt(sa[4]), checkSum, null, Integer.parseInt(sa[6])); } else { // slot is transaction id. return new PutCommand(sa[1], Integer.parseInt(sa[2]), data, this.getTransactionId(slot), Integer.parseInt(sa[4]), Integer.parseInt(sa[6])); } case 8: // New clients since 1.4.4 // A transaction command return new PutCommand(sa[1], Integer.parseInt(sa[2]), data, Integer.parseInt(sa[4]), Integer.parseInt(sa[5]), this.getTransactionId(sa[6]), Integer.parseInt(sa[7])); default: throw new MetaCodecException("Invalid put command:" + StringUtils.join(sa)); } } } private void assertCommand(final String cmd, final String expect) { if (!expect.equals(cmd)) { throw new MetaCodecException("Expect " + expect + ",but was " + cmd); } } }; } @Override public Encoder getEncoder() { //返回编码器return new Encoder() { @Override public IoBuffer encode(final Object message, final Session session) { //框架会在适当的时候调用编码器的encode()方法,前面说过如果响应的命令是DataCommand的时候假设不是zeroCopy的话,会出现问题。原因就在这里,因为如果不使用zeroCopy的话,返回给Gecko框架的是一个DataCommand的实例,这时候会调用到此方法,而此方法并没有按照DataCommand的格式进行编码,解码器会识别不了,所以容易出问题 return ((MetaEncodeCommand) message).encode(); } }; }
- private void registerProcessors() {
- this.remotingServer.registerProcessor(GetCommand.class, new GetProcessor(this.brokerProcessor, this.executorsManager.getGetExecutor()));
- this.remotingServer.registerProcessor(PutCommand.class, new PutProcessor(this.brokerProcessor, this.executorsManager.getUnOrderedPutExecutor()));
- this.remotingServer.registerProcessor(OffsetCommand.class, new OffsetProcessor(this.brokerProcessor, this.executorsManager.getGetExecutor()));
- this.remotingServer.registerProcessor(HeartBeatRequestCommand.class, new VersionProcessor(this.brokerProcessor));
- this.remotingServer.registerProcessor(QuitCommand.class, new QuitProcessor(this.brokerProcessor));
- this.remotingServer.registerProcessor(StatsCommand.class, new StatsProcessor(this.brokerProcessor));
- this.remotingServer.registerProcessor(TransactionCommand.class, new TransactionProcessor(this.brokerProcessor, this.executorsManager.getUnOrderedPutExecutor()));
- }
private void registerProcessors() { this.remotingServer.registerProcessor(GetCommand.class, new GetProcessor(this.brokerProcessor, this.executorsManager.getGetExecutor())); this.remotingServer.registerProcessor(PutCommand.class, new PutProcessor(this.brokerProcessor, this.executorsManager.getUnOrderedPutExecutor())); this.remotingServer.registerProcessor(OffsetCommand.class, new OffsetProcessor(this.brokerProcessor, this.executorsManager.getGetExecutor())); this.remotingServer.registerProcessor(HeartBeatRequestCommand.class, new VersionProcessor(this.brokerProcessor)); this.remotingServer.registerProcessor(QuitCommand.class, new QuitProcessor(this.brokerProcessor)); this.remotingServer.registerProcessor(StatsCommand.class, new StatsProcessor(this.brokerProcessor)); this.remotingServer.registerProcessor(TransactionCommand.class, new TransactionProcessor(this.brokerProcessor, this.executorsManager.getUnOrderedPutExecutor()));}
- public interface RequestProcessor<T extends RequestCommand> {
- /**
- * 处理请求
- *
- * @param request请求命令
- * @param conn 请求来源的连接
- */
- public void handleRequest(T request, Connection conn);
- /**
- * 用户自定义的线程池,如果提供,那么请求的处理都将在该线程池内执行
- *
- * @return
- */
- public ThreadPoolExecutor getExecutor();
- }
public interface RequestProcessor<T extends RequestCommand> { /** * 处理请求 * * @param request请求命令 * @param conn 请求来源的连接 */ public void handleRequest(T request, Connection conn); /** * 用户自定义的线程池,如果提供,那么请求的处理都将在该线程池内执行 * * @return */ public ThreadPoolExecutor getExecutor();}
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