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lab1 partⅣ

程序员文章站 2022-07-12 17:03:24

partⅣ Tweet Tweet




private final long id;
private final String author;
private final String text;
private final Instant timestamp;



private final Instant start;
private final Instant end;



	 * Get the time period spanned by tweets.
	 * @param tweets
	 *            list of tweets with distinct ids, not modified by this method.
	 * @return a minimum-length time interval that contains the timestamp of every
	 *         tweet in the list.
	public static Timespan getTimespan(List<Tweet> tweets) {
		int n = tweets.size();
		Instant min = tweets.get(0).getTimestamp();
		Instant max = tweets.get(0).getTimestamp();
		for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
			Instant now = tweets.get(i).getTimestamp();
			if (now.isBefore(min))
				min = now;
			if (now.isAfter(max))
				max = now;
		Timespan timespan = new Timespan(min, max);
		return timespan;


	 * Get usernames mentioned in a list of tweets.
	 * @param tweets
	 *            list of tweets with distinct ids, not modified by this method.
	 * @return the set of usernames who are mentioned in the text of the tweets. A
	 *         username-mention is "@" followed by a Twitter username (as defined by
	 *         Tweet.getAuthor()'s spec). The username-mention cannot be immediately
	 *         preceded or followed by any character valid in a Twitter username.
	 *         For this reason, an email address like [email protected] does NOT
	 *         contain a mention of the username mit. Twitter usernames are
	 *         case-insensitive, and the returned set may include a username at most
	 *         once.
	public static Set<String> getMentionedUsers(List<Tweet> tweets) {
		Set<String> usernameInText = new HashSet<String>();
		int n = tweets.size();
		Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(^|[^A-Za-z0-9_-]+)@([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)");//满足条件的字符字串的正则表达式
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

			String text = tweets.get(i).getText();
			Matcher username_mention = pattern.matcher(text);
			while (username_mention.find()) {
				String now = new String(username_mention.group(2).toString().toLowerCase());//全用小写。
		return usernameInText;



SocialNetwork类不是很好写,这个类是要根据推文内容推测用户之间的关系,我采用了最简单的方法,即如果A的 推文中@了B,那么就认为A认识B。最终想要得到Map<String, Set<String>>的结构,即每个人映射一个他@过的所有人。用之前实现的函数writtenBy和getMentionedUsers可以很容易得到。

	public static Map<String, Set<String>> guessFollowsGraph(List<Tweet> tweets) {
		Map<String, Set<String>> followMap = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
		Set<String> author = new HashSet<String>();
		int n = tweets.size();
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			Tweet now = tweets.get(i);
		for (String str : author) {
			List<Tweet> fromStr = Filter.writtenBy(tweets, str);
			Set<String> usernameInText = Extract.getMentionedUsers(fromStr);
			followMap.put(str, usernameInText);
		return followMap;


然后是一个测试,要你根据给出的推特(很多),找出谁被最多的人@过(who have the greatest influence)。用Map<String, Integer>这样的映射记录每个人和他的influence值。得到这个映射之后就进行排序,我选择了插入排序,边生成边排序。

public static List<String> influencers(Map<String, Set<String>> followsGraph) {
		Map<String, Integer> influenceMap = new HashMap();
		List<String> influencers = new LinkedList();
		Set<String> authors = followsGraph.keySet();
		for (String author : authors) {
			for (String user : followsGraph.get(author)) {
				if (!influenceMap.containsKey(user))
					influenceMap.put(user, 1);
					influenceMap.put(user, influenceMap.get(user) + 1);
		Set<String> users = influenceMap.keySet();
		for (String user : users) {
			int i = 0;
			while (i < influencers.size() && influenceMap.get(user) < influenceMap.get(influencers.get(i))) {
			influencers.add(i, user);
		return influencers;