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程序员文章站 2022-07-12 11:46:40

BlockingQueue: 队列他决定了任务的调度方式,我们主要关注BlockingQueue的offer, poll,take三个方法

要两个地方配合使用(对于SynchronousQueue来说这个元素只是走了一个过场罢了一下子就取出来了                                       SynchronousQueue的长度一直是0)。
SynchronousQueue在什么地方用呢,比如Executors.newCachedThreadPool() 这一类线程池的队列就是用的    SynchronousQueue,
BlockingQueue 队列里面放得是FutureTask,


public interface RunnableFuture<V> extends Runnable, Future<V> {
    void run();

public interface Future<V> {
    boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning);//取消任务(不一定能取消成功,未执行的取消后将不再执行)
    boolean isCancelled();//任务是否被取消
    boolean isDone();//任务是否已完成
    V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException;
    V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException;

public class FutureTask<V> implements RunnableFuture<V> {
     * Possible state transitions:状态变化的几种情况
     * NEW -> COMPLETING -> NORMAL			//正常执行完成时状态变迁
     * NEW -> COMPLETING -> EXCEPTIONAL		//run方法抛出异常时的状态变迁
     * NEW -> CANCELLED						//cancel()成功时的状态变迁
     * NEW -> INTERRUPTING -> INTERRUPTED	//线程inturupt成功时的状态变迁
    private volatile int state;//记录任务状态,默认为NEW
    private static final int NEW          = 0;
    private static final int COMPLETING   = 1;
    private static final int NORMAL       = 2;
    private static final int EXCEPTIONAL  = 3;
    private static final int CANCELLED    = 4;
    private static final int INTERRUPTING = 5;
    private static final int INTERRUPTED  = 6;
    private Callable<V> callable;//真正执行的任务,执行完后会置空
    private Object outcome;//要返回的结果,或者要抛出的异常
    /** The thread running the callable; CASed during run() */
    private volatile Thread runner;//执行任务的线程
    private volatile WaitNode waiters;//等待执行的线程栈

	 * 返回执行完的任务的结果或者抛出的异常
     * @param s 任务状态
    private V report(int s) throws ExecutionException {
        Object x = outcome;
        if (s == NORMAL)//正常执行完毕,返回结果
            return (V)x;
        if (s >= CANCELLED)//任务取消或中断抛出取消异常
            throw new CancellationException();
        throw new ExecutionException((Throwable)x);

    public FutureTask(Callable<V> callable) {
        if (callable == null) throw new NullPointerException();
        this.callable = callable;//传入要执行的任务
        this.state = NEW; //任务默认状态NEW

     * @param runnable 要执行的任务
     * @param result 成功时返回的结果
    public FutureTask(Runnable runnable, V result) {
        this.callable = Executors.callable(runnable, result);//传入参数组装成Callable
        this.state = NEW; //任务默认状态NEW
    public boolean isCancelled() {
        return state >= CANCELLED;
    public boolean isDone() {
        return state != NEW;

    public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
        if (!(state == NEW && U.compareAndSwapInt(this, STATE, NEW, mayInterruptIfRunning ? INTERRUPTING : CANCELLED)))
            return false;
        try {    // in case call to interrupt throws exception
            if (mayInterruptIfRunning) {
                try {
                    Thread t = runner;
                    if (t != null)
                } finally {
                    U.putOrderedInt(this, STATE, INTERRUPTED);
        } finally {
        return true;

     * @throws CancellationException {@inheritDoc}
    public V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
        int s = state;
        if (s <= COMPLETING)
            s = awaitDone(false, 0L);
        return report(s);

     * @throws CancellationException {@inheritDoc}
    public V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
        throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
        if (unit == null) throw new NullPointerException();
        int s = state;
        if (s <= COMPLETING && (s = awaitDone(true, unit.toNanos(timeout))) <= COMPLETING)
            throw new TimeoutException();
        return report(s);

     * 该方法供子类实现,在任务执行完之后做一些操作,在任务执行完成或者取消后会回调
	 * 调用处参考:ExecutorCompletionService.QueueingFuture
    protected void done() { }
	 * 在run中执行,设置任务结果,除非任务已经设置或者被取消
    protected void set(V v) {
		/* 这里利用了Unsafe的多线程同步,CAS操作。
		 * compareAndSwap(CAS)方法是原子的,可以避免繁重的锁机制,提高代码效率。
		 * 这是一种乐观锁,通常认为在大部分情况下不出现竞态条件,如果操作失败,会不断重试直到成功。
		 * compareAndSwapInt(...)
		 * 第一个参数为需要改变的对象,
		 * 第二个为偏移量(即之前求出来的valueOffset的值),
		 * 第三个参数为期待的值,
		 * 第四个为更新后的值。
		 * 若调用该方法时,state字段的值与参数三的值相等,那么则将state修改为参数四的值,并返回一个true,
		 * 如果调用该方法时,state的值与参数三的值不相等,那么不做任何操作,并范围一个false。
        if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, STATE, NEW, COMPLETING)) {
            outcome = v;
            U.putOrderedInt(this, STATE, NORMAL);

	 * run方法执行中抛出异常时,回调该方法
     * Causes this future to report an {@link ExecutionException}
     * with the given throwable as its cause, unless this future has
     * already been set or has been cancelled.
     * <p>This method is invoked internally by the {@link #run} method
     * upon failure of the computation.
     * @param t the cause of failure
    protected void setException(Throwable t) {
        if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, STATE, NEW, COMPLETING)) {
            outcome = t;
            U.putOrderedInt(this, STATE, EXCEPTIONAL);

    public void run() {
		/* Unsafe.CAS
		 * 如果state不为NEW,或者runner非空,则return掉。
		 * 如果runner为null,则给runner指向当前线程
        if (state != NEW || !U.compareAndSwapObject(this, RUNNER, null, Thread.currentThread()))
        try {
            Callable<V> c = callable;
            if (c != null && state == NEW) {//state为NEW,且callable非空
                V result;
                boolean ran;
                try {
                    result = c.call();//执行返回执行结果
                    ran = true;
                } catch (Throwable ex) {
                    result = null;
                    ran = false;
                if (ran)//任务执行完之后,设置执行结果
        } finally {
            runner = null;//执行完之后置空
            int s = state;
            if (s >= INTERRUPTING)

     * Executes the computation without setting its result, and then
     * resets this future to initial state, failing to do so if the
     * computation encounters an exception or is cancelled.  This is
     * designed for use with tasks that intrinsically execute more
     * than once.
     * @return {@code true} if successfully run and reset
    protected boolean runAndReset() {
        if (state != NEW || !U.compareAndSwapObject(this, RUNNER, null, Thread.currentThread()))
            return false;
        boolean ran = false;
        int s = state;
        try {
            Callable<V> c = callable;
            if (c != null && s == NEW) {
                try {
                    c.call(); // don't set result
                    ran = true;
                } catch (Throwable ex) {
        } finally {
            // runner must be non-null until state is settled to
            // prevent concurrent calls to run()
            runner = null;
            // state must be re-read after nulling runner to prevent
            // leaked interrupts
            s = state;
            if (s >= INTERRUPTING)
        return ran && s == NEW;
	 * 确保由cancel(true)引起的interrupt,只在run()/runAndReset()传入任务
	 * 不理解该方法到底有何用
     * Ensures that any interrupt from a possible cancel(true) is only
     * delivered to a task while in run or runAndReset.
    private void handlePossibleCancellationInterrupt(int s) {
        if (s == INTERRUPTING) 
            while (state == INTERRUPTING)//INTERRUPTING状态时

	 * 单链表实现的栈,用来记录等待中的线程
    static final class WaitNode {
        volatile Thread thread;
        volatile WaitNode next;
        WaitNode() { thread = Thread.currentThread(); }
	 * 遍历清空WaitNode单链表中所有等待的线程,unpark(thread)释放线程许可,并把waiters、callable置空
    private void finishCompletion() {
        // assert state > COMPLETING;
        for (WaitNode q; (q = waiters) != null;) {//waiters非空,死循环
            if (U.compareAndSwapObject(this, WAITERS, q, null)) {//上面一行代码刚刚赋值,所以第一次循环肯定true,且给waiters赋值为null
                for (;;) {//开启死循环
                    Thread t = q.thread;//q引用的thread
                    if (t != null) {
                        q.thread = null;//取消引用
						/* 释放许可,如果给定线程的许可尚不可用,则使其可用
						 * 内部还是通过Unsafe.unpark()实现的
                    WaitNode next = q.next;
                    if (next == null)//下一个WaitNode为空,跳出死循环,此时q指向的WaitNode不知道是哪个了
                    q.next = null; // unlink to help gc
                    q = next;//q指向下一个WaitNode,开始下一次循环
        callable = null;

	 * 等待完成、或者因打断线程/超时 而中断,返回当前任务状态state
     * Awaits completion or aborts on interrupt or timeout.
     * @param timed true if use timed waits
     * @param nanos time to wait, if timed
     * @return state upon completion or at timeout
    private int awaitDone(boolean timed, long nanos) throws InterruptedException {
        // The code below is very delicate, to achieve these goals:
        // - call nanoTime exactly once for each call to park
        // - if nanos <= 0L, return promptly without allocation or nanoTime
        // - if nanos == Long.MIN_VALUE, don't underflow
        // - if nanos == Long.MAX_VALUE, and nanoTime is non-monotonic
        //   and we suffer a spurious wakeup, we will do no worse than
        //   to park-spin for a while
        long startTime = 0L;    // Special value 0L means not yet parked
        WaitNode q = null;
        boolean queued = false;
        for (;;) {
            int s = state;
            if (s > COMPLETING) {//表示已经有结果(成功、或者失败、取消)
                if (q != null)
                    q.thread = null;//取消对线程的引用
                return s;//返回任务状态
            }else if (s == COMPLETING)//在set/setException中会设置为COMPLETING,这两个方法又是在run/runAndReset中才会调用的
            else if (Thread.interrupted()) {//线程中断了,cancel(true)触发thread.interrupt()
                throw new InterruptedException();//抛出异常
            } else if (q == null) {
                if (timed && nanos <= 0L)//设置了超时,且超时时间为0,直接返回任务当前状态
                    return s;
                q = new WaitNode();//创建任务
            } else if (!queued) {
                queued = U.compareAndSwapObject(this, WAITERS, q.next = waiters, q);
            } else if (timed) {
                final long parkNanos;
                if (startTime == 0L) { // first time
                    startTime = System.nanoTime();
                    if (startTime == 0L)
                        startTime = 1L;
                    parkNanos = nanos;
                } else {
                    long elapsed = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
                    if (elapsed >= nanos) {//超时
                        return state;
                    parkNanos = nanos - elapsed;
                // nanoTime may be slow; recheck before parking
                if (state < COMPLETING)
                    LockSupport.parkNanos(this, parkNanos);//占用许可,阻塞线程parkNanos时间
            } else {

	 * 这循环除了给pred、q、s几个变量赋值,好像什么都没干,有毛用
     * Tries to unlink a timed-out or interrupted wait node to avoid
     * accumulating garbage.  Internal nodes are simply unspliced
     * without CAS since it is harmless if they are traversed anyway
     * by releasers.  To avoid effects of unsplicing from already
     * removed nodes, the list is retraversed in case of an apparent
     * race.  This is slow when there are a lot of nodes, but we don't
     * expect lists to be long enough to outweigh higher-overhead
     * schemes.
    private void removeWaiter(WaitNode node) {
        if (node != null) {
            node.thread = null;
            retry:for (;;) {//死循环
                for (WaitNode pred = null, q = waiters, s; q != null; q = s) {
                    s = q.next;
					/* q.thread为空,那么pred就为空,只能执行最后一个else if即q指向s(s是q.next)下一个WaitNode
					 * 直到q.thread非空,触发else if (pred != null){}代码块
					 * 如果q.thread一直非空,会一直循环到pred指向最后一个thread非空的WaitNode,触发else if (pred != null){}代码块
                    if (q.thread != null) {
                        pred = q;
                    } else if (pred != null) {
                        pred.next = s;//pred的next指向q的next
                        if (pred.thread == null) // check for race
                            continue retry;//跳出内层循环,继续外层循环(外层是死循环,也就是重跑一遍)
							/* 如果当前waiters=q,q指向s(s是q.next),
							 * 如果waiters!=q跳出内循环,继续外层循环*/
                    } else if (!U.compareAndSwapObject(this, WAITERS, q, s)) {
                        continue retry;//跳出内层循环,继续外层循环(外层是死循环,也就是重跑一遍)
    // Unsafe mechanics
    private static final sun.misc.Unsafe U = sun.misc.Unsafe.getUnsafe();
    private static final long STATE;
    private static final long RUNNER;
    private static final long WAITERS;
    static {
        try {
            STATE = U.objectFieldOffset
            RUNNER = U.objectFieldOffset
            WAITERS = U.objectFieldOffset
        } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
            throw new Error(e);
        // Reduce the risk of rare disastrous classloading in first call to
        // LockSupport.park: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8074773
        Class<?> ensureLoaded = LockSupport.class;









相关标签: ThreadPoolExecutor