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程序员文章站 2022-07-13 11:57:03
		<div class="header">Virtual Block</div>
		<div class="userOptions">
			<span class="option">
                    Data Amount
			<select v-model="dataAmt">
				<option value="100">20</option>
				<option value="100">100</option>
				<option value="1000">1000</option>
				<option value="10000">10000</option>
				<option value="200000">200000</option>
				<option value="500000">500000</option>
			<span class="option">
                    Page Mode
			<input type="checkbox" v-model="isPageMode">
			<span class="option">
                    Fixed Block Height
			<input type="checkbox" v-model="isFixedHeight">
		<VirtualBlock :fixedBlockHeight="isFixedHeight ? 50 : undefined" v-if="true" :pageMode="isPageMode" :height="500" :data="data" ref="vb">
			<template slot-scope="{data}">
				<div :style="{height: '100%', 'background-color': data.color}">
		<div class="footer">
                ????#support* :)

	export default {
		name: "App",
		data() {
			return {
				data: [],
				dataAmt: '20',
				isPageMode: false,
				isFixedHeight: false
		created() {
			this.data = this.dataConstructor(this.dataAmt, this.isFixedHeight);
		watch: {
			dataAmt: function(newVal) {
				this.data = this.dataConstructor(this.dataAmt, this.isFixedHeight);
			isPageMode: function(newVal) {
			isFixedHeight: function(newVal) {
				this.data = this.dataConstructor(this.dataAmt, this.isFixedHeight);
		computed: {},
		methods: {
			dataConstructor(amount, fixedHeight) {
				let constructedArr = [];
				for(let i = 0; i < Number(amount); i++) {
					let constructedObj = {};
					constructedObj['height'] = fixedHeight ? 50 : this.randomInteger(30, 190);
					constructedObj['id'] = i;
					constructedObj['color'] = '#' + this.randomColor();
				return constructedArr;
			randomColor() {
				return Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16);
			randomInteger(min, max) {
				return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

<style scoped>
	div {
		font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;
	.header {
		font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;
		font-size: 25px;
		text-align: center;
	.userOptions {
		margin: 10px 0;
	.option {
		margin: 0 7px;
	.footer {
		font-size: 10px;
		text-align: center;
	.btn {
		cursor: pointer;

    <div v-on="pageMode ? {} : {scroll: handleScroll}" :style="containerStyle" ref="vb">
        <div :style="{height: `${offsetTop}px`}">
        <div v-for="item in renderList" 
             :style="{height: `${fixedBlockHeight ? fixedBlockHeight : item.height}px`}" 
            <slot :data="item">
        <div :style="{height: `${offsetBot}px`}">

export default {
    props: {
        // data is required
        // height is required if pageMode is set to false
        // when fixedBlockHeight is specified, the height key in data will be ignored
        data: {
            type: Array,
            required: true
        height: {
            type: Number
        fixedBlockHeight: {
            type: Number
        pageMode: {
            type: Boolean,
            default: true

    data() {
        return {
            viewportBegin: 0,
            viewportEnd: this.height,
            offsetTop: 0,
            offsetBot: 0,
            renderList: [],
            transformedData: []
    watch: {
        data: {
            handler: function(newVal, oldVal) {
                // code blow used to update view when data changed
                if (oldVal) {
                        () => {
                            // reset the scrollTop for container
                            // update view by handleScroll()
                            this.$refs.vb.scrollTop = 0;
            immediate: true // when not in page mode, initailize data here
        pageMode(newVal) {
            if (newVal) {
                window.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll);
            } else {
                window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll);
            // recompute transformed data when pageMode changed
                () => {
                    // reset the scrollTop for container
                    // update view by handleScroll()
                    this.$refs.vb.scrollTop = 0;
        fixedBlockHeight() {
            // update view when fixedBlockHeight changed
    created() {
        if (this.pageMode) {
            // add scroll onto window
            window.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll);
    mounted() {
        if (this.pageMode) {
            // in page mode, initialize transformed data here
        // initialize view by calling updateVb
    destroyed() {
        if (this.pageMode) {
            window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll);
    methods: {
        computeTransformedData(oriArr) {
            // compute accumulative height value for each block
            // note the function related to the variable 'pageMode'
            // and when fixedRowHeight is specified, transformedData is not needed
            if (!this.fixedRowHeight && ((this.pageMode && this.$refs.vb) || !this.pageMode)) {
                let curHeight = this.pageMode ? this.$refs.vb.offsetTop : 0;
                let rt = [curHeight];
                    item => {
                        curHeight += item.height;
                this.transformedData = rt;
        handleScroll() {
            // scrollTop is relative to the varible pageMode
            const scrollTop = this.pageMode ? window.pageYOffset : this.$refs.vb.scrollTop;
            // use requestAnimationFrame to ensure smooth scrolling visual effects
                () => {
        binarySearchLowerBound(s, arr) {
            // used to search the lower bound in-viewport index for data array
            // when height is not fixed
            let lo = 0;
            let hi = arr.length - 1;
            let mid;
            while(lo <= hi) {
                // integer division
                mid = ~~((hi + lo) / 2);
                if (arr[mid] > s) {
                    if (mid === 0) {
                        // start position less than the smallest element in arr
                        return 0;
                    } else {
                        hi = mid - 1;
                } else if (arr[mid] < s) {
                    if (mid + 1 < arr.length) {
                        if (arr[mid + 1] > s) {
                            return mid;
                        } else {
                            // normal flow
                            lo = mid + 1;
                    } else {
                        // not a valid start position
                        // start position > total height
                        return -1;
                } else {
                    // only return the matched lower bound index
                    // may be modified later for smooth
                    return mid;
        binarySearchUpperBound(e, arr) {
            // used to search the upper bound in-viewport index for data array
            // when height is not fixed
            let lo = 0;
            let hi = arr.length - 1;
            let mid;
            while(lo <= hi) {
                mid = ~~((hi + lo) / 2);
                if (arr[mid] > e) {
                    if (mid > 0) {
                        if (arr[mid - 1] < e) {
                            return mid;
                        } else {
                            // normal flow
                            hi = mid - 1;
                    } else {
                        // not a valid end position
                        // end position < view port start position
                        return -1;
                } else if (arr[mid] < e) {
                    if (mid === arr.length - 1) {
                        // end position greater than the biggest element in arr
                        return arr.length - 1;
                    } else {
                        lo = mid + 1;
                } else {
                    // lower bound should return previous block
                    // the slice func handles the index offset issue
                    return mid;
        fixedBlockHeightLowerBound(s, fixedBlockHeight) {
            // used to compute the lower bound in-viewport index for data array
            // when in fixed height mode
            const sAdjusted = this.pageMode ? s - this.$refs.vb.offsetTop : s;
            const computedStartIndex = ~~(sAdjusted / fixedBlockHeight);
            return computedStartIndex >= 0 ? computedStartIndex : 0;
        fixedBlockHeightUpperBound(e, fixedBlockHeight) {
            // used to compute the upper bound in-viewport index for data array
            // when in fixed height mode
            const eAdjusted = this.pageMode ? e - this.$refs.vb.offsetTop : e;
            const compuedEndIndex = Math.ceil(eAdjusted / fixedBlockHeight);
            return compuedEndIndex <= this.data.length ? compuedEndIndex : this.data.length;
        findBlocksInViewport(s, e, heightArr, blockArr) {
            if (s < e) {
                const lo = this.fixedBlockHeight ? 
                           this.fixedBlockHeightLowerBound(s, this.fixedBlockHeight) :
                           this.binarySearchLowerBound(s, heightArr);
                const hi = this.fixedBlockHeight ? 
                           this.fixedBlockHeightUpperBound(e, this.fixedBlockHeight) :
                           this.binarySearchUpperBound(e, heightArr);

                var vbOffset = this.pageMode ? this.$refs.vb.offsetTop : 0;
                // set top spacer
                if(this.fixedBlockHeight) {
                    this.offsetTop = lo >= 0 ? lo * this.fixedBlockHeight : 0;
                } else {
                    this.offsetTop = lo >= 0 ? heightArr[lo] - vbOffset : 0;
                // set bot spacer
                if (this.fixedBlockHeight) {
                    this.offsetBot = hi >= 0 ? (blockArr.length - hi ) * this.fixedBlockHeight : 0;
                } else {
                    this.offsetBot = hi >= 0 ? heightArr[heightArr.length - 1] - heightArr[hi] : 0;
                // return the sliced the data array
                return blockArr.slice(lo, hi);;
            } else {
                this.offsetTop = 0;
                this.offsetBot = 0;
                return [];
        updateVb(scrollTop) {
            // compute the viewport start position and end position based on the scrollTop value
            const viewportHeight = this.pageMode ? window.innerHeight : this.height;
            this.viewportBegin = scrollTop;
            this.viewportEnd = scrollTop + viewportHeight;
            this.renderList = this.findBlocksInViewport(this.viewportBegin, this.viewportEnd, this.transformedData, this.data);
    computed: {
        containerStyle() {
            return {
                ...(!this.pageMode && {height: `${this.height}px`}),
                ...(!this.pageMode && {'overflow-y' : 'scroll'})