Maven Integration for Eclipse vs. Maven eclipse:eclipse plugin
2022-07-12 21:48:04
Maven Integration for Eclipse vs. Maven eclipse:eclipse plugin
The Maven Integration for Eclipse (m2eclipse) is an Eclipse plugin that allows execution of Maven goals and manages Maven dependencies. It is a different beast to the maven-eclipse-plugin which is a Maven plugin that attempts to manage/modify Eclipse project files to account for Maven dependencies. Generally, if you are using m2eclipse you don’t really need maven-eclipse-plugin. The former is providing advanced project import and configuration features and provides integration with other Eclipse tools.
As of maven-eclipse-plugin-2.3 its dependency management is incompatible with m2eclipse and is waiting for the patches to be applied. See MECLIPSE-78.
The Maven Integration for Eclipse (m2eclipse) is an Eclipse plugin that allows execution of Maven goals and manages Maven dependencies. It is a different beast to the maven-eclipse-plugin which is a Maven plugin that attempts to manage/modify Eclipse project files to account for Maven dependencies. Generally, if you are using m2eclipse you don’t really need maven-eclipse-plugin. The former is providing advanced project import and configuration features and provides integration with other Eclipse tools.
As of maven-eclipse-plugin-2.3 its dependency management is incompatible with m2eclipse and is waiting for the patches to be applied. See MECLIPSE-78.
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